A “WednesdayWalk” in pure nature (Es-Eng)

in #hive-15553011 months ago
Como están mis amigos apasionados de las caminatas y de esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨ : . Una vez más aquí junto a todos ustedes para acompañar las invitaciones de nuestros amigos tattoodjay:  elizacheng:  a participar de estos dos desafíos geniales, que dan mucha satisfacción, ya que ejercito mi cuerpo al caminar, y alegro mis días al sonreír

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends who are passionate about walking and this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨ : . Once again here with all of you to accompany the invitations of our friends tattoodjay:  elizacheng:  to participate in these two great challenges, which give a lot of satisfaction, since I exercise my body by walking, and brighten my days by smiling

Esta es otra de esas caminatas que resalte en mi post anterior, donde les menciono que tuvimos días muy cargados de ¨carbohidratos¨ y cosas dulces, poco conveniente para mi ¨diabetes¨ y el sobre peso, algo que no me puedo permitir por las seis hernias ¨lumbar¨ y ¨cervical¨ y que la mejor manera de poner orden a este gran desorden son las frecuencias de caminatas. Caminar ayuda a mantener el peso, despejar la mente y oxigenar diferentes órganos del cuerpo

Source: Family Álbum

This is another of those walks that I highlighted in my previous post, where I mentioned that we had days full of "carbohydrates" and sweet things, not very convenient for my "diabetes" and my overweight , something that I cannot allow myself due to the six "lumbar" and "cervical" hernias and that the best way to put order to this great disorder is to take frequent walks. Walking helps maintain weight, clear the mind and oxygenate different organs of the body

Hoy escogí un sendero que no frecuento caminar, este es uno que se utiliza en ¨semana¨¨santa¨ para la recreación del ¨vía¨¨crucis¨ :  que culmina en este lugar donde se puede observar la ¨cruz¨ de los ¨milagros¨. En época de celebración este sendero esta colmado de personas que vienen a recordar el camino de Jesús, y todo lo que tuvo que pasar hasta su destino final. El sendero es realmente hermoso, mucho más en días primaverales como el de hoy, sobre todo después de los días muy calurosos que hemos tenido que superamos los 45 grados centígrados

Source: Family Álbum

Today I chose a path that I do not often walk, this is one that is used in "holy week" for the recreation of ¨vía¨¨crucis¨ :  that culminates in this place where you can observe the ¨cross¨ of ¨miracles¨. During celebration times this path is filled with people who come to remember the path of Jesus, and everything he had to go through until his final destination. The trail is really beautiful, much more so on spring days like today, especially after the very hot days we have had that exceeded 45 degrees Celsius

A tan solo unos metros del sendero hay una hermosa pradera, donde se puede disfrutar de la presencia de hermosas plantas silvestres, una de ella es la conocida ¨Taraxacum¨:  puede que este nombre te haya desorientado, ya que es muy posible que lo conozcas como ¨diente¨ de ¨león¨. Otra hermosa planta que comparte este espacio son las ¨Euryops¨ ¨pectinatus¨: más conocidas como ¨margaritas¨¨amarillas¨, pequeñas plantas silvestres que se encargan de embellecer la pradera

Source: Family Álbum

Just a few meters from the trail there is a beautiful meadow, where you can enjoy the presence of beautiful wild plants, one of them is the well-known ¨Taraxacum¨:  this name may have confused you, since it is very possible that you know it as ¨dandelion¨ ¨. Another beautiful plant that shares this space is the ¨Euryops¨ ¨pectinatus¨: more known as “yellow daisies”, small wild plants that are responsible for beautifying the meadow

Mas allá de la belleza de esta pequeña florcita, cumplen un rol fundamental para las actividades de los insectos que tratan el ¨polen¨. A simple vista pensé que se trataba de una abeja, pero al momento de identificarla vi que estaba equivocado, ya que se trata de un insecto llamado ¨Syrphidae¨:  que se ocupa de una labor tan importante como las de las ¨abejas¨. Como pueden leer, y ver en la toma fotográfica que hemos realizado con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ no fue una simple caminata, fue una verdadera experiencia de la vida silvestre que existen es esta hermosa reserva

Source: Family Álbum

Beyond the beauty of this small flower, they play a fundamental role in the activities of the insects that treat the "pollen". At first glance I thought it was a bee, but when I identified it I saw that I was wrong, since it is an insect called ¨Syrphidae¨:  which deals with work as important as that of ¨bees¨. As you can read, and see in the photo taken that we have taken with our “nikoncoolpixb500”, it was not a simple walk, it was a true experience of the wildlife that exists in this beautiful reserve


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Hermoso sendero @jlufer, me gustó absolutamente todo, los árboles, las flores y hasta la abeja, que preciosa! Captar eso en el momento justo es genial!

Gracias por el paseo @jlufer

estuvimos en el momento justo, pudimos ver la presencia de este insecto nuevo para mi, y disfrutamos de la cercania de la naturaleza
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que me brindas
Que tengas un dia genial

Igualmente @jlufer, que tengas un gran día!😀

such a beautiful walk
I to walk both for enjoyment and photos, but am focusing on getting ore steps in as I too need to loose some weight

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

It was a beautiful walk, I enjoyed it a lot and we had a great time
Thank you for the contest and the great support you always give me
Have a wonderful day

Que post más bonitos , las caminatas son revitalizantes , cuidese de la diabetis amigo , toda esa vegetación es hermosa , las flores 👌👌

What a beautiful post @jlufer , the walks are revitalizing, take care of diabetes friend, all that vegetation is beautiful, the flowers 👌👌

Yes, they are a very calming natural environment, as for my health, it is controlled. Thank you very much for your empathy and support that you give me. Enjoy a splendid day.

It is always good to walk at these kind of surrounding, full of greens and it is so relaxing.

It is a very pleasant environment to walk and enjoy the proximity of nature.
thank you very much for this pleasant visit

45 degree is really hot temperature. Here in our region, weather is cool these days. This walk is indeed a beautiful walk with so many heart captivating sceneries.

Now the temperature has dropped a little, it is a little more pleasant, dear friend @tahastories1
It is a beautiful place to walk
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support
have a splendid day

I'd love from time to time ta take a walk in the nature, it's difficult for me as I live in the city, but I try to do it on vacation. I loved the cross and the history of that path, thanks for sharing such a beautiful walk. You know, I have never seen yellow daisys, the ones we have here are all the white ones.

Your vacation should be unforgettable, being close to nature is great. There are white daisies here too, but I haven't seen them in a while.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit. Have a wonderful day

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Thank you very much dear friends for the great support you give me
I wish you all a great day