Yesterday was my birthday. I actually hadn't put much attention to it, I had committed to attend the Bitcoin Pizza day which had been organized at one of the famous hotels here in Uganda.
I woke up with certainty that the day would pass by without the slightest bit of birthday acknowledgement from anyone which I was okay with until I got a call from my sister inviting me home. My family had organized a small party to commemorate the day.
For a moment I was undecided whether to go celebrate the Bitcoin Pizza day which I was so eager to attend or go home celebrate my birthday which I had little interest in. But being family, I had to go home.
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
'Desmond Tutu'
When you talk of family, your taking of blood relations. Chances are slim you'll ever meet a person that cares about you the way family does.
So I chose to go home, and either way I would be celebrating the Bitcoin Pizza day with family.
I traveled by a bodaboda(motorcycle) to home and got their in time. Almost everyone was busy trying to make the day colourful.
The time came to celebrate the birthday, there was cake, which my parents had funded, was told it cost Ugx150,000 which is almost $50.
I gave a speech, looking back at my last 29 years which have been a hell of an experience, a lot of trying new things and failing but still some success stories pop out.
I feel all these experiences have made me grow up as a person both in mind and body.
Am now more patient in life, no rush to achieve something. There is a lot life offers along the way as we work hard towards our goals. You have to relax and enjoy every moment, not only the time you achieve what you set out to achieve.
Everyone at home was excited. Such days have a way of bringing out a lot of fun from my parents. Am glad I celebrated my birthday with them.
Unfortunately I missed attending the party the other side at the Bitcoin Pizza day.
From the stories and the pictures, it was a glamorous day, Pizzas of all flavors were in abundance.
Many Cryptocurrency platforms were represented including our very own.. Hive which has a lot to celebrate for on this day. There a lot of success stories from the Ugandan users who are on hive.
I personally have witnessed someone who quit he's job to focus on blogging on hive fulltime.
There is a lot Crypto has in stock for us as Africans. With the corruption, inflation of food prices, unemployment going on, we should accept cryptocurrency the most. It is here to liberate us in many kinds of ways.
Thanks for reading.