Chrollo Lucilfer: A Villain Hated and Loved by Many [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1584896 months ago

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In the world of anime there are enemies, villains and characters with dual personalities that tend to fall very well to the audience, Lelouch from Code Geass is one of them and perhaps the most emblematic to give an example, we also have Yagami Light in Death Note, but this time I want to highlight Chrollo Lucilfer, better known as Kuroro in the Hunter x Hunter series, who is the leader of the "spider" or ghost brigade as it has also been called.

The first impression we have of him is undoubtedly negative, and more because he is the leader of those whom Kurapika wants to catch, but as he appears on the scene our perception changes, we are trapped by his great power, strategy and cunning in battles.

Added to that he is a villain with great personality, charming to deceive and charismatic to attract, we see that in several chapters where he uses these "virtues" to steal and achieve his goals. On the other hand he is cruel, he has no compassion towards his enemies or against those who are only victims, but he is a faithful comrade of his subordinates and would do anything for their welfare.

How can such a villain possibly appeal? A good question, and this is where I applaud Togashi-sensei for his fantastic way of creating characters, and also developing them, because Kuroro is not only a villain but he represents a whole city, one that has been practically thrown away.


At this point is where the hatred for this character turns into love for some, and it is when you know the background of the character, it is as if we judge a book by its cover or a person by their actions without knowing the context. I remember once a long time ago having a debate with someone who was trying to romanticize the spider members, but the reality is that they all execute evil deeds, however there is a past context why they do all the things we see in the series.

Knowing their background does not make them justifiable but understandable, and I think it is a life lesson that the mangaka wanted to teach us, because there are people who become a scum for society due to their past, the absence of parents, due to external cruelty and indifference, the injustice suffered in childhood and many more things, are aspects that we have to take into account before making a definitive judgment about a person.

With the character of Kuroro this is precisely what happens, so much so that many people wondered if he could really be considered a villain. As far as I am concerned, he is, but not one who is used to destroying humanity out of ambition, but one who acts in partnership with his team to achieve what they were denied: a dignified life.

Finally and to conclude, I consider that it is one of the most striking characters of the whole series, I only regret what we all already know, that it has not yet been continued. Because of that we will not know what will be the final development of the character, but as far as it was worked it was pretty good. Now, if you've read me this far I thank you, but tell me, do you hate it or love it? I look forward to your opinions in the comments.


Thanks for reading

![Spanish Version]

Chrollo Lucilfer: Un villano Odiado y Amado por Muchos

En el mundo del anime hay enemigos, villanos y personajes con doble personalidad que suelen caer muy bien a la audiencia, Lelouch de Code Geass es uno de ellos y quizás el más emblemático por dar un ejemplo, también tenemos a Yagami Light en Death Note, pero en esta oportunidad quiero resaltar a Chrollo Lucilfer, mejor conocido como Kuroro en la serie Hunter x Hunter, quien es el líder de la "araña" o brigada fantasma como también se le ha llamado.

La primera impresión que tenemos de él es sin duda negativa, y más porque es el líder de aquellos a quienes Kurapika desea atrapar, pero a medida que va apareciendo en escena nuestra percepción va cambiando, nos quedamos atrapados por su gran poder, estrategia y astucia en las batallas.

Sumado a eso es un villano con gran personalidad, encantador para engañar y carismático para atraer, eso lo vemos en varios capítulos donde usa estas "virtudes" para robar y lograr sus objetivos. Por otro lado es cruel, no tiene compasión hacia sus enemigos ni contra aquellos que son solo víctimas, pero es fiel camarada de sus subordinados y haría lo que fuera para el bienestar de ellos.

¿Cómo es posible que un villano así pueda atraer? Una buena pregunta, y aquí es donde aplaudo al Sensei Togashi por su fantástica forma de crear personajes, y también el desarrollarlos, porque Kuroro no solo es un villano sino que representa a toda una ciudad, una que prácticamente ha sido desechada.

En este punto es donde el odio hacia este personaje se convierte en amor para algunos, y es cuando se conoce el trasfondo del mismo, es como si juzgáramos un libro por su portada o a una persona por sus acciones sin conocer el contexto. Recuerdo una vez hace mucho tiempo tener un debate con alguien que trataba de romantizar a los miembros de la araña, pero la realidad es que todos ejecutan obras de maldad, sin embargo hay un contexto pasado por el cual hacen todas las cosas que vemos en la serie.

El conocer su trasfondo no los hace justificables pero si entendibles, y pienso que es una lección de vida que el mangaka nos quiso enseñar, pues hay personas que se convierten en una escoria para la sociedad debido a su pasado, a la ausencia de padres, debido a la crueldad e indiferencia externa, la injusticia sufrida en la infancia y muchas cosas más, son aspectos que tenemos que tomar en cuenta antes de emitir un juicio definitivo sobre una persona.

Con el personaje de Kuroro ocurre precisamente eso, tanto así que muchos llegaron a preguntarse si realmente se podía considerar un villano. En lo que a mí concierne lo es, pero no uno que está habituado a destruir a la humanidad por ambición sino uno que actúa en sociedad de su equipo para conseguir lo que les fue negado: una vida digna.

Por último y para concluir, considero que es uno de los personajes más llamativos de toda la serie, solo lamento lo que ya todos sabemos, que aún no sea continuada. Debido a eso no sabremos cual será el desarrollo final del personaje, pero hasta donde fue trabajado estuvo bastante bien. Ahora, si me has leído hasta aquí te agradezco, pero dime, ¿lo odias o lo amas? Espero tus opiniones en los comentarios.

Gracias por leer

Translation done at DeepL

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Knowing their background does not make them justifiable but understandable,

Certainly! After reading their backstory in manga, I somehow cried because what they experienced as children were ruthless. But them experiencing a traumatic childhood doesn't mean that what they've done were permissible. I'm still looking forward to how Togashi-sensei will end up spiders because I somehow had this bad feeling that the original ones in spiders will be all killed ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ (hopefully not). I'm still hoping that Togashi-sensei will somehow give Chrollo and other spiders a chance to change the course of their fate (even though I know Togashi-sensei isn't fan of giving second chances (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠), still I'll be hoping).

I watched this show and still couldn't get Lucifer to be that remarkable compared to the other villains in anime. Sure, he has the spotlight, imposing and presence as a leader and antagonist in Hunter X Hunter, but not as intimidating as Hisoka. While Kurapika's hate is understandable, I still can't get behind the revenge because I'm not as invested with Kurapika's past. Had Kurapika's arc been explored like some emotional backstory, I probably got more kick out of Lucifer being sinister for taking those precious to Kurapika away.

The detail is that Kuroro is not a main villain, but of a specific arc, maybe that's why he is not seen as someone very prominent compared to villains of other anime. And yes, I agree with what you say about Hisoka, however, Hisoka is not a villain as such, he is just a ruthless character with his rivals but he has very high ideals, for him to be the strongest and defeat the strongest is his "purpose" so to speak.

Chrollo Lucilfer is one of my favorite anime villains. I really like his dynamic with the Genei Ryodan and Hisoka. I really hope Togashi could finish the manga to see how will be the fate of this character.

I'm hoping for the same thing too, but Togashi Sensei is conspicuous by his absence haha.

I'm afraid we won't see that 🥺

Hope his health gets better and at least he could finish the current arc of the manga.

You know the writing is great when you find this type of characters that can be equally appealing and hated at the same time. It's great to have characters that go beyond good and evil and explore a deeper personality, more likely to the real people.

Great post!

Yes my friend, you're absolutely right, it's not easy to create this kind of characters but Togashi did it very well. Possibly it is their development and the resemblance to real people in their character that attracts attention.
