Once Astray and Back through the Forest

in #hive-1555302 years ago


This walk was a few years ago and was an interesting experience. My car had to go to the repair shop, the distance by car on the country road about 6 minutes. Unfortunately, no one had time to pick me up there, so I looked at the route in google maps and found that you could walk home from the repair shop across the fields and the forest. According to Google on foot 47 minutes, a snap! So I packed up the dog, dropped off the car at the workshop and we went for the short walk.
I had my cell phone as a navigator, what could go wrong?

Sorry for the partially blurred photos, but I wanted to document most of the way here:



Leaving civilization and diving into the forest




Everything went great until we reached this field.


You see this tree behind my dog in the middle of the photo?
Yes? This would have been the right way, and coming back to this place one hour later, I realized this.
But first somehow I took the way a little bit right from that tree...


The wrong way was beautiful. real high trees and than a very nice (and long) way. The direction wasnt so wrong, thats why I didnt worry because the phones GPS signal fell out, I was so sure, and we walked and walked.....


Somewhere I finally realized, it had no sense to walk in an unknown direction, without a card or plan and so we turned around back to the field.......


... to finally find the right overgrown way in the brushwood of this tree.

And SURPRISE! This way didnt lead into the high woods ;-)





First signs of civilization...





And yea!!! After 2 hours and 15 minutes we finally reached our home ;-) Remember, google was talking about 47 minutes....


Einmal Wald Irrweg und Retour

Dieser Spaziergang ist schon ein paar Jahre her und war eine interessante Erfahrung. Mein Auto musste in die Werkstatt, mit dem Auto auf der Landstrasse eine Strecke von ca 6 Minuten. Leider hatte niemand Zeit mich dort abzuholen, also habe ich mir die Strecke in Google angesehen und festgestellt, dass man von der Werkstatt quer feldein durch den Wald bis nach Hause laufen konnte. Laut Google zu Fuß 47 Minuten, ein Klacks! Also habe ich den Hund eingepackt, das Auto in der Werkstatt abgegeben und mich auf den Weg gemacht.
Ich hatte ja mein Handy als Navi dabei, was sollte schon schief gehen?

Sorry für die teilweisen unscharfen Fotos, aber ich wollte doch gerne den gesamten hier Weg dokumentieren.

Am Ende dauerte die Reise 2 Stunden und 15 Minuten. Aber es ist auch eine schöne Erinnerung an ein kleines Abenteuer, das ich mit meiner Hündin erleben durfte.


Although the trip took much longer als expected, it is also a very nice reminder of a little adventure that I was allowed to experience with my dog.

Oh, and half an hour after we went back home, the car was ready! LOL, but this had time to wait until in the evening somewone could bring me there to pick it up.

As always I hope you enjoyed my little journey for the #wednesdaywalk challenge by @tattoodjay :-) Yours, B.

all photos by @beeber (2017)
mostly translated with www.deepl.ocm free version


Well constructed indeed, thanks for sharing

I see the fungi were out on this walk. Stuck to a tree as usual, that's where I see them too. Thanks for the trip 🙂

They like climbing on trees so they see the buffalobisons approaching !LUV

I think despite the additional time, the little detour was well worth it.

Thats true and isnt it that most great things in life arise when leave the way?
Uuhhh... I forgot to look for your guessing post this month!

Oh, das ist dann ja ein langer Spaziergang geworden.

!PGM und !LUV und !LOL

Das ist wohl war aber schön wars !LUV

It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

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Wait.... Freaking hold those horses!!!!

That fifth image!(the Field) 😳... I dreamt of that place! I've always wanted to be there 😩... It's really beautiful
Are those shoes on that tree? 👀

Have you encouraged your partner? ❤️... Did we drink enough water too?

Oh really? who knows what this dream will tell you.
There are a lot of such beautiful places in upper Bavaria. This one is roundabout 15 km south from Munich.

Those are tree funghi :-) they try to reach the stars and I hope yo did you today ;-)

Yes... Hopefully... 😁😊

Hah - what an adventure walk - you got some nice pics along the way.

Das stimmt wohl :-) heute mit dem Wissen um Hive hätte ich allerdings noch viel mehr Photos und vor allem keine unscharfen gemacht :-) !LUV

Sometimes just walking through the woods is very important, I would have definitely been panicking though.

Wow wunderschön. Schön beruhigend

What did the full glass say to the empty glass?
You look drunk!

Credit: hollowknightgod
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What a nice walk home, luckily you have the dog with you. Getting lost is part of the adventure and you get to see more of nature along the way.

Youre absolutely right :-) no wrong way in life just what we make out of it
Thanks for stopping by !LUV

Sometimes the most unexpected adventures are the ones that we remember the most! I have a similar story that a 45 minute hike turned into a 3h30m 🤣 But I loved it, saw some nice views and contacted with nature ^^

Awesome pictures by the way 😊 Came here through DreemPort ^^

This would have been the right way, and coming back to this place one hour later, I realized this.

🤣🤣🤣 Oh no! Well at least your dog would have had fun with the longer walk:) You didn't walk back and get car!

Hello nightowl Beeber, just checking that you had a wonderful Wednesday and got your gold star, I did but it was later than normal, have a terrific thursday and don't forget your water and your quiet time :) Ed

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We have done the same thing here in South Africa where you are on a footpath of a hiking trail and then there is more than one option and your option just runs cold into the wilderness with nowhere a thoroughfare, then we need to first turn back again before continuing onwards. Haha

Well this walk may have taken a lot longer than you originally planned but you got to see some beautiful scenery along the way

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

I never regreted the longer way because it was so beautiful :-) thanks for stopping by

My pleasure to visit your post