Snooze - sand sculpture

in #hive-156509last year

I'm an awful man for sleeping. Usually, I get around 6 hours a night which is just not enough. I set my alarm for 7am and slap the Snooze button twice before I roll out of bed promising that I will get to bed earlier tonight. Unfortunately every evening I get a spurt of energy and my promise is broken.

Immediately I am out of bed I am in panic mode as I get my family up and prepare my son for school. He mostly gets 5 snoozes as I get angrier. I get his clothes ready, then kiss him on the head with a whisper 'Its time to get up'. Get his breakfast ready, then shake his shoulder a bit. Sort his school bag and wash his lunch box, Politely tell him to 'Com'on get up'. Go to the toilet, and start raising my voice at him. Make my coffee and start shouting that 'We will be late. And, if he doesn't get out of bed, I'll drag you the hell out.' These five steps of anger are how I start every day except the weekends when he is first out of bed and waking up the whole house. There's no rest for the wicked.

The Snooze is the most wonderful part of the day and I can understand little Mr. Sleepyheads' reluctance to leave it. A moment when the possibility of falling back asleep and back to your dreams is a reality. The echos of your dreams live on and you are still emotionally tied to them. You are snuggly and the emergencies of the day have yet to seep in. I can't understand the people who are up and at 'em at the first sign of an alarm. They are depriving themselves of the closest we will ever get to a virtual reality.

Day dreaming in Steadhal

I was back at The Stendhal music festival in County Down, Northern Ireland. Last year I had had a bit of a disaster with the sculpture but luckily Ross Parkhill, the organiser of the festival could see the potential of what sand could bring to the family-orientated music and arts festival and had asked me back.

This time I decided to do things slightly differently and not bother wasting time compacting the sand. I asked them to dump a load where they wanted a sculpture and I would work on it as I found it. We also arranged to have a little sandbox where children could play next to me.

I stared at the pile of sand as I waited for water to be organised (You need lots of water when sand sculpting and the brought me a 1 meter cube container). I had no clue what to make. I stared with my eyes glazing over. Then, in the pile, I could see a figure and I just had to resolve it. I didn't know the gender of the figure and this lasted all the way through carving it. Sometimes I thought it was female, sometimes male but it really didn't matter. It had no pronoun which I am sure would blow some people's minds in 2023.

When work is your play

Over the course of the 3-day festival, I worked away and sometimes gave workshops to the children in the sand pit. I brought simple tools and designs they could work with. There were some families that I had met the previous year and some of the very keen children I let help me with the main sculpture.

It was a nice space to work and the audience was very appreciative. With the little sand pit next to me it became somewhat of a Crèche facility and chillout zone in the music festival. I worked till dark and In the evening I would spend hours chatting to Ross in the house where I was staying. We would have a joint and talk about the deeper things in life as we watched the sun come up before going to bed. (Separately)

On the back of the sculpture, I added a pattern which to me represented that halfway state between sleep and waking. I also used the same effect to keep the naked sculpture modest. This was a family festival after all.

It was a wonderful few days for me. The weather was good, the place I was staying was very relaxing, like a green room away from the festival. I had some great chats with the audience and Ross and even though I had no time for snoozing I was living the dream.


Thanks for reading. I use PeakD to document my work as an ephemeral Sculptor of sand, snow and ice, amongst other things. This will hopefully give it a new life on the Hive Blockchain. Below you will find some of my recent posts.

Gulliver Travels again - sand sculpture

Saving Pirate Ryan - sand sculpture

Vroom Vroom - sand sculpture

I hope you'll join me again soon

I am also starting to create NFTs of my sculptures and welcome you to my gallery where you can own a bit of ephemeral sculpture history.


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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

An impressive ❤😊That looks so cool! No words for this amazing talent💕

Thank you very much. You always say the nicest things.

Sounds like the little fella is a chip off the old block!
I'm one of those people who leap out of bed, never needing an alarm, despite only going to sleep in the wee small hours.
As to the sculpture, with those abs definitely male!

He is like looking in a mirror.
As you know I need as much beauty sleep as I can get and these days I just ain't getting it. You'll be fine with just a nap every now and again.
My lack of abs has now brought my manliness into question.

Abs do not maketh the man and sure I'd say you have great biceps with all that sand lifting! 🙃

You must need serious patience for these sand sculptures.. What happens if it rains, does it not ruin it? I was once a complete snooze button merchant, but seldom use it this weather, too busy! Never enough hours in a day..

The sand actually stands up quite well to the element because it is compacted. Drying out and blowing away can be more of a problem.
Two snoozes are all I get but if I had my way it would be all more. There really is always too much to do in a day especially when you have children.

I love it!!!! 😍

Thank you. x

This is lovely and modest as you added. Do you mean you created this figure from your memory - no reference used?

Thank you. I didn't use a reference for this. For me it is more fun this way and I don't have something to compare it to as I would see all of my mistakes.

Yeahh.. it becomes more free and creative with this approach.
You really did a good work.
Visited your older works and was blown away. I can't imagine interacting with someone with that portfolio size.
All lovely and motivational ❤️❤️

Extraordinary pieces of sand art.

Thank you @rocksg.

Beautiful sand sculptures! They must be very therapeutic to create. I like the way that you used geometric patterns for the hair. The proportions of the body are great. It's something I've always struggled with when sketching people.

I had a chuckle at your explanation of your morning routine, I totally understand the feeling of slapping that snooze button and then being in panic stations when you realise that you now are on a time crunch.

At least your son gets a few more snoozes in before you drag him up.

Thank you @emma-h. You are correct they are very therapeutic to work on. There is no other material which gives me the same buzz. Maybe because I have been doing it so long I don;t have to really think about the technical aspect and can just sculpt away with what feels right.
As far as the proportions all I see are the mistakes. The feet are massive.

Speaking of sleep, I best get to bed. Nice meeting you.

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