Naruto vs Pain: A Battle of Deep Ideals [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1584896 months ago

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I just finished watching Pain's arc in the Naruto Shippuden series, and I must say that I loved it. I had not seen it, in fact I have never been a big follower of this series, its protagonist did not call my attention the first time I saw it many years ago so I did not pay attention to it. It was thanks to my nephew who currently watches it at my mother's house, and to spend quality time with him I watched the adventures of the ninja of Konoha, that made me become interested in knowing how the story of this character ends.

So far I've finished this arc, I don't know what happens from there, I'm just watching it right now, so I ask you not to give me spoilers in the comments haha, let me be happy and finish the story smoothly. Now if, after my request I return to the central theme of this post, the arc of Pain is developed under a philosophical concept quite interesting and striking.

How to obtain true peace? A question that Jiraiya Sensei planted in his two disciples, Naruto and Pain, this is undoubtedly the crux of the whole thing, because each of them has a different answer to that question.


When we analyze Pain's life after all his development we can see that many of his actions are "justified" under his argument. It is understandable that after suffering everything he has suffered he acts in this way, his justice is based on revenge and his ideal of bringing peace through destruction and fear is a way that could work but only temporarily, because people will always rise up against such a system and peace will end.

Our human nature is like that, and I found it excellent how the mangaka Masashi Kishimoto illustrated it in his work. I particularly like stories with good development, and that the characters are well worked, it does not necessarily have to be the protagonist, but as in this case, the villain has his unique arc, and that way we can have an objective thought based on what is shown of him.

On the other hand we have Naruto who also represents a human ideal in this case, which is totally opposite to Pain's, based on forgiveness and reconciliation. They are two different currents, they cannot be reconciled, one will inevitably overcome the other; as shown in the story at the end of the arc when Pain surrenders, so to speak, to Naruto and his response.


Relativity will never overcome absolutism, it is impossible, and for this kind of question there are many answers - every head is a world - but only one right path, and masterfully shown in the plot surrounding this arc, destruction will never defeat reconciliation, which is the only way to achieve lasting peace.

This is the fascinating thing about Japanese anime, it makes us think and meditate. It's not just battles, punches, powers, effects, etc., but the story behind it all. My only regret is that most of the current series lack this kind of depth, that's why they are very unappealing, they capture an audience that only likes the superficial.

I definitely think it was a good choice to watch Naruto, I have a friend who watched the whole thing and he always told me it was good, I contradicted him on many occasions. I have not talked to him to tell him that I am watching it, I will wait to finish it to tell him the good news. Now I ask the question to you who read me, what is your path before Jiraiya's question, would you take the path of Naruto or Pain? I look forward to reading your answer in the comments.


Thanks for reading

![Spanish Version]

Naruto vs Pain: Una batalla de ideales profundos

Acabo de terminar de ver el arco de Pain en la serie Naruto Shippuden, y debo decir que me encanto. No la había visto, de hecho jamás he sido un gran seguidor de esta serie, su protagonista no me llamo la atención la primera vez que la vi hace muchos años así que no le preste atención. Fue gracias a mi sobrino que actualmente la ve donde mi mama, y para pasar tiempo de calidad con el observaba las aventuras del ninja de Konoha, eso hizo que fuera despertando en mi un interés para saber cómo culmina la historia de este personaje.

Hasta los momentos he culminado este arco, no sé qué pasa más de allí, apenas la estoy viendo ahorita, así que te pido no me des spoilers en los comentarios jajá, déjame ser feliz y culminar la historia sin contratiempos. Ahora si, después de mi petición vuelvo al tema central de este post, el arco de Pain se desarrolla bajo un concepto filosófico bastante interesante y llamativo.

¿Cómo obtener la paz verdadera? Una interrogante que Jiraiya Sensei sembró en sus dos discípulos, Naruto y Pain, este es sin duda el meollo de todo el asunto, porque cada uno de ellos tiene una respuesta diferente a dicha pregunta.

Cuando analizamos la vida de Pain después de todo su desarrollo podemos ver que muchas de sus acciones son “justificadas” bajo su argumento. Es entendible que después de sufrir todo lo que ha padecido actúe de dicha manera, su justicia se basa en venganza y su ideal de traer paz a través de la destrucción y el miedo es un camino que podría funcionar pero solo de manera temporal, porque siempre se levantaran personas en contra de dicho sistema y la paz se acabara.

Nuestra naturaleza humana es así, y me pareció excelente como el mangaka Masashi Kishimoto lo ilustro en su obra. Particularmente me gustan las historias con buen desarrollo, y que los personajes sean bien trabajados, no necesariamente tiene que ser el protagonista, sino como en este caso, el villano tiene su arco único, y de esa forma podemos tener un pensamiento objetivo basado en lo que se muestra de él.

Por otro lado tenemos a Naruto quien también representa un ideal humano en este caso, el cual es totalmente opuesto al de Pain, basado en el perdón y la reconciliación. Son dos corrientes distintas, no se pueden conciliar, una superara a la otra indefectiblemente; tal cual como se nos muestra en la historia al final del arco cuando Pain se rinde por decirlo de una manera ante Naruto y su respuesta.

La relatividad nunca superara al absolutismo, es imposible, y para este tipo de preguntas hay muchas respuestas – cada cabeza es un mundo - pero un solo camino correcto, y magistralmente se nos muestra en la trama que rodea este arco, la destrucción jamás vencerá a la reconciliación, que es el único sendero para conseguir la paz duradera.

Esto es lo fascinante del anime japonés, que nos lleva a pensar y meditar. No es solo batallas, golpes, poderes, efectos, etc., sino la historia detrás de todo eso. Lo único que lamento es que la mayoría de las series actuales carecen de este tipo de profundidad, por eso son muy poco atractivas, capturan un público que solo le gusta lo superficial.

Definitivamente pienso que ha sido una buena elección ver Naruto, tengo un amigo que la vio completa y siempre me dijo que era buena, yo lo contradije en muchas ocasiones. No he hablado con él para indicarle que la estoy viendo, esperare culminarla para darle la buena nueva. Ahora te hago la pregunta a ti que me lees, ¿Cuál es tu camino ante la interrogante de Jiraiya? ¿Tomarías el sendero de Naruto o el de Pain? Ansío leer tu respuesta en los comentarios.

Gracias por leer

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Muchos animes tienen su verdad sobre el mundo y la humanidad, y Naruto no escapa de eso, muy bueno tu punto de vista, no soy muy fanática de ese anime, sin embargo escogería el camino de Naruto porque para mi traería paz

Hola. Gracias por tu aporte, es valioso. Te entiendo perfectamente, Naruto es un buen anime pero debido a su contexto no es del agrado de todos.

El camino de Naruto proporciona una paz duradera aunque también difícil de alcanzar.

Naruto 1 - Pain 0

This is why many people who are fans of this great anime agree that Naruto Shippuden should have ended in this Arc. Anyway, one of my favorites of the entire saga, honestly, since we can enjoy one of the most iconic encounters in d the entire franchise and Shonen.

I am a big fan of Naruto and I have seen Shippuden more than three or four times (with and without the filler). I am fascinated by many scenes, battles and developments of many characters. But, this Arc is my favorite, after Naruto's Shunin Exams Arc. Pain is undoubtedly the best enemy and villain of the entire series since his ideals, history and development are the best that has been seen to date.

I completely agree with you and I suggest that, if you want to look good with Naruto and his franchise, don't look beyond this Arc (It's just a personal tip, but if you want to see it in full, do it).

Thanks for the suggestion my friend. I have decided to continue to see it through and finish the story of each of the characters. Mind you, without the filler, it tends to bore me a lot.

I've also been considering watching some movies that show more canon development of the main characters. Note that in Shippuden there are some interesting ones.

I found this arc epic, quite similar the denouement to the Kazekage in the earth village, shunned in the beginning but completely loved by his entire village in the end.

On the other hand, the Sasuke vs Itachi arc was also extremely good, maybe I'll do a review of it soon.

If it's true, Sasuke vs. Itachi is also a very good arc, but more so because of the battle they have at the end (which also happens with Naruto vs. Pain). I think that adds to the best battles I have seen in Naruto, to date, adding Lee vs. Gara and Naruto vs. Sasuke.

That's the good thing about this anime, that it's worth watching even some of its fillers, because of the memorable endings and the impressive battles they have. I think the same applies to watching Shippuden until the end, but I better not give any more spoilers. 😅