Eng/Esp culminating my vacation

in #hive-155530last year

Hello friends, this intense summer allowed me to walk a little on my malecon habanero, always in it is found, not only peace and tranquility, but a different range of colors.

Hola amigos, este intenso verano me permitió pasear un poco por mi malecón habanero, siempre en él se encuentra, no sólo paz y tranquilidad, sino una gama diferente de colores.



El calor tan apremiante me hace caminar casi caida la tarde,no es el mejor horario para mis paseos pero comienzo con la estatua de Francisco de Miranda.

The pressing heat makes me walk almost late in the afternoon, it is not the best time for my walks but I start with the statue of Francisco de Miranda.

Esta situada en nuestro castillo del morro, nuestro malecón es más que un largo muro,es un lugar de historias cotidianas,donde no solo se comparte amores y amistades,sino que se realiza una pesca tranquila y relajada.

It is located in our castle of the morro, because our malecon is more than a long wall, it is a place of daily stories, where not only share love and friendships, but also a quiet and relaxed fishing.


Cuando transitas puedes ver que el sano esparcimiento esta en cuaquier parte,como en esta imagen.no importa de que pais seas ,ni que idiomas hables interactuar sanamente entre todos da una paz espiritual que gozo mucho solo recogiendolo en esta imagen.

When you travel you can see that healthy recreation is everywhere, as in this image. No matter what country you are from, no matter what languages you speak, healthy interaction among all gives a spiritual peace that I enjoy very much just by capturing it in this image.





asi puedes tener el placer de ver nuestros autos,antiguos que por su cuidado te permiten viajar cn ellos en el tiempo

so you can have the pleasure of seeing our antique cars, which by their care allow you to travel in time.






Nada para mi a pesar de no conocer otras ciudades y gracias a esta comunidad me permite conoccer algunos lugares del mundo, mi ciudad,la habana sigue siendo maravillosa

nothing for me despite not knowing other cities and thanks to this community allows me to know some places in the world, my city, Havana is still wonderful.

fotos tomadas de mi movil
traductor deepl


a walk back in time

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Fun #wednesdaywalk I especially like the colorful boats along the pier and the old cars 👍

how are you dear friend @zorili91 good morning
What a beautiful place to walk, I would spend hours sitting in front of the river, beautiful photographs. excellent shots. congratulations
have a beautiful afternoon

thank you friend it's our malecon pure sea it's beautiful we all end up sitting on it