Late recap of Round 5 of the Hivechess Tournament S17

in #hive-1572868 months ago

Hello everyone.
I was thinking of making this recap earlier but this week was long. Today we play again so recap is on chess day. :)

Mode for this round is 3 + 1. Already time is not that much and when you berserk you got minute and half without increment. Normally stronger players will berserk against lower rated player. So I had players berserk against me and I was also berserking against some players.
Small side note if time control was like in Round 4 most likely I would berserk all games. Simply you dont have to wait that much and you will play more games.

I played 11 games and won 6 of them (actually it was 5 since one game my opponent did not make a move so he lost).

This is my second game in tournament against @stranger27.

I think it was more or less equal game and here after I played rook to c3 black takes my bishop on d5. After this I took Rook and we traded queens leaving me with two rooks against rook and a bishop.

Some 30 something moves later mate with two rooks and pawn almost on the middle of the board.

Next game I would like to show is against @dhilan04.

@dhilan04 went berserk mode and I played fast to make it interesting. And somehow ended up winning the game.
Game lasted 19 moves. As you can see my time is 2:42 and if you add increment that is less than 40 seconds spent (if I did math correctly).
So fast play and time trouble helped in this one.
Nice win since there is more than 500 rating point difference.
It ended like this.

This next game was against @onthewayout. First game I lost against @onthewayout and this one was our second game in this round.
Time for my to try to equalize the score.

Again I think it was equal until this point. Here @onthewayout played g4 which is apparently blunder. I played c6 after this.

And we end up in this position where I played

Here @onthewayout decided to take the Rook with a queen and after we traded Rooks and Queen he blunders .
Rook take pawns on e5 was blunder.

My next move was Queen to d2 check and @onthewayout resigned.

And last game for this recap is against @samostically.

He went berserk mode so again I was playing fast to try to use it as advantage. In this game as well I used around 40 seconds and game finished in 25 moves.
And there were blunders from both sides. So this move happened. After I took knight on f6 with bishop @samostically plays move g6.

And pawn went for a checkmate. Checkmate with pawn.

Very good round. Interesting games. And rating wise was quite successful.
New 60 rating points. Worth nothing that one game against @samostically timed out since he did not move one time (first move).

Today is round 6 with mode 4+0 (4 minutes per game, no increment), 9 rounds Swiss tournament! @stayoutoftherz keeps rounds interesting with different formats.
Lets play chess.



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