The family decided to put together a tea party complete with real china tea cups and saucers, candles and cookies.
The girls dressed up in their pretty dresses and Daniel wore his button-down shirt.
Mamma made the cookies with fresh ground wheat-berries for flour, chocolate chips and walnuts. They are delicious! Better than store bought.
They made sure to include cream and sugar to make the tea taste extra yummy.
They also played "tea party music" that they found on Youtube. It really made it feel like a fancy tea party.
You can find almost anything on YT these days, even tea party music.
It was a very enjoyable evening for some tea. One small mistake - they brewed caffeinated tea, so all the children stayed up way too late from drinking black tea at night. Oh well, lesson learned.
Decaf tea parties in the evening.
Bless the Most High!
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