Esp-Ing Miércoles de caminata divertida //Wednesday Walk fun

in #hive-155530last year

¡Hoa amigos de Hive!

El día de hoy vengo a compartir con todos ustedes unas hermosas fotografías que pude recaudar... Siempre que salgo a caminar con mí perrita Wakanda, estoy acostumbrada a fotografiar lo bonito que se ve el atardecer, es increíble como solo en cuestión de segundos el cielo puede cambiar totalmente sus colores 🌈 ✨

Mientras caminaba al salir de casa, me di cuenta que el cielo estaba muy despejado, al llegar a la plaza donde siempre vamos ya estaba empezando a esconderse el sol, así que fue el momento perfecto para fotografiarlo...

Cuando íbamos de regreso a casa nos tomamos con un árbol muy particular, se veía muy llamativo y el contraste del atardecer lo hacía ver más interesante, así que sin dudarlo logro sacar una foto que me gustó mucho..

De todo el paseo, la mejor parte es que Wakanda se divierte con otros amiguitos perrunos que siempre andan por allí, además de disfrutar de todas las personas que se acercan a acariciarla, aún cuándo ella no es muy sociable .

Se acostumbro a salir y al ver qué agarro su pechera se pone muy feliz porque sabe que vamos a ir a jugar , aunque para ella todo es diversión 😂. Espero que les hayan gustado las fotos y nuestra caminata 💖.

  • Las fotos son de mí autoría, tomadas con un teléfono Alcatel 1v 2020.
  • Fueron editadas en la aplicación de Instagram.
  • Traducción con
  • El contenido es 100% original y exclusivo para .

✨~ La soledad es el ruido que te acompaña ~✨

Hello friends of Hive!

Today I come to share with all of you some beautiful photographs that I was able to collect... Whenever I go for a walk with my dog ​​Wakanda, I am used to photographing how beautiful the sunset looks, it is incredible how only in a matter of seconds the sky can totally change its colors 🌈 ✨

While I was walking out of the house, I realized that the sky was very clear, when we got to the square where we always go, it was already starting to hide, so it was the perfect moment for Lara to photograph it...

When we were going back home we took a very particular tree, it looked very striking and the contrast of the sunset made it look more interesting, so without hesitation I managed to take a photo that I really liked...

Of the whole walk, the best part is that Wakanda has fun with other dog friends who are always around, as well as enjoying all the people who come to caress her, even when she is not very sociable.

She got used to going out and when she sees what I grab her chest, she gets very happy because she knows that we are going to play, although for her everything is fun 😂. I hope you liked the photos and our walk 💖.

  • The photos are my own, taken with an Alcatel 1v 2020 phone.
    • They were edited in the Instagram application.
  • Translation with
  • The content is 100% original and exclusive to

✨~ Loneliness is the noise that accompanies you ~✨


lovely colors in the sky and what a cute puppy

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones

Now I know most only post once a week using the Wednesday walk tag or community and I truly appreciate that and love visiting the posts so for most of you you can ignore the next sentence

I try and be nice and let people know via a comment to only post once a week, but some just abuse it and to me spam multiple posts a week, after asking nicely a few times and being ignored, this morning I regrettably had to mute a couple of people who were spamming the Wednesday walk tag

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