Wednesdaywalk - Used to be under water, but now it's wildflowers!

in #hive-1555302 years ago

You've probably all heard parts of this before - but here for Wednesdaywalk, I'm gonna say it again!

I live in the mountains, far away from civilization. So, if you are a city slicker, you might go a little stir crazy in the quiet. The cell reception is poor, you might lose electricity in a snowstorm, it takes 90 minutes to drive to the supermarket, and it currently costs $90 to fill up our car's gas tank.

So why do I live here?
Simply because I cannot imagine any other type of environment more beautiful, more serene, more pollution-free, and more conducive to peace.

If you come to visit me, I'm taking you here. That's just the way it is. And don't you worry - the scenery changes all the time! So just because you see these pictures here - don't think you'll know what you see when you visit!

In March - the wildflowers are out, the snow is melting (and filling the rivers and streams), and the mountains are a beautiful shade of green! In September, you will most likely see a completely different landscape. In January - it changes again! The mountains are constantly in a state of flux, so just come prepared to breathe clean fresh air, and leave the rest to Mother Nature! hehehe

This particular Wednesday walk post is in Lake Kaweah region. It's our local dam that can be filled with water and wildlife - or look like a rocky, barren canyon. But whatever is there is always interesting and beautiful in its own right!

This is the site when we are first walking in. You can seen the snow-covered peaks in the background, while you're standing in the valley. I absolutely LOVE this view, and love it even more when it's winter time and there is MORE snow on those peaks! Can you see those little patches of yellow flowers? You have to look close because we're a bit far away - but don't worry... I'm about to bring you closer to what they look like right in front of you!

Aren't they just beautiful? They are absolutely EVERYWHERE right now. Higher up the mountain you can see our state flower - the California golden poppy. Don't get those confused with the ones @shadowspub loves - those pretty red ones that she wears in honor of the veterans. Those are striking too! But these are a very beautiful mix of yellow that melts into a golden orange center. I'll be sure to find some shots of those soon! But for now - lets look a bit more at the Kaweah view!

This will be the trail that we will take to go further into the area. I just love the way this looks! Doesn't it look like you're about to walk into a fairy tale. Don't you just wonder what is over that little hill there? Well... come on, I'll show you!

Cool, right? @samsmith1971 really loved this tree line here. She thought it seemed almost like a smoky illusion! hehehe See how the trees are all wispy and almost dream-like? The REALLY cool thing to notice is - when the dam is full? We can only see the TOPS of these trees! All of this land here that is filled in with tall grass and flowers - TOTALLY covered with water.

But ... take a look at this! When the wind blew - you could see the grass mimicking the water that will eventually be flowing over it again. Take a look at the grass in the back - doesn't it look like waves??? 😊

Next - You can just take a look at the beauty. My beautiful children - @bbqgriffinwings playing his guitar, reclined in a tree. My silliest girl ever @quirky.countess (sorry the quality is so poor - she did a SLEW of poses that were HYSTERICAL - but she was far across the way, perched on a rock! hehe) then... the rushing river, followed by purple flowers, purple flowers and a purple tree! I LOVE purple in nature!!! hehehe





and then we will finish off with that same picture from above that we started with... but I love when you can get the things in the foreground in focus - with the blurry focus in the background. heheheh something about that makes it looks so soft and magical!

Hope you enjoyed this trip with me on Wednesdaywalk!!!


#Wednesdaywalk community is an awesome community by @tattoodjay where he invites us each week to come share our world with him and others! He is also joined by @elizacheng and her Make Me Smile initiative! If you haven't shared a post here with everyone, set aside next Wednesday to try it!! You'll love it!!


I need to go there! Twice! haha once when it's full and once when it's like this LOL
I hope one day whatever is preventing me from taking the next plane and going to California will be insignificant and it will be as simple as that

that's exactly right! you need to come at LEAST twice! hahaha at least! LOL

I do hope that there will be nothing that interrupts travel plans again like you-know-what hahahaha

i'm so looking forward to things just very soon going back to normal LOL

then.. you come!

The place is amazing 😍

it really truly is! I love it - and I love to share it!! :)

Wow! This is just awesome! No city can ever offer you what you can get from living in an area such as this! You are so blessed to be living there!

Yes, there might be slight inconveniences (and being far away from the shops is the least of, but the privilege of living there and what you get in terms of peace and tranquility, clean fresh air...and much more, totally outweighs the "inconveniences"...(Just my opinion...)

Thank you for sharing this with us!!

hehehe your opinion matches my opinion completely!!!

there is just something so special about being in nature away from crowds and noise and traffic and crime.

It always reminds me of what Eden must have been like. pure tranquility! hehehe

can the day even come fast enough until we are back in a paradise like that Jaco??? eternity.. no war, no separation, no misunderstandings, no greed...

just joy and peace and love - unity - harmony - nature.

oh my gosh i long for it too much! hehehe i have a feeling you do too! LOL

Oh...I don't have enough words to tell you how much I am looking forward to that!!!

Every time when Elmarie and I see some serious clouds forming...we go "maybe today is the day..."


@dreemsteem! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jacoalberts. (1/10)

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you and me both, brotha! hahaha

we have the SAME feeling!!!!!!!

You can say that again a thousand times!!!

Hm.. this post follows me today ... pypt .... @dreemport.... it seems to be everywhere but its always again a real pleasure to look at these pictures it must be rally amazing to be there 🧡

hahahaha it's haunting you! telling you to commmmmmme visiiiiiiit dreeeeeeeemie hahahahahahahaa

it truly is quite a gift to be here. I hope I never take it for granted!!!

Hiya, @LivingUKTaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Daily Travel Digest #1516.

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yes - i saw and I was so thrilled! I didn't even know that you had a contest - hehehe thanks so much!!!

Amazing my friend thank you for taking us on this journey with you.
Really appreciated it, awesome pictures😎
Have a wonderful weekend
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png

@dreemsteem! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @heartbeatonhive. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

thank you so very much!!! i really appreciate that you're sharing my home with more people to enjoy!

That is gorgeous, but an hour and a half so three hour trip for groceries, do people deliver to you?

hahahaha no no - no deliveries... we enjoy the drive LOLOL

haha just as well you don't live here with our energy related prices 🤣🤣🤣

I love what you describe, I love nature, the tranquility it gives me, I live in a quiet fishing village, I know what it feels like, it is beautiful what you show, greetings from Margarita.

ahhhh a quiet fishing village - that sounds so lovely and peaceful! I'll have to come see pics of your home! hehehe please feel free to drop a link here in the comments if you already have a post showing your home! :)

Your pictures are simply wonderful! I can almost smell the fresh air and definitely feel the quiet of nature, the stream the wind - sigh - so nice. Your lucky to have that green, when I think of Cali I envision the hills from your first pic but without the hint of green but rather brown. Probably the summer/September view - LOL

Thank you for sharing your views of the beautiful part of the country.

awwwwwwwwwwww I thoguht that i had commented on this! and now i'm seeing 10 days later that I didn't!!!

thank you so much- hehehe but yes - when summer comes - its brown - not so green hehehehe

I will be trying to share another walk post today!!! i'll come to see if you have one too hehe

Not a problem, life gets busy... And yes, I just posted a walk 😀

hehehe I will go see it - i visited your monochrome black and white post since i didn't see the walk one heheheh but now i'll go to your walk (as soon as i finish my walk post hahahah)

And I shall be on the lookout to see where you walked this time. Deal! Hahaha 😝

Wow. This is beautiful 😍

Cool, right? @samsmith1971 loved this tree line here. She thought it seemed almost like a smoky illusion! hehehe, See how the trees are all wispy and almost dream-like?

I did see the smoky illusion too. It's just amazing.

When the wind blew - you could see the grass mimicking the water that will eventually be flowing over it again. Take a look at the grass in the back - doesn't it look like waves???

And yes, I saw the waves as well. It's damn cooooollllll ☺️

My silliest girl ever @quirky.countess (sorry the quality is so poor - she did a SLEW of poses that were HYSTERICAL

Wait, you know this name in person? 😳 Where has she been? I haven't seen her in a while 🥺

I know we are bombarding you with tons of work this week because we are doing our tasks back to back to end the challenge better... But I hope that you have been able to cross off each task on the list today? Here, sending you hugs and kisses 🤗😘😘
teemHOPEencouragerbanner (1).png

hahahahahaha yes - that is Remy Hargreaves in our server... she is my daughter LOL
she hasn't been here in a really long time - but she is @remyhargreaves on discord hahahaha feel free to say hi! hehehehe

I'll tell her to come read her messages LOL

and i'm getting closer to my stars heehehe i still have time - its not noon yet for me! LOLOL

accepting all your hugs and kisses - and sending them right back to you - and more!!! hehehehe

It's just that she hadn't returned my ping since January 😭😭😭

Lol. It's a pleasure to meet her. This means I have officially met both your son and your daughter. ☺️

Wait, is your son, right? 🥺

Thanks for giving me her discord address... I'll be sure to ping once the challenge is over.... So much to do....hehehehe

She is getting close to her goals... Isn't she our role model??? She definitely is ... Lol.

Thanks for the hugs and kisses too. 💚💚

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL yeah - she hasn't been on Hive at all for a long time! hahahaha I'll tell her she has a ping that she ignored - hehehehe

but she really isn't on discord or Hive much right now.

she has a new boyfriend. shhhhhhhh hahahaha

she spends all her time with him! LOLOLOL

and nooooooooooooooooooo hahahahahahahahahaha

@wil.metcalfe do you hear this?!!?!?! 😆 Iska is asking if you are my son - and i'm laughing SO hard over here ROFLLLLLLLl

no no no - hahahaha i think we are close to the same age hahahahaha

but @bbqgriffinwings is my son... see him above? hahaha he is the one playing the guitar hehehehehehehe

oh iska - you have me laughing so hard! hehehehehehehehe

she has a new boyfriend. shhhhhhhh hahahaha. she spends all her time with him! LOLOLOL

Wait, what??? Lololol....I thought she was going to Senegal 😳 at least that's what her last post said.....

When she didn't respond I thought she made that trip

@wil.metcalfe do you hear this?!!?!?! 😆 Iska is asking if you are my son - and i'm laughing SO hard over here ROFLLLLLLLl

Hahaha, please don't blame me ma'am,🥺 he has a bit of your energy so I thought maybe the genes are related 🤣🤣🤣🤣

no no no - hahahaha i think we are close to the same age hahahahaha

Oh no!!!! Can you imagine my stupidity? 😂😂😂

@bbqgriffinwings is my son... see him above? hahaha he is the one playing the guitar hehehehehehehe

Ha ha , that explains it....I often wondered who @bbqgriffinwings was every time my post is posted by your @dreemport, here lies my answer

Thanks for the clarification ma'am....

PS: I am glad I made you laugh 😂😂

hahahahahahaha yes - bbq is my son LOL and no - not stupid - you're right. Wil and I have a lot of the same energy for sure! hehehehehehehe

and she was SUPPOSED to go to Senegal - yep! But she tried everything to get there and COVID restrictions prevented her. So she took a full time job here where we live - and is waiting to see what God will do in the future! hehehe

and yes iska - you make me laugh! LOLOL

Oh it's okay. I wish her the best. May her heart desires come true. Amen!!! 🥰🥰

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thanks @pinmapple! :)

aaah...sigh... your post took me straight back there❣️ I absolutely loved that day; it was so special. Give me nature, the mountains, the rivers, the valleys any day of the week... you live in a place about as close to Heaven as it gets, and these photos are just touching the surface💗 !LUV !ALIVE !PIZZA !hivebits

hehehe glad that you were transported!!! :)

I found myself looking back on those days too and thinking - how did it go by so fast?? and then it feels like its so far away too!

weird how time is so twisty hehehe

and yes - i love being up here so much. it's worth every minute of driving into the "city" h ahahaha

how did it go by so fast?? and then it feels like its so far away too!

I can't get over it either's like this surreal feeling... but time flies when you're having fun lol... and I did have fun 😊. I think the travel distance also creates a distinct separation in time and space... and I live a lot more suburban than you.. and the topography here on this small island is very different from Central California. Much flatter. It's also not like I can just pop over for a cuppa from time to time 😂😔. Life has also just been so full on from the moment I got back... with 2 boys at school, doing all the school admin, school runs, all the little jobs around the kids and their activities, the house, my job (year-end looming), spending time with family, getting back to Hive and curation and screening, all compounded by jetlag and lack of sleep... reality kicked in very fast for me. But I'm still holding on tight to all the special memories from my visit ❣️ and you know what... the time has flown since I joined the blockchain nearly 10 months ago... it feels like it was a lifetime ago but also just the other day hehe... and so I feel that before I know it, I'll be winging my way across the Atlantic and the length and breadth of the USA again to come and give you another hug and have a few more of those lovely heart to hearts and tons of laughs... provided of course I agree to squeeze in a trip to see the cousins down under in Oz sometime this year first 🤣😆... I have a feeling that will happen sometime in our summer break 😎or at Christmas. !LUV

hehehe yeah!!! well for me - it was different.

i didn't have the time change - i had all that time to myself hahaha watching you fly back home that night while I went to dinner and stayed at a hotel.

but i was so restless. and then i thought i'd fall right into the swing of things -but that whole weekend felt SO weird to me.

so so weird. like - i wasn't really HERE.

but then actually the DreemPort challenge really helped to just push me into a routine and start this...

i only have 2 more things to mark off for today - and then all my goals are met! hehehe

and then tomorrow will be 5 gold star day! hahahaha WOOOOOOOOT

i did it!!! (well i will tomorrow - but i know in my heart I've already done it!)

but today feels odd again. even though I'm in the motions... something feels weird. again like i'm not really HERE. hahahaa

maybe this weekend will be a nice rest/refresh/recharge and I'll balance it all out!

i am very excited for your family to get to Australia - and then... its Dreemie Time again! hahahahha

so so weird. like - i wasn't really HERE.

uh huh... i hear you... some confession time for me !LOLZ ... it may have something to do with me holding onto a little piece of your heart when I left hehe... to help me stay grounded and not miss my friend so much... it helped... a bit...but I still feel weird some days... so for me ... my experience of weird has been... after all that time together, in a completely different routine to normal, so full-on ...and then it was gone... something is now missing for me (even though we chat anyway haha)... and it's you... my friend... not being able to sit across from you in person in the kitchen or go for our walks and just speak my heart and listen to yours, laugh together, give you a hug, and have that interspersed with moments of silence... never awkward❣️ I mean we still have most of that in DM but yeah...

And for me, because God has blessed me immeasurably with your friendship, my heart now feels the physical separation because it knows the joy of spending time with you... and heart actually does hurt sometimes that I live so far away from you hehe. My heart felt so full being in Cali, and I recognise that as something that comes with genuine connection, genuine friendship.... and now it feels a little less full and a little more empty... now that I am half a world away... despite the fullness and joy that I have in my life anyway with my own family and friends here in the UK... and having you just a click away on DM... So, here's to beginnings not ending!... I will catch you in DM... often haha... until we meet again in person.

Super proud of your Challenge efforts this week btw. You are rocking it!!! Your determination and enthusiasm are bouncing off the pages (screen) and I am so happy for you! It certainly does rub off hehe. Onwards and upwards into next week. Keep seeking out your joy.

...and because we all experience each other differently, and no two experiences of friendships are exactly the same... so this is my experience of you...and I get to say it back... I love you my friend, my Leah hehe (...and Dreemie time will come again lol)

What is a golfer's favorite type of cheese?

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Thank you @samsmith1971 and @vyb!!

With such a fantastic view, I'd love to live far away from the city too. Thank you for sharing about your awesome experience. An advance happy weekend to you.

Made in Canva


- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #AliveAndThriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving.

hehehe thank you so much! Yes -being away from the city is such a gift!

and happy weekend to you too @iamraincrystal !!! :)

@dreemsteem! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (1/30)

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That looks like a nice day :) Did you take treats along too?


hahaha ummm. i think we didn't on this day!

We ended up going to a sandwich shop nearby and it was SO yummy. We ate near the river - so beautiful :)

That works too :) ... I'm glad you were out in nature for the day ♥️

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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 25

So interesting to visit beautiful natural scenery as well as favorable weather. Thank you.

Thank you for visiting! I'm glad that you enjoyed this encironment! the weather really was beautiful that day- just perfect!

Thank you are welcome.

Wow😋 what a beautiful place to spend holiday, its damn awesome!!!
Thanks for sharing this nature with us.

I came to your post through @dreemsteem

HEHEHEHE YES!!! it is sooooooooo BEAUTIFUL

Sam was here on holiday -but for us - its everyday living hehehe feels so amazing to live in a natural paradise. It comes with some disadvantages -but they are worth it!

thanks for the visit @ritaagbede !! :)

Wish to be there one day😃

I would never tire of such amazing natural beauty would take it anyway but ver a busy city
And the scenery there especially with the wild flowers is such beautiful and refreshing

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

hehehe yes - it really is my choice - preferred anytime!!! I don't like the city much at all hahahaha

we get these wildflowers right now after the rain, and then they'll be gone again for a while.

but the wait makes them extra special and worth it everyday! something to look forward to you know??? :)

Ohh Yes I know what you mean, things that are there all the time even if beautiful can get mundane, but things like wild flowers which come for just a short time are so special

Nice one with cool pictures which depicts ur writing

thank you :)

Beautiful images and countryside.. no wonder you enjoy walking there.

I've never seen yellow poppies before, they are pretty.

hehe yes - its just so lovely. even the drive to get there is so nice! especially on days when its a little overcast. it seems to make all the colors pop out even more!

I don't claim to be a city person, and I like the rural areas, but not sure of I could live here permanently. That said, I definitely wouldn't mind a few or even six months here, it's so beautiful. Thanks for the walkabout

hehehehe yes it is definitely a difficult thing to do! There are so many people that just cannot be that far away from "civilization".

They end up feeling isolated and lonely!

but for me - I can usually feel much lonelier IN the city! isn't that funny?

It's true though, when I'm amidst all those people, but don't feel connected - it makes me feel lonely.

If i'm in nature, i DO feel connected. hehehe just to the earth. so i don't feel lonely! :)

but you know - everyone is so different. They have to go where they feel "at home" hehehe

thank you for visiting my post!

I know what you mean about being lonely in the city. Everyone is so busy, have their own life and aims, and many don't even know their neighbour. Whereas in a small village and town, there's more of a community feel. I guess on your case, nature is your own community, which isn't that bad actually, much less hassle and issues. ❤️

Literally stunning, I can feel the fresh air from over here.

hehehe you just want to breathe it in so much when you walk around! its just lovely!!! and yes - fresh!!!

hi sweet khaleesii! :)

Just the sound of that makes me want to be there.

Oh my! Such beautiful scenery. This is just a perfect place for inspiration,little wonder @bbqgriffinwings took along his guitar. All I see is a beautiful and serene environment.

hehe yes he is always taking his guitar everywhere. He loves to play out in nature. I think it makes him feel perfectly aligned with things hehehehe

thanks for visiting Lady Z! :) love to see you here! it makes me smile!