A Silent Voice-A bittersweet masterpiece

in The Anime Realm25 days ago

Hi guys, it's me again.
So there's like this invisible rope around my neck pulling me back and away from the world(here). I try to escape it my snapping my neck but end up dying multiple times and I think I've exhausted my resurrection powers unless some miracle comes and I'm being offered a sac of lives.
Actually,just ignore everything I just said,haha.

It's exam period and I have been low-key,crashing out. I seriously need to go outside and touch grass at some point because I have been so couped up in this room with my notes and textbook scattered all around and I'm minutes to losing my mind. So I chose the second and non existent option and decided to watch something to take my mind off all that. Some of you would've probably seen A silent voice. It's really amazing and I'm going to drop a little review about it now.

A silent voice is a coming of age series that aired around 2016.
The story starts with Shoya Ishida, a kid who bullies Shoko Nishimiya, a deaf girl who transfers to his elementary school. He makes her life miserable—pulling cruel pranks, mocking her, and even damaging her hearing aids. Eventually, the bullying escalates to the point where Shoko transfers out, and Shoya's classmates turn on him, blaming him for everything. He ends up isolated, becoming the outcast he once made Shoko feel like.

Fast forward to high school, and Shoya is a mess. He’s wracked with guilt, struggles with self-worth, and has cut himself off from everyone around him. In an effort to make amends, he tracks down Shoko, who is still dealing with the emotional scars from her past. He tries to apologize and, surprisingly, she forgives him, and they slowly start to build a connection.

The story dives deep into their attempts to navigate this fragile relationship. Shoya begins to understand the consequences of his actions and tries to bring Shoko some happiness. But it’s not smooth sailing—Shoko’s family, especially her sister and mother, aren’t thrilled about Shoya being back in her life. And Shoko herself struggles with feelings of worthlessness, blaming herself for all the pain she’s caused others, which eventually leads to a heartbreaking attempt at suicide. Shoya, in a desperate move, saves her but ends up hospitalized after falling from a balcony.

Through these challenges, Shoya starts to reconnect with others, including his estranged classmates, and begins to forgive himself. The film ends on a hopeful note, with Shoya and Shoko attending a school festival together. Shoya, now able to face the world again, symbolically "opens his ears" to the people around him, finally ready to move forward.

This was a very bittersweet story for me. The concept was mortifyingly beautiful (Is there an adjective like this?). Ranging from the emotional and mental abuse Shoya impacted on Shoko,you can't help but feel so much pity and sadness for Shoko and then there's Shoya who struggles with self identification and trying to pick up pieces of him after everything. It's a conflicted situation because Shoya is not meant to be a likable character but he is. And does that make me a bad person? For liking someone who inflicted so much on another? It's conflicting and puts me in deep thoughts sometimes. And then you see Shoya grow and try to reconnect with the world,fixing up himself and looking at everything with a different pair of lens. It's admirable and beautiful to see his "redemption arc".
It's a two hours movie and something you can watch in a go,with popcorn and snacks or just air. I hope you like it,cause I loved it.

Thanks for reading.


This is among my all-time favorite animated films... It's reality slapping us hard in the face. XD

Too accurate! The anime was peak

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We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

Thankyou so much... haven't really been posting on the community cause of school work and I'm yet to figure out how to balance everything,sigh. So I can't vouch on the fact that you'll see me soon yet🫠

I heard a lot about this one already but have yet to watch it. It now certainly bumped a lot higher on my list of things to view.


It's genuinely really good. You ship definitely try it and please let me know when you do!🥰

I will when I do!

se ve linda, me parece haberla escuchado, excelente recomendación!

looks nice, I think I've heard of it, excellent recommendation!

It's really good,I hope you watch it.... Thanks for commenting

The way it deals with bullying and the emotional consequences is really shocking. I love how Shoya, despite his mistakes, seeks to redeem himself and learn from his past. It's an emotional journey, but it's worth watching.

Shoya's character development and redemption was truly peak. I needed more screentime of him,I couldn't get enough

You finally watched it!!!😭✨

Isn't it a gem?🔥🔥🔥😍

It was really good. Glad I saw it frl


This is a fantastic movie, one of the best I've ever seen in my life. And I'm not just saying that because of the visuals or the soundtrack and the quality of the animation, but also for the unique way of telling a story and developing its characters in such a way that you feel empathy and a lot of other emotions for each of them, even making you cry.

Good review.

It was really really good!!!! I felt my eyes water at one point but I didn't cry!😂
Like you said,the story telling was beautiful. Everything was beautifully scripted,I really really liked it.

I can't forget the first time I watched this movie on our local channel with our old tv during the Lenten season...I was seriously pissed off with Shoya at that time, and even when the movie ended I still have that grudge against him. I really relate with Shoko because I've been bullied a lot of times before, and I think even though those bullies will try to reach out to me now I can't still forget both the physical and emotional torture they've done. I know I'm probably childish because I still can't forgive and forget their trespasses for I'm no saint—but yep, I've moved on (?) and learned. However, I'll never forget nor forgive either. I can sympathize with Shoya at the end, but still I can't with real people.

Ahahahaha don't mind my little rant, your review did concisely summarize its story. I've already rewatched it for like a couple of times and I can say it's really emotionally provoking anime. Btw, nice review and hopefully you can break free from that invisible rope soon!

Oh my- I'm so sorry you went through all that. I can't imagine how it felt to be honest. I'm so sorry. It's alright if you don't want to forgive them,noone judges you and you're not being childish. It was your feelings and you they hurt and nothing can justify why they did it. Be it to feel high enough or strong enough,it was stupid. Bullies don't really deserve forgiveness. I don't know,I like Shoya a bit not gonna lie but we needed some back story on him. I mean there was no solid reasons as to why he bullied Shoko. I feel he liked her and didn't know any other way to talk to her or come in touch with his feelings. But that sounds ridiculous,but hey,the world is ridiculous.

It's not really a big deal now haha, but I'm a grudgeful person so forgiving is not my best suit. Yeah, Shoya seemed to unconsciously like her but he did go overboard with that hearing aid incident. Boys are silly and foolish especially when they're in that stage... and yes, the world is indeed ridiculous and thank God we still managed to make sense of it.