Proving water has consciousness (by asking questions & freezing small amounts in the bottom of a glass)

in #hive-1552219 months ago


The experiments of Masaru Emoto have been criticised over the years for being "too selective" about which ice crystal images he chose to represent the various labels attached to his water so I had imagined for a long time that it must be very hard as a researcher in this field to get any kind of meaningful results which not only confirm our hypothesis (water is conscious) but also effectively convey to the doubting masses the validity of our work.

So i was therefore very excited this week to be introduced to the work of Veda Austin, a lady who amongst other things likes to place a shallow petri dish of spring water over a photo for a few seconds before freezing it and looking for similarities in the ice.

Here you can see a montage of her work displaying the photo and the ice results next to it.

These are quite incredible I think you will agree and finally we have a process anyone can do at home to match the work of Emoto!

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 06.45.17.png

Observe how the ice image is not a direct copy of the original but more like an artist's interpretation or perhaps even like an AI art prompt.

If they were direct copies we could make the argument that water has memory, but due to the personal embellishments, we can go further, making the claim that water has consciousness. A personality even. Because you can be in no doubt, the water will only 'do tricks' for you in this manner if you treat it with respect.

Over on Austin's Facebook page she posted this image yesterday with the explanation that a friend in India was asked to project any thought she liked into her water (in New Zealand). Once it was frozen her friend confirmed that she had been thinking about standing on a rock in the river Ganges, with just her head above the water.

So water can even work with us remotely and the mind boggles at the possibilities here!

A useful introductory film from Austin:

Austin's experiments reminded me of a photo I took last month of the ice pattern on a water container in my garden. I remember thinking at the time this pattern was quite unusual and even measured some of the angles to see if they matched those of a pyramid.

They did not quite match any angles I am aware of so I stopped thinking about it and moved on, but now I realise this was the water's impression of the location in which it sits, right next to my wooden pyramid.

Excited to put Austin's technique to the test I downloaded her PDF and had a look through her instructions.
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 06.48.00.png

I don't have a glass petri dish and I don't have spring water, but I do have a glass with a clear flat base and I do have structured & energised water, described in my last post.

A crucial part of this she says is to not expect the water to produce images on demand for you.

demanding water to do what you want works about as well as demanding someone to love you

With this in mind I started out with a more abstract interaction. No demands, just an introduction to the inner workings of my mind.

The Stone House

I have in recent weeks been fixing up our stone house in the forest and it has been noted how good I feel there.

Once inside this house it is incredibly difficult to leave, like the forest somehow holds its arms around me, insisting always that I stay a while longer. So I stay until it is too dark and then stumble blindly through the forest trying to find my way home until the lights of the village can be seen again.

And so, all I really wanted for my first experience communicating with water in this way was to share my feeling of joy and excitement for this special place in the forest.

Austin recommends placing just a very thin layer of water at the bottom of your glass dish, as described here.
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 07.14.13.png

I am using this glass in place of a petri dish.

In case you've not seen it, here is an old image of the stone house, set into the side of a mountain, made with mud and stones.
title image.jpg

When clasping the cup of water in my hands what I imagined was the structure of the house itself, viewed from the outside. I also imagined the bottle windows which I have a lot of love for.

My freezer isn't as cold as Austin's so I left the glass in for a total of 15mins and checked to see how it looked.

At first I couldn't make much out, but the multitude of little circles could perhaps be a representation of the bottle windows?

When the circles started to melt away what was left reminded me of the stone house roof and a tree behind it.

Sure, it's open to interpretation, but like I said, this one was more as a way to say hello.

Esteban & Leeks in the garden

I have this photo of Esteban, impersonating an animal with antlers.

So I put it on a screen and placed the glass with water like this.

Looked interesting from the top!

My question to the water was to please recreate this picture in its own way.

15mins later I had my response, a surprising image which does not include Esteban's face but does seem to have two areas of curved lines representing the leeks and a large leaf in the middle.

Perhaps Esteban is represented as the leaf? Reminds me of something @drrune said about him needing to connect more with trees.

The way in which we take the photo is obviously down to personal preference but this too becomes part of the final image, so worth trying out a bunch of different backgrounds to see what works best.
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 20.01.24.png

Austin recommends putting it against blue sky, but this doesn't always highlight the details in a preferable way.

One thing is for sure, you only have around 1-2mins before the ice is melted and the moment is over.

Super U chocolate cereal

The children really love this chocolate cereal so I put the water on the blue U of this packet (company branding) to see what would happen.

The result is simply wonderful. I can see the U and also a small heart lodged into its side.

The water can feel the children's love for the chocolate in this cereal!

Esteban & Babycat

Babycat (the first baby cat to be born in this house) comes to sleep with Esteban sometimes and their relationship is strong.

There is a resemblance between the two images with the shapes and perhaps that's Esteban's leaf again on the sides, but overall this one seems harder to connect.

Sabrina kissing her dad

We have this old photo on the fridge showing Sabrina kissing her dad when she was little.

Like the others I put it here for 30 seconds before going to the freezer.

At first I didn't see anything at all in this one.

But then I spotted this small section in which the face is unmistakeable and one can perhaps make the argument it is a man with long hair holding a baby.

There is an African style to the man which is interesting to note as not only did Sabrina's dad have long hair in his youth, but he also spent many years working in Africa.

Ashwaganda pot with tartan lid

Ashwaganda is a powerful root drunk in tea.

Represented here I think as the hundreds of energetic bubbles, reminiscent of my work capturing Orgone energy in ice. While the cross-hatched lid can be seen a little bit in the straight lines.

Clothes peg

Objects can also be placed on top like this.

Harder to see this one but still there I think, evident in those thin triangular angles

Snow quartz & tourmaline obelisk

This powerful crystal has a flat bottom so I put it directly in the water.

The result is jaw-dropping for me. The top point of the crystal seen clearly along with a single snow flake in the middle, representing the snow quartz.

Viewed here without the sun behind it.

Final thoughts

I have been playing havoc with our freezer opening and closing it every 15mins for the last few days so I better stop now, but wow this has been fun!

My mind was so far blown when i went to bed last night i couldn't sleep thinking about possibilities.

What does it all mean?

Well, for one thing it means we can talk to our water.

And if we are mostly made of water then we can effectively talk to every cell in our body, asking respectfully for them to be the best versions of themselves.

Another thought which crossed my mind is that I no longer need my Midjourney account!

I mean seriously, I will try putting prompts under it next time and make a comparison with the art AI equivalent. Or perhaps, when I am next in need of an image for one of these posts, I will simply try thinking of it with the water in my hands and see what happens when I freeze it. Something tells me it will almost always be perfectly stunning and highly suitable image for a hive post.

Could do with a photographer's light box and a second (stronger) light source for best lighting effect but overall am very impressed by the simplicity of this technique and feel convinced now without a doubt that water has consciousness.

And it is very happy when we acknowledge it in this way!

Please have a go at this yourself and let me know how you get on.

I can think of no better game to play with your family and friends this Christmas.

Love & Light everyone 💧

Image made with the prompt: "teepee in a forest at sunset"


I've heard of this stuff before and I'm not a believer in it. But I also haven't seen someone try it themselves like this before now, so thank you for sharing your results.

To be clear, was the last image your photo or an AI generation?

I struggle to understand how one cannot be a believer upon reviewing Austin's work? Are you suggesting she is faking these images in photoshop? Or perhaps working in reverse, finding art which resembles what she can see in the ice? This would be very underhand behaviour if true and doesn't seem to fit the energy of this lady.

My own images are less conclusive I will admit, though I think spring water and a glass petri dish would have helped a lot. This and some practice. As with anything, we get better with time. The images I have presented here were all created on the first day when I was still very excited.

That final image is the bottom of a frozen glass, just like all the others. No idea what prompts I would use to re-create something like that in midjourney! Most of the tests I did on the second day were with my mind alone, just thinking of something while holding the water. And this image was one of them. Though I realised quickly this would not be a good way to persuade people like yourself I am being honest.

And just to be clear, they don't all work. Or at least, I cannot see the connection between my image and the ice. Simple things seem most effective and a calm environment for the water to 'see' clearly what it is being shown.

Personally I believe it's more likely that people that post media are being selective as you mentioned at the beginning. But some of Austin's photo side by sides are interesting. And the reason why I asked if your last one was AI generated or not is because it was a pretty good teepee. Despite being very skeptical I might give the experiment a try myself.

Not too sure about the selective argument when we are looking directly at the small area of a petri dish in which there isn't too much there to be selective about. A microscope on the other hand would provide a much larger area and in this case selectivity could be an argument.

I would be interested to find out if your own experiments yield anything interesting.

Have a great Christmas!

Very cool experiments! I’ve been fascinated with this water work since I heard about it years ago. I couldn’t help wondering if the glass with the thicker bottom was causing the different interpretations…

Awesome you've already familiar with water work. I must admit this is quite new to me.

I think the glass we use is quite important and mine is unquestionably not perfect for this with its thick and slightly curved base. Petri dish best but happy at least to see some kind of measurable results on my first test. Let's see where we go from here...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Fascinating stuff !!! Here's a synchronicity for you; I've been off ill for the last few days with some lurgy (stress) and watching documentaries about water crystals. I then decided to jump back on here after a long break, and here you are writing this. I should get back into it, hey. Happy Solstice 💯🐒

I always feel as if synchronicities are here to alert us when something is important, so yes I definitely recommend getting back into it. Water is at the base of most things here in this physical playground and I think if we can develop a good relationship with it, we are somehow reaching out into all things which contain water. If you have somewhere where you can be with natural water (a river or stream somewhere which isn't too polluted) this seems a good place to forge a bond which lasts for a lifetime.

All the best on your recovery and have a great Christmas & new year!

Indeed, it is well said. Sadly most rivers in the UK are dead now! My local Ribble is nearly there I used to swim in it, but it is disgusting now.

Have a wonderful break and 2024 🙏🏽

Hey there!

Wow, that was interesting wasn't it.

Particularly as I am familiar with Aplicum devices already and have been running one of their frequency amplifiers in our home for the last week. There is pretty much nothing on that website I wouldn't like to own ;)

Needless to say am very interested now to buy one of these fan adapted pieces! Will try and be patient for the mentioned one to come back into stock. Bigger it would seem in this case is better...

Am extremely grateful for this Christmas gift from you!

Really, there is nothing I love more than discovering inexpensive frequency devices and this one looks simply fantastic with its co-created adaption and amusing testimonial that it stopped the neighbours from arguing! I had a little fantasy in that moment about running one of these at the heart of our polarised rich/poor village, to see if I can bring the 300 people here back into harmony with each other. And with nature!

All the best to you my friend,

have a wonderful full moon tomorrow! 🌟

Fascinating, I've never heard of anything like this :) @dreemsteem you might want to have a look - sort of fits with a certain dreem series I think ♥️

Am really pleased this resonates with you. It has been most interesting to observe how people are either really excited by this or completely skeptical. Belief is a crucial factor and closely tied to the results...

Have fun!

Have you ever checked out quantum mechanics? If a particle can tell when someone is watching, I don't see any reason why water can't sense things too?


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What do you call a marine mammal that should do something?
An oughtter.

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Fantastic! I agree, water for sure has conciousness. Many thanks for sharing your research and findings. I wonder if the cat photo is representative of the whiskers. Just a thought! All the best Sam!

Now you mention it I do see some whiskers in there!

All the best to you buddy.

Have an awesome Christmas 🎄

Have a great Christmas too Sam! Wish you a great 2024!

Sam, this is crazy. Guess what? I came across Veda Austin a week ago by listening to an interview with her on Open Minds with Regina Meredith (Gaia). Never heard of her before. The title of the interview is "Communicating with Water"; very recent interview, released only a couple of weeks ago. And now I see you post about her technique. Life is indeed full of miracles.

Let aside your electricity bill 😉 the images are really cool. So many experiments one can think of. Indeed, we're made of water and therefore what we think, feel and say to ourselves matters a lot. The movie "What the Bleep do we know" comes to mind, but I guess you've watched it.

Life is indeed full of miracles

You got that right!

I owe this discovery to my awesome 'team' who very kindly send me stuff when they think it will interest me.

This one excited me very much and there was no way I wasn't going to get some results immediately ;)

Though I do think the effect will be clearer with spring water and a petri dish.

What the Bleep do we know was one of the first films which really got me thinking about this stuff. A total game changer for me. Thanks for bringing it up. Had all but forgotten it seems so long ago now.

All the best to you as we enter into this Christmas period 🙏

Hi Sam, I wish you and your lovely family a Very Merry Christmas 🎄 Enjoy the festive season.

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