[ESP - ENG] The 7 Mist Swordsmen in Naruto: Legendary Strength or Wasted Potential?

in #hive-158489last year

¡Hola, queridos seguidores del mundo de Naruto y del anime en general! Hoy quiero abordar uno de tantos tema que me ha dejado muy inconforme de esta icónica serie: los 7 Espadachines de la Niebla. Estos legendarios guerreros han sido aclamados como algunos de los ninjas más poderosos de la Aldea Oculta de la Niebla, pero ¿Realmente cumplieron con las expectativas? En este post, analizaremos el desempeño de los Espadachines de la Niebla a lo largo de la serie y cuestionaremos si su potencial ha sido verdaderamente aprovechado. ¡Prepárense para un análisis crítico!

Hello, dear followers of the world of Naruto and anime in general! Today I want to tackle one of so many issues that has left me very unhappy about this iconic series: the 7 Mist Swordsmen. These legendary warriors have been hailed as some of the most powerful ninjas in the Hidden Village of the Mist, but did they really live up to expectations? In this post, we'll analyze the performance of the Mist Swordsmen throughout the series and question whether their potential has truly been tapped. Get ready for a critical analysis!


Hōzuki Mangetsu: The Forgotten Legacy

Hōzuki Mangetsu: El legado olvidado

Comenzamos nuestra crítica con Hōzuki Mangetsu, el líder original de los Espadachines de la Niebla. A pesar de ser reconocido como un espadachín excepcional, su papel en la historia es mínimo. No se nos muestra su verdadero poder y su relevancia es eclipsada por otros personajes. Además de nunca haber aparecido en la serie, sino al ser mencionado por su hermano Suigetsu un par de veces, cuando finalmente lo hace es derrotado fuera de cámara. Parece una oportunidad desperdiciada para profundizar en la historia de este personaje tan interesante.
We begin our review with Hōzuki Mangetsu, the original leader of the Mist Swordsmen. Despite being recognized as an exceptional swordsman, his role in the story is minimal. We are not shown his true power and his relevance is overshadowed by other characters. In addition to never appearing in the series, but being mentioned by his brother Suigetsu a couple of times, when he finally does he is defeated off camera. It seems like a wasted opportunity to delve deeper into the history of this very interesting character.


Zabuza Momochi: The underestimated anti-hero

Zabuza Momochi: El antihéroe infravalorado

Zabuza… Lo que le hicieron a este personaje me molesto bastante, Él fue el primer Espadachín de la Niebla que conocemos en la serie, además de ser el primero en mencionar a este grupo u organización, nadie puede negar que tenía un potencial brutal, eso es indiscutible. Sin embargo, su historia se desarrolla demasiado rápido y no se le da el tiempo suficiente para brillar. Además, su trágico final deja una sensación de que se podría haber hecho mucho más con este personaje tan carismático y complejo.
Zabuza... What they did to this character bothered me a lot, He was the first Mist Swordsman we know in the series, besides being the first to mention this group or organization, no one can deny that he had a brutal potential, that is indisputable. However, his story unfolds too quickly and he is not given enough time to shine. Furthermore, its tragic ending leaves a feeling that much more could have been done with this charismatic and complex character.


Kisame Hoshigaki: The shark with no bite

Kisame Hoshigaki: El tiburón sin mordida

.Kisame is known to be one of the strongest and most feared swordsmen. In addition to earning the nickname "The Tailless Bijuu". However, despite his intimidating appearance and his skill with the Samehada sword, his involvement in the main plot is limited, all of this character's exploits occur off camera, except for almost defeating Killer Bee, but this character was widely used to say "Watch out, if someone defeated Bee-sama then he must be very strong". It seems that his potential is overshadowed by his role as Itachi's henchman, leaving us with a bittersweet taste regarding his true range.
Kisame es conocido por ser uno de los espadachines más fuertes y temidos. Además de ganarse el apodo de “El Bijuu sin cola” Sin embargo, a pesar de su apariencia intimidante y su habilidad con la espada Samehada, su participación en la trama principal es limitada, todas las proezas de este personaje ocurren fuera de cámara, excepto por casi derrotar a Killer Bee, pero este personaje era muy usado para decir “Cuidado, si alguien derroto a Bee-sama entonces debe ser muy fuerte”. Parece que su potencial se ve opacado por su papel como secuaz de Itachi, dejándonos con un sabor agridulce respecto a su verdadero alcance.


Ameyuri Ringo: The unfulfilled promise

Ameyuri Ringo: La promesa incumplida

Ameyuri Ringo is one of the most intriguing members of the Mist Swordsmen and to my mind one with a rather interesting personality, but her potential is not developed enough in the series. Her final moments reveal her to be a character with a rather interesting backstory, she is shown as a combat expert looking for an opponent who will give her a thrill, her appearances are sparse and her personal history is left unexplored. It's a shame that such a promising character hasn't received the proper focus.
Ameyuri Ringo es uno de los miembros más intrigantes de los Espadachines de la Niebla y a mi parecer uno con una personalidad bastante interesante, pero su potencial no se desarrolla lo suficiente en la serie. Sus momentos finales nos revelan que es un personaje con una historia bastante interesante, se le muestra como una experta en combate que busca un oponente que la haga sentir emoción, sus apariciones son escasas y su historia personal se queda sin explorar. Es una lástima que un personaje tan prometedor no haya recibido el enfoque adecuado.


Jinpachi Munashi: The Forgotten Shadow

Jinpachi Munashi: La sombra olvidada

Jinpachi Munashi, another member of the Mist Swordsmen, practically goes unnoticed in the series. His presence is minimal and his participation in important events is almost nil. Although his great "sword" skill is hinted at because that thing he carries doesn't count as a sword to me, his role is reduced to mere background rather than becoming a relevant force in the plot, i.e. this guy along with the next guy I'm going to describe were defeated by a blind Kakashi and an injured Guy.
Jinpachi Munashi, otro miembro de los Espadachines de la Niebla, prácticamente pasa desapercibido en la serie. Su presencia es mínima y su participación en los eventos importantes es casi nula. Aunque se insinúa su gran habilidad con la “espada” porque esa cosa que carga no cuenta como una espada para mí, su papel se reduce a un simple trasfondo en lugar de convertirse en una fuerza relevante en la trama, es decir, este tipo junto con el siguiente que voy a describir fueron derrotado por un Kakashi ciego y un Guy herido.


Kushimaru Kuriarare: Hidden Power

Kushimaru Kuriarare: El poder oculto

Kushimaru, despite having a unique design and a special ability with his "sword" which I don't consider it a sword either because it's just a giant sewing needle, barely makes a mark in the series. His involvement is reduced to a brief appearance and his potential as a member of the Mist Swordsmen is not explored enough. She's a character with a lot of wasted potential.
Kushimaru, a pesar de tener un diseño único y una habilidad especial con su “espada” que tampoco lo considero una espada porque solo es una aguja de coser gigante, apenas deja huella en la serie. Su participación se reduce a una breve aparición y su potencial como miembro de los Espadachines de la Niebla no se explora lo suficiente. Es un personaje con un gran potencial desperdiciado.


Jinin Akebino: The Forgotten "Swordsman"

Jinin Akebino: El "espadachín" olvidado

Last but not least, we have Jinin Akebino, the last of the "Swordsmen" of the Mist, this is the one I least consider a swordsman because his weapon is far, far from being a sword, he literally carries an axe strapped to a hammer and calls it "The Blunt Sword". Like other members of the group, his presence in the main plot is minimal and his story is not properly developed. He is a character that quickly fades out of the series, leaving a bittersweet taste about his role in the overall story.
Por último, pero no menos importante, tenemos a Jinin Akebino, el último de los “Espadachines” de la Niebla, este es el que menos considero un espadachín porque su arma está lejos, pero muy lejos de ser una espada, literalmente carga un hacha atada a un martillo y la hace llamar “La espada sin filo”. Al igual que otros miembros del grupo, su presencia en la trama principal es mínima y su historia no se desarrolla adecuadamente. Es un personaje que se desvanece rápidamente en la serie, dejando un sabor agridulce sobre su papel en la historia general.




Although the 7 Mist Swordsmen have been presented as a legendary force in the world of Naruto, their potential has not been fully exploited. Although in my opinion the name fits them huge, as it harbors at least 2 big lies there, either they are not swordsmen or they are not 7, if we leave it for swordsmen, I think they would only count 4. While some of them have standout moments, overall, their involvement in the main plot is limited and their character development falls short. It seems that the opportunity to deepen their stories was wasted, starting with the explanation of "How did the 7 die in 3 years and no one knew about it?" because let's remember that Zabuza was the one who introduced it to us and he didn't say "the former 7 swordsmen of the mist" nor did he say it in any way that would make us think that the grouping had come to an end or was close to that, there are many incongruities around this organization and in my opinion they were a disappointment.

Despite this, they are still interesting and iconic characters in the Naruto universe, what do you think, do you think the 7 Mist Swordsmen fulfilled their potential in the series? I'm open to debate regarding this topic, if you're interested I invite you to comment your opinion.
Aunque los 7 Espadachines de la Niebla han sido presentados como una fuerza legendaria en el mundo de Naruto, su potencial no ha sido plenamente aprovechado. Aunque a mi parecer el nombre les queda enorme, ya que alberga al menos 2 grandes mentiras ahí, o no son espadachines o no son 7, si lo dejamos por espadachines, creo que solo contarían 4. Si bien algunos de ellos tienen momentos destacados, en general, su participación en la trama principal es limitada y su desarrollo de personajes se queda corto. Parece que se desaprovechó la oportunidad de profundizar en sus historias, comenzando por la explicación de “¿Cómo es que los 7 murieron en 3 años y nadie se enteró?” Porque recordemos que Zabuza fue quien nos lo presento y no dijo “los antiguos 7 espadachines de la niebla” ni lo dijo de alguna forma que nos hiciera pensar que la agrupación había llegado a su fin o estaba cerca de eso, hay muchas incongruencias alrededor de esta organización y a mi parecer fueron una decepción.

A pesar de esto, siguen siendo personajes interesantes y emblemáticos en el universo de Naruto. ¿Tú qué opinas? ¿Crees que los 7 Espadachines de la Niebla cumplieron con su potencial en la serie? Estoy abierto al debate con respecto a este tema, si te interesa te invito a que comentes tu opinión.


Todas las imágenes utilizadas para este post son capturas de pantalla del anime sobre el cual trata este post que son propiedad de Pierrot.

All images used for this post are screenshots from the movie this post is about which are the property of Pierrot.



I still remember first episodes of Naruto. Zabuza was so strong back then, but honestly they would stand no chance against Akatsuki. I think they were just strong in the early part of anime.

Maybe you say it because Zabuza was one of the first characters we saw appear, but that doesn't mean he has a low level of power, Zabuza gave Kakashi more fight than Kakuzu, who if he didn't have more lives than a cat would have died later of a single chidori, I agree that he appeared at the right time, but I think that he wasted the character's potential because we never saw his background, why he deserted, nor did we know who the other 6 swordsmen of the mist were when he belonged to said cluster.

I totally agree that Zabuza with Akatsuki as a central theme had no place in the story, but it would have been nice to see a little more about this group, rather than seeing them bite the dust as resurrected.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and commenting.

Maybe you say it because Zabuza was one of the first characters we saw appear, but that doesn't mean he has a low level of power, Zabuza gave Kakashi more fight than Kakuzu, who if he didn't have more lives than a cat would have died later of a single chidori, I agree that he appeared at the right time, but I think that he wasted the character's potential because we never saw his background, why he deserted, nor did we know who the other 6 swordsmen of the mist were when he belonged to said cluster.

I totally agree that Zabuza with Akatsuki as a central theme had no place in the story, but it would have been nice to see a little more about this group, rather than seeing them bite the dust as resurrected.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and commenting.