Best of Anime Music - Flame of Recca / Rekka no Hono Original Soundtrack

in #hive-1584893 years ago


Ai have found this awesome Flame of Recca Album in my collection of CD's and I still remember it as Rekka no Hono. For most people Naruto is going to be the first Hokage in their life, that little ninja with the special powers who seeks to be hokage his whole life long. Well for me my first little ninja who wants to be Hokage was actually Recca. I feel old, cause most people won't even understand how much Naruto and Rekka are alike, since they never seen the original series from 1997.... Anyway the soundtrack was awesome and I loved the opening! catjam Here is my way of sharing this nostalgia with you guys, If you are a naruto fan, you should definetely checkout Flame of Recca where the real Hokage Saga started from.


Ai habe dieses fantastische Flame of Recca Album in meiner CD-Sammlung gefunden und ich erinnere mich noch daran als Rekka no Hono. Für die meisten Menschen wird Naruto der erste Hokage in ihrem Leben sein, dieser kleine Ninja mit den besonderen Kräften, der sein ganzes Leben lang Hokage werden will. Nun, für mich war mein erster kleiner Ninja, der Hokage werden wollte, tatsächlich Recca. Ich fühle mich alt, denn die meisten Leute werden gar nicht verstehen, wie sehr sich Naruto und Rekka ähneln, da sie die Originalserie von 1997.... nie gesehen haben. Wie auch immer, der Soundtrack war super und ich liebte das Opening! catjam Hier ist meine Art, diese Nostalgie mit euch zu teilen. Wenn ihr ein Naruto-Fan seid, solltet ihr euch auf jeden Fall Flame of Recca ansehen, wo die echte Hokage-Saga begann.

As Bonus I added the original Opening Sequence for you to enjoy :D

All sources:

NFT Collections

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I often play this at office together with other soundtracks of old animes like Dragonball, Slamdunk, Yu Yu Hakusho and Digimon. These soundtracks are on Hall of Fame already in my opinion. 😄
I also mix these with One Piece, Naruto and Bleach. And with new animes as well like Demon Slayer, Your Name and Your Lie in April. It helps me focus on what I am doing. 😃

you sir are a man of culture! Who cherishes slam dunk is already in my hall of fame!

!discovery 15

thank you :D what does this mean ? discory 15?

Oof, it's supposed to trigger the curation bot by the discovery-it account to upvote the post, didn't realized it failed until you replied to this comment sorry.

ah thank you. is that only for admin command?

Yeah, for curators of that community specifically.