Hive Pearls: Discovering Artists #2 - Scaredybat

in #hive-1565093 years ago

Welcome to Hive Pearls! This project envisions to bring forward the talented hidden artists on Hive, and to give them a place to show their potential and passion while they share a little bit about their lives.

My name is Matheus @hollowknightgod, I am your host. I'm a dreamer, in love with both art and people, and after some time here on Hive I had the idea of combining both into a project that would benefit the community, the artists and me.

Today you'll get to know Scaredybat, whom I first go to know by her concept art in the Astral Entities project. She's an amazing artist, and was very kind to find some time to talk to me about her life and artwork.

If you haven't heard of AE, I'll leave a great description made by @sketchygamerguy, and if you aren't acquainted with Scaredybat's works, do yourself a great favor and stay to see it. I'm very sure you won't regret it.

What is Astral Entities?

Astral Entities is a universe of games in development by Hella Rad Games Cryptoreaper and Tanzo that will use the same NFT's available now at for all their games in the Astral Entities Universe. The purpose of Astral Entities is to release several games with cohesive lore all utilizing the same NFT's. Developers will also have the option of creating in-network official titles and unofficial titles using the NFT's.

There are three games currently in development: Taergyn, Discordant Adventures and The Hunter's Guild.

If you wanna know more about it, I advice you to follow @sketchygamerguy and see some of his old posts about pack openings.

Hive Pearls #2 - Scaredybat

Matheus: Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself a little since we don't know each other and I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. I feel that's only fair.

Scaredybat: That's fair!

Matheus: My name is Matheus Sousa, and I discovered the world of NFT's through Splinterlands less than a year ago, since then I dived deep into the waters and Hive has become a favorite of mine, so much that I decided to create this series to generate some viewership and income for the great artists that many times are forgotten. You see, I'm a dreamer and this silly ideas some times occur to me, not always good ones but I try them out usually.

Scaredybat: That's delightful! I love anyone willing to help get artists some spotlight.

Matheus: I appreciate that a lot. Today I'm in a very similar situation to the readers of this post since we don't know much about you. Can you start by introducing yourself a little?

Scaredybat: Oh geeze. I guess, my name is Manda, I was dragged kicking and screaming into crypto and NFTs by my Hus-friend Eric, (Tanzo). I still really am a lurky lurker, I much prefer hiding.

Matheus: I see, so Tanzo got you into the whole crypto mess. How are you enjoying it so far?

Manda: It's been pretty fun. I have e few bits and Bob's I've collected and done some selling and buying on Atomic, but nothing big.

Matheus: It's great to start like that, and I bet things are going to grow slowly for you too! You know, your drawings have really caught my eye since the very first time I saw them. Have you always worked with art?

Manda: I do a lot of cartooning, illustrations, typography, but until recently I worked in fashion.

Matheus: Woww, that's quite the jump. Did you always want to go for a full illustration type of job, or is it fashion the thing you love the most?

Manda: It's all creative, dressing a person or a dummy is just another art. Honestly, I have always loved being creative and working hands on with things, and I really had hoped it would pay off, so fashion was definitely a fallback. There was never an option for like, a regular job for me, I have a learning disability and it really makes formal education really difficult, I do not thrive in a class setting, but if I have a pattern, or instructions, or some kind of tutorial and the required materials I can make just about anything.

Matheus: I had no idea about that. Honestly, I had a pretty usual education, but I can imagine the pros and cons of a more reserved one. It's great to know that you found a good place to work on your art, and to be honest, it's pretty clear that you can draw very well.

Manda: Thank you!! I kept my art hidden away for a long time, my Father was a ridiculously talented artist but also super hyper critical, and I am a wee sensitive baby. I think he was offhandedly snide once when I had a piece in a gallery, because it was an abstract piece, and I didn't show anything to anyone for years.

Matheus: If my words are worth anything, I'd super encourage you to go for it. Show the world what you can do, and I think you'll realize that there's always someone, somewhere that deeply appreciates the work you've done.

It can be quite scary to be honest. But I feel that it is worth doing it.

Have you always been this creative? Since a little child?

Manda: Yes. I was always either doodling, or had my nose in a book, adults thought I was an old soul or an Introvert because I was interested in all these very grown up concepts, and reading more adult literature and trying to recreate paintings from books with my little crayons. But it was more because the world outside of those books didn't make sense. Creativity made sense because art has rules but socializing is terrifying.

Or, was anyway. I just didn't understand how to BE a kid.

Matheus: Haha, I don't think there's a right way to be a kid. I was never a drawing type of person, but I got the same thing for literature that you described there. In my teens, I felt like things that most found interesting were just ultimate boredom to me, and I ended up alone reading lots of books. When the world does not make sense, you can always find something else, and I still love literature very much.

Manda: Oh me too. Nothing beats the feeling of good words.

Matheus: Do you think there's much influence of that little kid reading lots of books in your art? They seem very emotional to me, like there's a little story in them.

Manda: Oh absolutely, that children illustration feeling is definitely from that love of books. Especially classic fairy tales, there's so much variation in illustrations.

Matheus: I have never read much books with Illustrations, but I discovered a whole new world recently on it, and there's so much of the history of illustration in children's books. I was amazed by how beautiful and sometimes scary they were.

Manda: Absolutely, one of my favorites from when I was a kid was Edward Gory, his illustrations are so spooky.

Edward Gorey's Illustration

Edward Gorey's Illustration

Edward Gorey's Illustration

Edward Gorey's Illustration

Matheus: That's absolutely frightening. The one that I love is Dorothy M. Wheeler. I have an inclination to the more fairy tale like, childish illustrations, but it is incredible how many different styles you can find.

At least to me, that was a huge discovery of a new world I had no idea existed.

Dorothy M. Wheeler's Illustration

Dorothy M. Wheeler's Illustration

Dorothy M. Wheeler's Illustration

Manda: Yah!!!!! I have a complete works book. He's delightful. Another I love but is insanely different, is Beatrix Potter.

Beatrix Potter's Illustrations

Beatrix Potter's Illustrations

Beatrix Potter's Illustrations

Beatrix Potter's Illustrations

Matheus: This rabbit family is so delightful, so cute.

Manda: Her illustrations 10\10. And then there are like Mercer Mayer, and cartoons like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Ruby Gloom, which I think was just a Canadian Cartoon.

Mercer Mayer's Illustration

Mercer Mayer's Illustration

Adventure Time

Steven Universe

Ruby Gloom

Ruby Gloom

Matheus: Oh, I had never heard of Ruby Gloom. It looks amazing. Do you think there's anyone among those that you take inspiration from? Or maybe one that has impacted you the most?

Manda: Oh definitely Ruby Gloom, actually Scardey Bat is a Character! My all time fave artist is Mary Blaire. She's who I try to draw most from. She originally worked for Disney and did the concept art for Small world and Peter Pan. Alice in Wonderland yoo. That sort of. Vintage illustration feel.

Mary Blair's Illustration for Disney's Cinderella

Mary Blair's Illustration for Disney's Peter Pan

Mary Blair's Illustration for Disney's Alice in Wonderland

Manda: (Also because its hilarious and embarrassing, my niece challenged me to draw a Crystal Gem Original Character and):

Matheus: That's not embarrassing at all. And I might have a crush on Mary Blair already since she did those Disney concept arts.

Manda: Right?! She was just so phenomenal. Her color palettes she worked in too.

Matheus: Seems like she did a lot of work in Fantasia too, and that's one of my favorites.

Disney's Fantasia (1940)

Manda: The dancing Hippos bring me such joy.

Dancing Hippos in Disney's Fantasia (1940)

Matheus: Is there something in the creative realm that you have never done, and might wanna try in the future?

Manda: Oh boy. I've never done paper quilling, and I'd love to get my hands on a 3D printer or some resin to cast.

Matheus: Oh, those are very different things all together. I'd be a total disaster if I tried paper quilling, but casting resin seems a lot of fun....and work too.

Manda: I need way more space, I've outgrown my kitchen. I do have plans on an alphabet book of fantasy creatures.

Matheus: That would be very awesome, I'm buying a copy of that whenever you finish it for sure.

Manda: Amazing!

Matheus: I really wanna know a little bit more about your work with Astral Entities, because from the outside it looks like a lot of fun. How has been the experience so far?

Manda: So far it's been good, stressful and busy, but good. I did have reservations about being active in the crypto world but it's been really fun.

Matheus: I can't imagine how busy it must be right now on Astral, and within the team you're responsible for the concept art, right? Do you make characters too, or have any other roles?

Manda: I am doing more concept\storyboarding, artist wrangling and design approval.

Manda's concept art for Astral Entities

Manda's concept art for Astral Entities

Matheus: So you have a more directing people kind of part to play as well.

Manda: Yes, more Art Direction. Curating.

Matheus: Oh, that's nice. Tanzo must really trust your work. Do you like this more personal type of role, or does the art part is more enjoyable?

Manda: I'd rather be drawing and actively doing art, but unfortunately I have an autoimmune disorder that makes it really hard to sit and draw for 15 hours a day.

Matheus: I hope that's nothing very serious, I know that some autoimmune diseases can be pretty tough.

Manda: I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. There are definitely worse diseases, but it's not fun.

Matheus: I'm sure it's not. Manda, do you have a dream to achieve, something that you always aimed for?

Manda: To be published, ultimately to have my art in a physical book store.

Matheus: I'm very sure you're going to get there!

Manda: I sing dang hope so lol even if I have to self publish!

Matheus: Yeah, that can work brilliantly too, sometimes even better.

Manda: It really can. I'm most excited to illustrate Eric's lore. And see it finally come alive.

Matheus: I'm truly excited to see what's next on the whole Astral Entities project, and art included, I'll be there watching it all, because it has been a blast so far. I hope that you guys are having a lot of fun as well with it. And Tanzo has a great view of both the business and the creative side. I think things will be great this year that we're just starting.

Thanks a lot for coming and talking with me about your art and life Manda, it was very interesting, surprising and enjoyable. Do you have any words for anybody that's reading it and might have become a new fan of yours?

Manda: I alwylove talking to people who like my art and figuring out what people enjoy seeing so anyone who wants to chat, or for portfolio reviews can reach out to me through the AE server. Link to AE Discord

Scaredy8at's Gallery

Help the Project

If by any means you enjoy the program, we thank you in advance for every reblog as it allows our message and the works of the artist to reach further into the blockchain. And if you wanna support the artist, every upvote counts and the payment of this post will go integrally to the artist.

In case you are interested in supporting this project directly, you can always contact me on Discord:Matheus "hollowknightgod"#1379

Thank you very much for you support!


Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Broooo I have been waiting for this! Blast man! I enjoyed both of your conversation haha... With these great arts we see the artist that much prefer hiding rather than to be known, but it's awesome to know there story. Step out from the shadows and share some thoughts and might as well get to know how they're doing. I hope everything is well for you Manda keep it busy and have fun creating artworks.

Thanksssss man! Always love to see you around, and it was such a great conversation with Manda, I'm glad you liked. She's a truly especial artist, and I'm sure we will see a lot of her around the blockchain in the future.



No problem at all bro! Yeah some artist dive into the blockchain now, we look forward to that. Love to see who you will feature next keep it up! o//

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