Tulpas are fascinating creatures made or constructed from the power of thought alone. It is like having an imaginary friend but with a certain kind of awareness of it's own forced and bought into existence by it's owner the host.
In psychology these phantasmic friends can be used by enthusiasts to cope up with a variety of mental and health issues.
This practice dates back to ancient Buddhist traditions, but have been revived by the internet in a new way a new kind of psychological phenomenon akin to ASMR. In short a tulpa is a self created construct, a hallucinated friend an imaginary companion with it's own thoughts,feelings and conciousness cohabitation in the creator's mental space.
They remind us of the immense possibilities within the human psyche,often blurring it sometimes.These tools help us navigate our own inner self in radical new ways helping us evolve to become better human beings.
Good Day
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