Hello everybody!. It's been a long time writing in this community. After what is called the longest exam I've done in my school (about 4 weeks), I'm finally able to take a rest and be back to writing posts in this community. I'm so happy to be back. I hope @ibet and my sensei @tegoshei didn't miss me too much.
Well throughout my exam, I was not involved with any anime (I mean any) as I was trying to make academic comeback and trying to cover every part of my books. But I read a lot of manga; I've completed a few of them, so till I get myself back together, I guess I'll be writing a lot about manhwas and mangas. So without much time, let's get right into it.
The manhwa I'm introducing today is a comic book written by Brandon Chen known as GOD GAME. God Game is a kind of artificial game created by the gods just to entertain them. They do this by taking different people from different locations of the world, wiping their memories, giving them god's limited powers, and making them fight for their lives. As I said, all of this is to entertain them.
I get to know about this manhwa When I was surfing the internet, I normally watch anime, but I couldn't watch any because it was exam month. At that time, I was bored, so I had to improvise by checking for interesting books to read. As I saw it, I noticed that it's rating is okay, but not rated too highly like the likes of Solo Leveling, so I had to give it a go.
So, this manhwa starts with the main character, Reiyan Asura, lost, his memory is lost and he was bound in chains. At first, it seems like they're giving away little memories, but they're given a chance to fight for the remaining memories to be able to survive the rounds. In this Game, there are several rounds and with each round, the difficulty increases exponentially, especially with tough players.
For round 1, teams are given a minimum amount of time to fight and kill themselves, or else they will be eliminated (which means they will be killed). For someone who doesn't know what's going on, he was just trying to keep himself out of trouble, but he later noticed that he didn't have any choice but to fight and kill the other opponent, which he did. For each round, there are rules and changes in the game. So, as the game went on, he was able to slowly discover himself, was able to uncover his memories, and was able to uncover the secrets about the game.
Normally in this manhwa, there're different rounds where each person fights against each other, but at some point, the contestants are fighting god's, which made this manhwa really interesting. There's a different plot twist in this manhwa, which makes it more interesting and makes it on par with manhwas like solo leveling.
One of the gods Reiyan Asura and his team members fought was Wukong (the monkey king). This was one of the most interesting fights in the manga, as we see each and every one of them showcase their powers to their fullest, and as they fought to their limit, they were able to discover more about their powers to upgrade them. (These images are indeed quite long, as I found it difficult to screenshot; I tried my best, taking the best screenshots, though.).
After their fight with Wukong, we're introduced to other plots, why the god's was there in the first place, and what really happened in the game. The interesting part is that I was able to see different kinds of gods, like Thor, Wukong, and others.
One of the reasons I like this manhwa is because of it's creative drawing showing different god with their respective powers and it's intuitive coloring, showing the intensity of different fights as the story goes on, which is very pleasing to the eye. Another thing I like about this manhwa is that it's chapters are not too long. Though they're still releasing it, its chapters are still not up to 150, which makes it quite okay. Overall, the storyline is indeed amazing, and I hope that they can do the anime adaptation.
That brings me to the end of my post. I hope you enjoy it. It's so good to be back. I hope you missed me because I missed you too. I'll also be actively participating in every contest in this community from now on. So, see you in my next post.