Joe Perry's Birthday + Cumpleaños de Joe Perry [Eng+Spa]

in #hive-15522123 days ago

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Spanish Version Bellow

Hello world. Here I am, making the post of the day. With some minor service suspension problems, computer failures at home, and other things that were not very pleasant today. But, I prefer not to share much about these unpleasant topics. I like to share more things that can be entertaining and that also serve to raise my own mood.

In this sense, I reviewed the anniversaries of the day, and I found that it was the birthday of a #rock guitarist that caught my attention. On a day like today, in 1950, Anthony Joseph Pereira was born, known by the stage name: Joe Perry.

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Perry is an American #musician recognized as a founding member, guitarist, backup and occasional vocalist of the rock band Aerosmith. In addition to also having his own band (the Joe Perry Project), he has also shared the stage with great figures such as Alice Cooper and Johnny Depp (in the band Hollywood Vampires).

It has also been a part of the soundtrack of many films, and it is in this area that it brings back memories for me.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

I have to admit that I am not very good at remembering music and other details. Due to a certain circumstance, my mind seems to have trouble recording music, which I enjoy a lot, but I can't repeat it or even hum it.

I guess it's a bit of an annoying way of being 'music deaf', but taken to another level.

The song I wanted to bring up was "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing", which was part of the soundtrack of the film Armageddon (1998). By the way, in that film, Liv, the daughter of Aerosmith vocalist Steven Tyler, participated as the main female character. In the part of the video of the film, where she was talking to her father, to say goodbye, is the part that left the most lasting impression on me.

Aerosmith: I don't wanna miss a thing -Armageddon #soundtrack
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

The song is romantic, but it talks about a love that is not limited to the topic of being a couple, it also encompasses the #love of a father for his daughter. The desire to be able to be there for the person you love, the longing to be able to share smiles and sorrows, simply grow together and share life. A wish that could not be fulfilled, because in the film, the father was on a truly suicidal mission. But he had to succeed, in order to give a hope of life to his daughter, and to the rest of the planet.

The film may have many valid criticisms, but I loved the emotional part, perhaps it simply happened that a part of my mind and my feelings resonated with the scene. Anyway, it is time for me to publish, so I say goodbye, wishing that you love and be loved by your family, that you have music in your life, and that we can read each other again another time.

Versión en Inglés arriba

Hola mundo. Acá estoy, haciendo el post de registro del día. Con algunos problemas menores de suspensión de servicios, fallas en computadoras en casa, y otras cosas que no fueron muy agradables hoy. Pero, prefiero no compartir mucho sobre estos temas desagradables. Me gusta más compartir cosas que puedan ser entretenidas y que me sirvan también para subir mi propio estado de ánimo.

En este sentido, revisé las efemérides del día, y me encontré con que era el cumpleaños de un guitarrista de #rock que me llamó la atención. Un día como hoy, en 1950, nació Anthony Joseph Pereira, conocido con el nombre artístico de: Joe Perry.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Perry es un músico estadounidense reconocido como miembro fundador, guitarrista, respaldo y vocalista ocasional de la banda de rock Aerosmith. Además de tener también su propia banda (the Joe Perry Project), y ha compartido escenario también con grandes figuras como Alice Cooper y Johnny Depp (en la banda Hollywood Vampires).

También ha sido partícipe en la banda sonora de muchas películas, y es en esta área que me trae recuerdos.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Yo tengo que admitir que no soy muy bueno para recordar música y otros detalles. Debido a cierta circunstancia, mi mente parece tener problemas para grabar la música, la disfruto mucho, peor no logro repetirla o incluso tararearla.

Supongo que es una forma un poco molesta de ser ‘sordo para la música’, pero llevada a otro nivel.

La canción que quería traer a colación era “I Don't Want to Miss a Thing”, que fue parte de la banda sonora de la película Armageddon (1998). Por cierto, en esa película participaba como figura femenina principal Liv, la hija del vocalista de #Aerosmith Steven Tyler. En la parte del vídeo de la película, en que ella estaba hablando con su padre, para despedirse, es la parte que me dejó la impresión más duradera.

Aerosmith: I don't wanna miss a thing -Armageddon #soundtrack
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

La canción es romántica, pero habla de un amor que no se limita al tema de ser pareja, abarca también el #amor de un padre por su hija. El deseo de poder estar allí para la persona que amas, el anhelo de poder compartir sonrisas y tristezas, simplemente crecer juntos y compartir la vida. Un deseo que no se podía cumplir, pues en la película, el padre estaba en una misión verdaderamente suicida. Pero tenía que tener éxito, para poder darle una esperanza de vida a su hija, y al resto del planeta.

La película puede tener muchas críticas válidas, pero me encantó la parte emotiva, quizás simplemente pasó que una parte de mi mente y mis sentimientos resonaron con la escena. Como sea, ya es momento de que publique, así que me despido, deseando que ames y seas amado por tu familia, que tengas música en tu vida, y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.


This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.

Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


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@pedrobrito2004! @dmhafiz Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @dmhafiz.

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!GIF Joe Perry Aerosmith


Thank you for posting in the We Are Alive Tribe. Your post has been upvoted [From the perspective of Alive Power]. Continue posting in this community 🙂!

🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Sustaining muscle strength and protein intake

Maintaining muscle strength and protein intake is crucial to prevent muscle loss due to aging. Regular muscle strength training and consuming at least 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day can help support muscle building. Protein sources include both plant-based and meat-based options such as beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish, dairy products, and soy products.

It's best to distribute protein intake across multiple meals throughout the day rather than consuming it in a single meal. Be cautious when considering dietary supplementary protein products. More information is in this [Harvard Health article]( link)



@dmhafiz! @pedrobrito2004 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (1/1)

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