Wednesday Walking at Pine Cliff Cemetery

in #hive-1555302 years ago


For this week's #wednesdaywalk, I avoided the thunderstorms and checked out another old cemetery. I managed to get this one in between two jobs (so don't tell my boss!)


This older cemetery was as early as 1856, and is located in what is known as the "Garden of Eden." It's an old theory posited by an 19th-century reverend; the theory? Galesville, Wisconsin is the site of the original Garden of Eden.


I don't know anything about that, of course. I do know interesting old headstone carvings however and was on the search for a few old ones today. As luck would have it, I did find a few finds of interest.




Yet my favorite was the beautiful old lamb. It was on a broker marker, and covered in moss, but it was beautiful.


I was short on time again today thanks to work, but I will definitely come back to this place. A quick study online indicated that many mysterious folks of yesterday were buried here. I do like historical mysteries, and this place is ripe with them.


With some luck, I managed to get out of the cemetery before the storms rolled back in. Some days, you feel the universe works against you, but today, I felt like it looked out for me. I think, anyway!


Thanks for stopping by to check out my #wednesdaywalk adventure. It was a bit off cuff, but worth the walk. Plus, I didn't get drenched this week, so I'll take that for a win. Until next Wednesday...


Looks like beautiful surroundings and so very green! I love an old cemetery - that one seems to have a lovely view. No good if you're buried there though...

NO kidding - you see all those water levels out West, and how dangerously low they are...and then realize how lucky it is to live somewhere so green.

Oh yes it'd be quite the contrast. I've lived through drought so it always tugs at me when I see such verdant landscape.

Cemeteries are great places to walk. Very peaceful! I had to smile at the idea that the original Garden of Eden was in Wisconsin. How quaint! I’m in Minnesota, by the way, so we’re neighbors.

Very cool! I'm in the La Crosse area (also known as God's Country, btw). The Driftless area...lots of cool geography, rivers, and mysteries (also, lots of beer)

Oh, I've heard wonderful things about the Driftless area. I have not gotten there yet!

The site of the Garden of Eden! 😂
Jokes aside, the place looks really lush and the carvings give it a mysterious vibe.

Yeah it is interesting - I have to dig into more of the town's mysteries for sure. Small town Wisconsin mysticism!

Of course I won’t tell your boss which is easy since I don’t know who it is 😂

What a beautiful old cemetery my favorite is also that lamb

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks, and the boss probably doesn't really care...I mean, I'm the only one here who knows what a debit and credit are (sadly, by my choice too, lol)