Snowy Kyiv today

in #hive-1555302 years ago

I am late again for WednesdayWalk and I'm so sorry. It's not always easy to plan the day and stick to it. Besides, it was bitterly cold yesterday in Kyiv, and I stayed at home. Do you know what's the best motivator for mastering time management in Ukraine? Power outage 😂 I powered my laptop and mobile phone, and I have a little time to write a post.

I rarely leave the house. But today I went to the center to pick up medicine from the pharmacy. That's a lot of medicine, so a small price difference adds up to big savings. Don't worry, I'm healthy. These medicines will go to a small town in the Zaporizhzhia region. This city is located in the so-called red zone. It is less than 10 km to where the fighting is going on. They have a big supply problem and need medicine, flashlights, and power banks. The budget is limited, so I want to buy the most for this money, and ship as soon as possible.

So, today I was nearby this street art. It is said that it was made by the mysterious Banksy, an England-based street artist. A car was parked close to it so I could take a photo of it only from a close distance. Not the best angle. Maybe I'll have another chance.



The weather is warm, as for the winter. I could spend some time without gloves. 😉 It was not too late, about 4pm, still enough light for my cheap lens. And I took a few shots to show you my city. It's beautiful in any season, and any time.






If you follow me, you probably remember this improvised memorial? I first saw it in summer. I mentioned it in my first WednesdayWalk post this year. So, it is still there. One flag is one dead. There are more of them...





A light in the window. What is it for you? For me now it says "this is time when they have electricity".😜 About a month ago, I wrote about my luck, and that periodic power outages does not apply to my building. But this is no longer the case, so now, like the rest of Ukrainians, I plan my life depending on the outages schedule. It's not that difficult.


When I walk down the street in my neighborhood during the day, where the electricity is currently off according to the schedule, it becomes immediately clear. The first floors are usually occupied by small shops. Now most of them have purchased generators. And when there is no light, the roar of these generators is sometimes louder than the sound of a passing van, truck or motorcycle.


But also, I just like this architectural style. Also, it's not at all what I grew up with. This house was built in the Italian Neo-Renaissance style in 1907-1909. Then a city pawn shop was placed in it.



That's it. I apologize for this is so short today. Just wanted to share my winter with you. Hope to get back to you with a longer post over the weekend.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support of Ukraine and Ukrainians! May the warmth never go out in your homes and in your hearts


Hugs, and see you soon!


Сніг все робить білим та чистим... Я завжди насолоджувалась цією картиною: чисте біле полотно накриває всі нечистоти на Землі... Було б круто, якби цей сніг міг назавжди накрити біль війни та страждань!

Як у пісні Бумбоксу "Злива"...

Sad, so many flags :-(

We have 0 degrees here in Linz today and it was snowing when I drove home from my mother and my stepfather whom I visited after work today to bring them some of the Rumballs that I made yesterday. I know my stepfather likes the Rumballs just like me and that's why I brought them some. Tomorrow I plan to bake some cookies for christmas also that I will bring on christmas eve. stay safe, stay warm.

Holyday cookies! This is so nice you visited your family, and I can uderstand your feelings, the joy of sharing and making someone a little bit happier 🥰
And you cook them yourselves, this is awesome! By the way, I googled Rum balls and probably these are cookies that we call here "sweet potato" 😁

I have only Stollen for Christmas, made by myself, so maybe I will buy gingerbread cookies, they are my favorite.


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 136 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hope everything in your country will be back to normal.

I haven't experienced winter yet since we don't have winter in the Philippines. Thanks for showing your snowy beautiful place.

I am just curious, can you manage to take a bath everyday during winter? Maybe I can't take a shower daily though there's a heater.

I am just curious, can you manage to take a bath everyday during winter?

Usually it's just a matter of water and electricity costs. But now it depends. I have heating during power outages, but my boiler for hot water needs electricity. I don`t take bath coz boiler's volume isn't enough. And I'm saving energy so my shower usually takes a few minutes 😊

I can't imagine life without frost and snow. I mean I'd miss it ❄☃️

The shadows on the swing in the first picture are very well adjusted

It would look better without snow. But the idea is great

The beautiful defiance in this photograph ... YES. Kiev is still beautiful!

Thank you! ❤

I honestly don't know how Banksy goes unnoticed. I enjoyed your walk. It's very cold in the UK. My lungs don't like it!

I honestly don't know how Banksy goes unnoticed

Because no one knows how he or she looks 😀

I love snow. It bring light to gloomy and gray winter season, and festive feelings. When I was a schoolgirl we had even more snow than now.
A friend of mine from UK says they didn't have snow last season at all.

Stay warm 🤗

Nobody sees him or her paint though. I bet if I painted a wall I'd get arrested lol.

I'm from the middle of the UK so we tend to have a bit of snow. My friend who only lives 30 mins from me, hasn't had any, but I have. I'm glad as I love snow too. ❤

Nobody sees him or her paint though. I bet if I painted a wall I'd get arrested lol.

Actually yes! Absolutely! )) Life is unfair ))

I'm from the middle of the UK so we tend to have a bit of snow. My friend who only lives 30 mins from me, hasn't had any, but I have. I'm glad as I love snow too. ❤

You must be a fast driver, LOL. My friend lives in Kent, and he has snow this year too.

Actually, here in Kyiv we'are having snow for a month or so, and in some eastern areas they had first snow just recently.

I'd love that but bloody cold though.


Normally I love snow scenes as they are so pure and clean, but with snow comes cold and I'm guessing there are many in Ukraine, including those on the frontline who are without adequate heating this winter.

I hope they, and you keep safe and warm at all times.

We have no control over the weather, and we cannot increase the air temperature. But we can increase our support. I am staying at home this morning because of the rocket attack. We have no poeer, heat and water. But there is Internet on mobile, and I can donate for the AFU ❤💪 So I did.

It is -8 C in Prague and some snow BUT we have gas and electricity. Stay safe.

A perfect weather for Christmas 😉

BUT we have gas and electricity. Stay safe.

You know, one day we'll recall this with a smile 😊

Thank you so much for your support of Ukrainian community ❤❤❤

P. S. My power outage is just over, yoohoo! 🥳

Nice pictures. Please continue posting. God bless your country, and may next year have fewer Nazis than this year. Stay safe.

Thank you! ❤

What about the city officials? Are they the people in the right place?

I do not believe that the government can be perfect, but I like our mayor.

It looks gorgeous in the snow, I hope in 12 months time you show us again, with the addition of festive lights and trees and decorations
stay safe

I've learn to not plan too far ahead, but hope is inexorable, and she says yes! )


What a great walk. Thanks for showing us your city, in the snow, and telling us a little about it and life there. You mentioned the shops having generators when they have outages. What do you do to stay warm during the outages?

We have 4 energy supply priorities. Priority 1 is critical infrastructure, including water and heat supply facilities and hospitals. The residential sector has priority 4.

Some new multi-flat buildings have an autonomous heating system. Before the war, it was an advantage. But it works on electricity. I live in an old building, the heating is centralized and comes from a boiler house that serves many such houses. It belongs to priority 1. That's why I have heat.

Oh that is so nice. I can't imagine not having heat in that kind of cold.

Actually, I spent 2 nights without heating after last shelling, it was -7 in the night. It take a while for a building to cool down. It's uncomfortable, but 2 night is not much. Thick warm blanket, warm pajamas )) My building has only 5 floors so we have gas ovens. Even during outages I can make tea and cook hot meal. So far so good ;)

I am so glad to hear it. What is NFT for Peace doing these days? How can I help?

That's very nice for you to ask ❤️
Today I used all funds from the last transfer. Bought medicine, power bank for children so they can continue there school study even during outages. And some cool pocket lantern with dynamo machine! They need only physical efforts to produce light! I'm glad and satisfied ) You can help by purchasing more NTFs here - Or you can upgrade the level of those you already have.
Thank you in advance! 😇


Perfect! Thanks for the link and thanks for all you do there to help those around you!

How are you? I heard a massive attack was fired

Яке фантастично красиве місто!!! А я там була тільки проїздом...(((

Приїдете на парад після Перемоги 😉

Хотілося б приїхати, але...)))

Але? Після закінчення війни і всього, що нам довелося і ще довелеться пережити, нам будуть не страшні ніякі "але".💪

Зірочка моя! Я нещодавно операцію з онкології перенесла, та може тут буде все добре))), але я ледве ходжу, спираючись на 2 трості, стояти більше кількох хвилин не можу... Та добре хоч так, бо до заміни тазостегевого суглобу я 3 роки зовсім не ходила!))) А душа моя, як у 19-річної дівчини, і якби не ці проблеми - я б на крилах полетілв в Київ!!!!)))

Не знала... Але бажаю вам пошвидше одужати і відновитися!

Дякую, люба! Буду боротися з хворобами, як ЗСУ з рашистами!!!)_))

Вболіваю за вас і за ЗСУ! 🤞💪

You're in our minds through all this tough time which I hope it ends soon and full victorious for Ukraine. Best wishes!

I appreciate it!

We had around -10 in Romania yesterday but still no snow. It seems like we won't see the white landscape before Christmas :(

There is a whole week ahead. Hope you'll have snow too.☃️❄ We'll have +2 tomorrow, but -5 on Monday 😉

Snowy beautiful Ukraine and every day I miss cold snowy days. Here rarely snowfall happens I heard instead I saw a frosty morning and a little bit of ice here and there. Is the heating system working or is it working like electricity (periodically)? I always wanted to see Kyiv in winter, but never got the chance...

Stay safe...

I live in a bulding that has heating from a common boiler that serves for many buildings like mine. Boilers belongs to the 1st priority, and they don't turn them off. Some new buildings has autonomous heating that needs electricity, and ... they have no heating during outages.

That's great to know... I heard in Kharkiv also people are facing a shortage of heat and of course the electricity problem that you have written about already...I hope the situation will be better soon... Are you planning anything for the Holiday season? How's Nick doing?

Authorities say we'll have outages till the end of winter. Maybe they'll be shorter.

Oh, Holiday season... I don't know what to do. My daughter Nataly is bagging me to come. For us, Christmas is a family holiday, and I always celebrate with her and my mom, and my brother's family. But it all depends on Nick. He's still in Kyiv, and I am not sure he'll be allowed to leave the city. I can't leave him alone for Christmas. On other hand, Nat insists and says if I'll not come she'll not celebrate at all. She's kidding, but I guess she misses us too much. She's always been a mom's girl 💕

Finally, I don't plan anything yet, and let it just happen. Life can change any time, so we'll see.

Are you going to have days off on Christmas? Any plans?😉

Nice of you to get supplies to send to those stuck inthe red zone

I had heard Banksy had done a piece there but had not seen it

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, I always love seeing all the walks shared from around the world, but as I am not getting out for as many walks at the moment I am especially loving the walks all around the world its like a virtual world tour

Follow me please

I am here to read the situation in your country. We know how you busy with the living environment. I find winter like this is sometimes that some of people hard to face we have to deal with disease. Hopefully, thing get better soon. Take care dear!

Thank you!

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