Cinnamon Roll Day + Día del Rollo de Canela [Eng+Spa]

in #hive-155221yesterday

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Spanish Version Bellow

Hello everyone. Usually, I focus my comments on my daily post on a food topic, and then I get the urge to eat the exact food I'm writing about. But today, the opposite happened, at least in terms of the order of events.

Before I get into the #food topic, let me tell you a little about how my day has gone. Overall, there's not much to say, it's been a quiet day, with a bit of rain, and a bit of a feeling of heaviness in the body. You could say it was a good day. Although the cats in the house were a bit crazy during the afternoon.

In addition to what I've said, today I felt like making some snacks at home. And it turned out that they were very coincidental, because they were Cinnamon Rolls. And now, on the night of this day, I found out that this October 4th we were celebrating 'Cinnamon Roll Day'.

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It is a celebration of Swedish origin, and that is something new for me. I love sweet things, and baked goods are on the list of things I like, and I don't have many dietary restrictions and I want to enjoy it as long as my body allows it.

Let's go back to the topic of Cinnamon Rolls. It is a sweet and spiced bread, which can also be called: Cinnamon bun, cinnamon swirl, Danish cinnamon, cinnamon snail. In addition, in different languages ​​there are also specific words for this #bread, such as: kanelbulle (Sweden), kanelsnegl (Denmark), korvapuusti (Finland), kaneelirull (Estonia), Zimtschnecke (Austria and Germany), kanilsnú uilur (Iceland), škoricové slimáky/skořicoví šneci (Slovakia and Czech Republic).

And if you think the Czechs have made things complicated with this name, which literally translates as Cinnamon Snails, I have to say that you will find our friends from Norway even more striking, because they have different ways of calling this bread: kanelbolle, skillbolle, kanelsnurr, or kanel and svingene.

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I have to say that although the introduction of #cinnamon as a spice came from ancient Roman traders, the recipe for what we know on this side of the world as #CinnamonRolls is relatively recent, dating back to the 1920s.

And, if it is because of the date of establishment of today's celebration, it turns out that it is even newer. It was proposed in 1999 by the Swedish Bakery and Pastry Association with the idea of ​​using this date for marketing, and also to promote a national product that would serve as a cultural binder to reaffirm identity.

If you are interested, the official website of the celebration is at:

I find it curious that the date was so successful in such a short time, as it became quite popular in various places. Although I have not yet read that it has become an International Day, with the express support of a world-renowned organization, I have found references to the celebration of this day on various websites originating in the northern western hemisphere.

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The preparation of this type of bread is relatively simple. And I was surprised that it was such a coincidence that I served a few of these rolls (with an addition of cheese) to eat today with my brother, even before knowing that it was the day of celebration of this dessert.

Anyway, it was a nice coincidence.

I think I've said everything I wanted to, so I say goodbye, hoping that you eat well, that you are well and that we can meet again another time.

Versión en Inglés arriba

Hola a todos. Usualmente, me pasa que enfoco los comentarios de mi publicación diaria en un tema de comida, y luego me dan ganas de comer justamente aquella comida de la que estoy escribiendo. Pero hoy ha pasado justamente lo contrario, al menos en cuanto al orden de los eventos.

Antes de entrar en ese tema de la #comida, deja que comente un poquito de cómo ha ido mi día. En general, no hay mucho para contar, ha sido un día tranquilo, con un poco de lluvias, y algo de sensación de pesadez en el cuerpo. Se puede decir que fue un buen día. Aunque los gatos de la casa estuvieron un poco locos durante la tarde.

Además de lo dicho, hoy se me antojó preparar unos bocadillos en casa. Y resultó que fueron muy coincidentes, porque se trataba de Rollos de Canela. Y ahora, en la noche de este día, me entero de que este 4 de octubre estábamos celebrando el ‘Día del Rollo de Canela’.

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Es una celebración de origen sueco, y eso es algo nuevo para mí. Me encantan las cosas #dulces, y los productos de bollería están en la lista de cosas que me gustan, además de que no tengo muchas restricciones alimenticias y quiero disfrutar de ello mientras el cuerpo lo permita.

Regresemos al tema de los Rollos de Canela. Es un #pan dulce y con especias, que puede también ser llamado: Bollo de canela, remolino de canela, canela danesa, caracol de canela. Además, en distintos idiomas tiene también palabras específicas para este pan, tales como: kanelbulle (Suecia), kanelsnegl (Dinamarca), korvapuusti (Finlandia), kaneelirull (Estonia), Zimtschnecke (Austria y Alemania), kanilsnú uilur (Islandia), škoricové slimáky/skořicoví šneci (Eslovaquia y República Checa).

Y si te parece que los checos se complicaron con este nombre, que se traduce literalmente como Caracoles de Canela, tengo que decir que los amigos de Noruega te van a parecer aún más llamativos, porque tienen ellos solos distintas formas de llamar este pan: kanelbolle, habilidadbolle, kanelsnurr, o kanel y svingene.

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Tengo que comentar, que si bien la introducción de la #canela, como especia, llegó de la mano de comerciantes Romanos antiguos, la receta de lo que en este lado del mundo conocemos como Rollos de Canela es relativamente reciente, pues se ubica en la década de 1920.

Y, si es por la fecha de establecimiento de la celebración de hoy, resulta que es incluso más nueva. Se propuso a partir de 1999, de la mano de la Asociación Sueca de Panadería y Pastelería, con la idea de usar esta fecha para mercadeo, y también para promover un producto nacional que sirviera de aglutinante cultural para reafirmar la identidad.

Si te interesa, el sitio web oficial de la celebración está en:

Yo encuentro curioso que la fecha tuviera tanto éxito en tan corto tiempo, pues se volvió bastante popular en varias partes. Aunque aún no he leído que se convierta en un Día Internacional, con el apoyo expreso de una organización de renombre mundial, sí me he encontrado referencias a la celebración de este día en varios sitios web originarios del hemisferio norte occidental.

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La preparación de este tipo de pan es relativamente simple, y me sorprendí de que fuera tanta casualidad que yo sirviera unos cuantos de estos rollos (con un agregado de queso) para comerlos hoy con mi hermano, incluso antes de saber que era el día de celebración de este postre.

En fin, fue una agradable coincidencia.

Ya creo que he dicho todo lo que quería, así que me despido, deseándote que comas bien, que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.


This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.

Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


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🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Alcohol abuse/misuse and pancreatic disease

The pancreas is a major source of enzymes that aid in food digestion. It also produces important hormones, such as insulin. Insulin deficiency leads to diabetes (DM).

Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of acute and chronic pancreatitis. In acute cases, a person experiences sudden, severe upper abdominal pain. However, in the case of a thin, malnourished individual who abuses alcohol, if recurrent upper abdominal pain worsens after eating, it is likely chronic pancreatitis. Approximately 30% of chronic pancreatitis patients develop DM.

I want to share something I've been excited about lately. It's called LiveGood, and it's all about helping people improve their health, save on daily products, and even create an additional income stream if they're interested.

If you're curious, here is a quick short video that explains it. The best part is that they accept Crypto as a payment option!


Thanks for the support.

As for information, I'm not a big drinker, but I do tend to be a 'social drinker', so knowing a little more about the harms of alcohol abuse is something that draws my attention.

I appreciate that too.


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