Unexpected HIVE Meetup in the Mountains!

in #hive-1555302 years ago


Finally, mother nature decided to bring some sun to us this weekend. It was windy by the sea, so we decided to spend Sunday afternoon in the mountains. The wind there was milder so the walk there was much nicer. The time spent there was also special because of one important detail - we had some visitors from Italy, so again a mini Hive meet-up happened. Now for the third time already with the same hivers :))

Actually, that meeting was half unplanned, as I understood they would come the next weekend, but Sunday morning I received a message: we are there at noon! That was a nice surprise. After a fabulous lunch, we went with the space shuttle ( ok, with the van, but a very cool one) to the mountains.


My boys were enjoying the driving while our visitor and I were chilling with @bdog and @holydog.

IMG_20220404_223043 (1).jpg

She is the smiling dog, always with us, doesn't matter if we walk, sit, or eat, she is always with us, the closest she can be!


But also, she likes to be with her best friend, sharing the same pillow with him. They have two, one for each of them, but usually, they share one :))


We arrived at our destination, the artificial lake Guadalest. Lately, it was raining so much that the lake is full. It is a water reservoir from where several towns are getting the tap water, our town too. After some days (weeks) of heavy rains, the barrage gates of this dam had to be open because of the pressure. The excess water had to be released as there was a danger of the dam breaking. It made some other problems with the rivers, so some areas were flooded and our tap water was not suitable for use for several days.




The views from the dam are nice. Looking in the direction of the south we can see (far away, but still visible) the sea and the other direction shows us the lake. That turquoise colour of it, so specific and different from the other lakes is my favourite one. The water is so cold always, it gets water from several sources, small mountain rivers bringing fresh and cold water. Even during the summer, it is cold, I like to swim sometimes here, but it is a really refreshing experience. Although @amico.sports said it was not cold at all, so he tried the lake this weekend. I skipped it, of course, :D My boots were giving me a nice, warm feeling.




So this is what the dam looks like from the shore of the lake. This is a very tall dam, but the lake is full now. That is good, after a dry period. We set off on our walk and walked away from the dam.



@holy.dog is always the first to go and explore. We call him Oliver - the pathfinder :)) He is a free spirit but never gets lost. From time to time, he checks back if we are going. But we walked at our pace, enjoying nature, the talk and a pipe of peace we shared.



At one moment our friend, Amico showed me one piece of graffiti: MAPIIANO. It is almost like MIPIANO, but with a little variation. It was cool to see it. Maybe if I would have some marker or felt pen, I would write my hive username there :))




An abandoned stone house is what I spotted almost at the end of our path. I climbed there but nothing special could not be seen. Just that stone small house, with tools for tillage. In summer, I bet this is a great spot to spend some days, off-grid. The closest villages are 30 minutes away.




As I mentioned, a lot of recent rain means a lot of water supply and small streams everywhere. At one point the path was covered with water and an improvised bridge was made. I didn't want to try to cross it, but we met on the other side a group of funny people. We were joking and talking, about who is the first to pass, who is braver. The pipe of peace was offered to them too if they cross the water but they refused it. When they successfully crossed it, we took the way back to the dam where we parked the van and for some time we joined their group and spontaneous stories were shared. Really amazing how people can interact without knowing each other before.




After the walk around the lake, the village of Guadalest was the next destination. But, the battery of my camera died. I was sure I checked at home, and it showed full, but I suppose it is because it was not so warm. When it is cold the battery runs out faster. So, I have just one photo from the entrance to the village, which is built on the rocks some centuries ago. Anyway, we took just a short looking around there, as one part of the group of people was freezing. A sunny but cold day, spent in an unexpected way, not an everyday walk it was. Thank you for joining this mini hive meetup walk with us!




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Actually rather than writing your name there (vandalism is naughty!!!) You can remove s few strokes to make your name!

Oh, that is a good idea, I would not have to change a lot :))

Wonderful views and ambiance 👏👏

Thank you @veliozdemiroglu
The ambience there is just perfect :)

So cool you had a mini Meetup and in such a beautiful area thanks to having use of the space shuttle, what a cool name for the van
it looks like you all had a great walk and time with such beautiful views

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

The mini meetup was cool, for sure and that van is flying almost hahaha
Not through space yet, but not far away from getting there 😂

Maybe a few tweaks and you will be airborne lol

Hahaha, yeah, next week I think I will publish a #WednesdayFlight post instead of walk 🤣🤣

Hmmm that sounds interesting I look forward to seeing it

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I have to put the imagination ON

{take it easy mipiano, you have one week to come up with something hahahaha}


You have plenty of time and if not next week maybe in a future post 😎

Time will say when that flight will happen :)))

What a nice surprise.
And a beautiful walk. The dogs must have had so much fun too.
Great to see so much water in the lake. Here they are still struggling with water, although it rained tremendously.

The scenery is beautiful.
To bad you battery died. But the overview you show is is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing @mipiano 😊

Yeah the graffiti is great, almost 😎

Yes, it was a nice surprise indeed.
The dogs are so nice, I am more a cat person but those two dogs I already know so well, it is not the first, either the second time we meet. The smaller one, white with brown is a smiling dog hahaha, and she is licking me and is always around. Such a sweetheart.

Yes, our lake is full now, I hope the water reservoirs at your place will be full too soon.

Yeah, that is good that only the battery died, I remember your story when the camera died, that was not funny I guess.

Thank you @littlebee4 for stopping by 😇

What a cute little dog… the smiling one.

Thank you, hope it too 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Yes, I still have not replaced it as other things needed to go first. Like a new computer. Setting it up right now. So I’m happy one thing I could replace already… little bits 😉

You are welcome @mipiano 😊👋🏻 Enjoy your day further!

Enjoy your day further!

Thank you :))

It was work, work, work... and now trying to catch up here a bit hahaha

I can imagine 😁
Had a busy day too. Getting ready and packed up. We need to get up at 3:15 am not sure if I go to bed now hahaha 🚗✈️🚂 lots of journeys ahead of us; car, plane and 2 trains.

So, it's definitely tomorrow...
you know, I messed up the dates and thought it was today you were travelling (and still couldn't attend the other comments 😅 😂)

Wow, I would be so excited now because of the travel. A car, plane and two trains. It will be a journey!
Sleep well and I wish you the best on the trip and celebrations with the family :)

Arrived safe and sound 😊
Thank you so much @mipiano

Glad to hear that @littlebee4 🥳😀
Have a super great time with your family 😇

There is nothing better than enjoying a good hike in these landscapes where rivers and mountains surround you. I enjoyed a similar experience when I visited Patagonia Argentina in Bariloche. I assume you enjoyed it a lot 😊

Oh yes, I enjoyed it :). This is a place we know very well, we visited it many times, but it is always just so nice to be there. To spend a whole day.
This time it was different, as we went with the hive friend that came (and his dogs :))) )

Thank you for sharing this post in Twitter 😇

Most welcome dear @mipiano 🤗


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🙌 thank you :))

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This looks like a really fun time, and a beautiful area!

At one moment our friend, Amico showed me one piece of graffiti: MAPIIANO. It is almost like MIPIANO, but with a little variation. It was cool to see it. Maybe if I would have some marker or felt pen, I would write my hive username there :))

~ My eyes caught the image before I’d read the words, and I thought, @mipiano does not strike me as the type to be graffiti type, but I guess you never know! LOL

Hahaha, I didn't notice until that friend said to me. I would completely ignore that graffiti... but what a coincidence, right? ( ok, just almost coincidence :D )

That is pretty wild! It’s cool you got a shot of it. I spent some time in Madrd, working for a week in Getafe (I may be spelling that wrong) - the highway I took everyday to get to work, as you were leaving the city, was just surrounded by a sea of colorful artwork. Some people don’t like graffiti, and I definitely see that there are some places where it is a bad thing, but sometimes I think it’s a really cool cultural expression - and very interesting to look at.

Yes, you are spelling well Getafe.
I agree, there are places where graffiti should not appear, and what kind of it. But those that are like artworks are cool indeed. I also like murals, and when a city provides a place for that kind of expression. :))

This! :)

two lovely dogs and very nice scenery😊😊

Yes, two lovely dogs, nice scenery and some people also made the walk :))

Thank you for stopping by 😇

Cool spot for a meet up with some fellow Hivers! The water looks like it would be too cold for me at this time of year also. I need the temperature to be quite warm for me to get in haha.

That's unfortunate that you were having issues with your drinking water for some time. Rain is good to avoid drought but not when it's too much and creates other problems.

I also like when the temperature of the water is a bit warmer :D
Though I suppose it is all just the perception. We have a friend who swims almost every day of the year in the sea, just not when the waves are too big. So for him, the temperature is not a problem, and he is not young. He is maybe healthier than me.

The meeting with fellow hivers is always a great experience, especially if we are from different countries. What are a few thousands of km for a meetup? :))

The water issue repeats every few years, we have dry seasons and then in one year there is so much rain that covers the lack of all those dry years. And yes, it causes some troubles, but it will be ok soon :)

Wow, that looks exciting and I love your furry friends!
Looks like I need to create some profiles for Holly and Mia.. haha
Holly wouldn't get lost either, but I can't trust her on the chasing front..
Anyway, glad you had a glorious day out!

Making accounts for your dogs, well just if you can manage so many accounts haha
I barely manage this one 😆 but everyone has a different rhythm

I already know about Mia, when you said she looked up for the music shared in one of my posts. So you have also another dog, Holly. Nice :)

You are AMAZING!
How do remember all that with all those contacts you have?
Just shows, that I couldn't cope with accounts for them.. :D

Yes, two little doggies..
They're on my blog, if you scroll down a couple.
Mia is the Yorkshire Terrier in front.. :)

I don't know how do I remember all, but for sure I know my memory is my forte.

We will see what will happen when I get old, I mean really old lol

I just hope it will not be the total opposite... 😬

I checked not your blog, indeed your two doggies are there 😍

Soft toys:))

Aren't they just! Just like yours! 😍

These dogs are actually not mine, they came to visit me together with their owner :)
But for sure, I like them so much and I am used to them that can be already called "almost mine" 😅

AH! I see..
They looked so naturally yours! :D


I loved reading this. Hehe..
Was that you being held by the hand ..?
And it really sounds like you name . Or does Mapiiano mean anything.. ?

I am glad you liked this post @jaydr

No, it was not me. Those were the people from the other side that crossed that small improvised bridge. I didn't want to try, I am sure I would finish in the water and it was not that warm + we were not close to the van.

As far as I know, Mapiiano doesn't mean anything 🤷‍♀
But how similar, right? I would just need to remove that A and shift the position of one of the I-s.

handsome! I would love to be there

Hehe,I am sure you also have some nice, similar places to walk.
But indeed, this one is a lovely one :))
Thanks for checking out my post(s) @estebanuto 😇

You take the best photos and give so much context to them.
It is always so lovely to see these meetups, especially with such a beautiful view to enjoy during the walks.
Plus that van is a vibe 😉👌👌

Oh how I have missed your posts.♥️♥️♥️

Weeeee, @peaq , you came to walk with us here? Super 😇

Oh how I have missed your posts.♥️♥️♥️

Aw, thank you dear Peaq. I was just not in the conditions to post more often lately. But I miss writing my posts, I really enjoy making them, so I really hope I can find more time and focus to post 😇 🤗

I was just not in the conditions to post more often lately.

I can't say I fully understand but I can totally relate as it is the same for me too.
I enjoyed my walk with you.
It is always my deepest pleasure.😊😊😊

I can't say I fully understand but I can totally relate as it is the same for me too.

We just have our ups and downs, but also lack of time and too much everything around is the reason why we slow down. And it is completely ok! 😇

We just have our ups and downs, but also lack of time and too much everything around is the reason why we slow down

Honestly, these times are part of life's journey.
We just have to find a way around it from time to time.

Indeed, we just have to find the way, very true!
Wise @peaq once again 😇


The pictures are really beautiful and the areas are very nice for fun. We also have a big dam in our city that was flooded last year, but it did not rain much this year. Good luck

Rain can be a blessing when we face dry periods, right? but when too much at once, then it can cause some problems. Well, all is almost good now, the damaged roads are getting fixed and the water reservoir is at least full. That is important for the upcoming summer.

Thank you for your nice comment, the area is indeed gorgeous :))

Are those houses on the last photo somehow stuck between hills or its just my blurry morning syndrome?

Hahah, they are not stuck, just built there... which is the same at the end, I suppose :D

So yes, the answer is : They are indeed stuck there :))

The old part of the village, that fortress is built in rocks. I had one post long time ago featuring this place. When you have time, you can take a look :)

Good, I was doubting my sanity. Seriously looks like the buildings are grown in stone. 😂

Loved the lake color, it's so blue, and pine scent!

Imagine when I saw them for the first time... living for my whole life in plain it was more than a surprise 😅

It doesn't count if there wasn't at least one squeak!

What fun! And such beautiful scenery to go along with it.

Absolutely! It is indeed beautiful scenery for such a cool activity, a meetup :))

Reblog your posting dear

Thank you 🙌

Hay que linda esas fotografías, de ese mar y esas montañas, justo hoy estaba hablando con mi padre, acerca de viajar ya que aquí también en Venezuela ha estado haciendo un sol, tremendo y provoca es ir a una playa o un río, lo que es que quedan a 3 0 4 hora de dónde vivimos y que nos hace falta un vehículo para llegar hasta allá, pero tengo fe en Dios que pronto nos proveerá un vehículo y así poder ir a visitar la playa , y de paseo
Que lindo que hay disfrutado ese viaje y hermoso estás los cachorros 🥰😘🥰 bendiciones @mipiano

Me alegro que te gustó mi publicación. Los cachorros , bueno ya son perros adultos y bastante mayores pero no se les nota, son muy lindos! Y cariñosos.

Espero que pronto podrás visitar la playa , que tus sueños se harán realidad. Un abrazo y gracias por tu visita :))

Gracias a usted por compartir estás lindas imágenes saludos 😘🥰

Saludos igualmente 😇

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Thank you a lot @ybanezkim26 and @pinmapple team 😇 for all the support and for the honourable mention 🙌🙌

You're welcome! Awesome to meet up in the mountains. I'll have to recruit mountaineers. 😂

I'll have to recruit mountaineers.

Haha 😆😆

Well, underwater, on top of the mountains, or anywhere, it is always nice to have a meetup, if the people are the right ones 🥳

True! Everywhere as long you're with the right people.

But also, she likes to be with her best friend, sharing the same pillow with him. They have two, one for each of them, but usually, they share one :))

The pups are absolutely gorgeous :)

It is almost like MIPIANO
Yes it was, but I don't see your 🎹, did you not take it on your walk🤣🤣🤣

The scenery is beautiful and imagine that even in the hot summer, the water will cold.
Don't work too hard, and practise your cleaning, my flat is waiting😁

Thank you for stopping by @tengolotodo

Yeah, the dogs are indeed cute and smart ones, I really enjoy their presence. And I call them the luckiest dogs in the world, they travel all around!!

Don't work too hard, and practise your cleaning, my flat is waiting😁

But I have to 😂

And cleaning, well... I am not anymore in the mood, you see hahaha, I switched cleaning for walks in nature :D

I am not anymore in the mood

And there the woman comes out 🤣🤣🤣

The dogs were cute and you can't beat going into nature.
Yes I know you had to work, but you had fun too, so that is what it is all about!

And there the woman comes out 🤣🤣🤣

LOL 🤣🤣🤣

Exactly. I do have fun (mostly) on the work too :))

I do have fun (mostly) on the work too :))

Oh I am sure you do, You sound a fun person :)

Hehehe, thanks 😅

The other question is do my students have fun with me or not 😜

(yes, they have 🎶)

OH I know they have fun with you! I know I would 🎶😜

It's probably as you also had fun at your piano lessons back in time :D


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A nice walk and nicer that it was a Hivers meeting!
Gorgeous pictures! As are the couple of best friends :)

Yes, that was the nicest feature, the meetup.
We know very well this path and lake, but it was a special walk this weekend.
Muchas gracias por tu visita @coquicoin 😇

De nada! Feliz fin de semana! 😊😄

bueno, ya será pronto : feliz comienzo de la semana 😇

Wow, your Sunday was very fun! The natural landscapes that you captured with your cam are beautiful and meeting with other Hivers make this adventure coolest!

PD: me encantaron las banderitas tibetanas en la Van 😍, ustedes son budistas?

Yeah, this was more than fun. It was an excellent day actually :))
The lake is just a super nice spot, we love going there.

PD. No somos budistas, pero mi amigo sí que practica yoga y tenía las banderitas por allí :))

A beautiful place the atmosphere of the mountains and of course happy to meet friends. Like post. Thank you.

It is indeed a beautiful place, and the meeting with the friends was really great. So unexpected but excellent actually it happened as a surprise :)