in #hive-1584893 months ago

I've made a lot of horrible decisions. Some I've been able to recover from and others, I beat myself up about it and deprive myself of sleep for days. And then there are those decisions I make knowing fully well the consequences and what I'm going to experience after said action has been done. I just finished spending 3 hours of the time I was supposed to use to read my actual school books to read a webtoon comic and I say this with no regret in my heart or soul, IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT! Guys I have exams,help! One of the best decisions I've made this year is not deleting the webtoon app on my phone.

Purple Hyacinth is a webtoon comic created by Ephemerys and Sophism,two amazing people. It revolves around Lauren Sinclair, a police officer with a unique ability to sniff out lies,to tell when someone's lying. The story unfolds in a world filled with corruption and deceit, where Lauren's extraordinary talent becomes a crucial tool in unraveling various crimes and mysteries.


One of the most captivating aspects of Purple Hyacinth is its rich character development. Lauren is a multifaceted protagonist with a complex backstory that adds layers to her personality. Her interactions with Kieran, a former assassin(also known as Purple Hyacinth) turned informant, brings an intriguing dynamic to the narrative, blending elements of mystery and romance seamlessly. The supporting characters are equally well-crafted, each contributing to the overall depth and suspense of the plot.

The artwork in Purple Hyacinth is truly a sight to behold. The illustrations are detailed and vibrant, drawing readers into the story with their visual splendor. The clever use of color, especially the recurring motif of the purple hyacinth, enhances the storytelling and adds an extra layer of symbolism to the narrative. The webtoon's visuals are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve to enrich the reading experience.


When it comes to the plot, Purple Hyacinth shines in its ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The story is filled with twists and turns, keeping you guessing and eager for more with each new episode. The perfect balance of action-packed sequences and poignant character moments ensures that the narrative remains engaging and dynamic throughout. Let's not forget the wonderful amount and welldone foreshadowing! Like I said I love watching things,reading things I can't predict. I predicted alot of things when reading Purple Hyacinth and although I am ashamed to admit to my failure of being unable to deduct what's going to happen in the next scene, I am happy to say that Purple Hyacinth is entirely worth it. The foreshadowing is so so beautiful, the leftover details in random scenes, my God! So beautiful,so so beautiful


Sophism, Ephemerys, if by some means or way you happen to see this post, I just want you to know that you can have a full glass of my tears to sip on. I willingly let go of it.

Purple Hyacinth is definitely for anyone who enjoys a mix of mystery, romance, and intricate storytelling. The compelling characters, stunning artwork, and suspenseful plot make it a standout webtoon that is sure to captivate readers from start to finish. Whether you're a seasoned webtoon enthusiast or new to the genre, Purple Hyacinth offers a captivating and immersive reading experience that is not to be missed. I'm so glad I got to read this.I present to you, the trailer:

Living is beautiful. The world is beautiful and everyday I keep on seeing things like Purple Hyacinth that make me want to keep on living,to like the world and the things in it,to fall in love all over again with this spherical globe we live in and then there are some days I loathe everything about here,the people, everything.
The universe keeps throwing things at me. Sometimes my reflexes are sharp enough to dodge it and sometimes I catch it directly in my palms. This includes the good and bad things. Things can get better. Although, it may look like the world is burning down around you and you'll be next soon, trust me when I say you'll be fine.


He tomado muchas decisiones horribles. De algunas me he podido recuperar y de otras me castigo y me privo del sueño durante días. Y luego están esas decisiones que tomo sabiendo muy bien las consecuencias y lo que voy a experimentar después de haber realizado dicha acción. Acabo de terminar de pasar 3 horas del tiempo que se suponía que debía usar para leer mis libros escolares reales para leer un cómic webtoon y lo digo sin ningún arrepentimiento en mi corazón ni en mi alma, ¡VALO TOTALMENTE LA PENA! Chicos, tengo exámenes, ¡ayuda! Una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado este año es no eliminar la aplicación webtoon de mi teléfono.

Purple Hyacinth es un cómic webtoon creado por Ephemerys y Sophism, dos personas increíbles. Gira en torno a Lauren Sinclair, una oficial de policía con una habilidad única para detectar mentiras, para saber cuándo alguien está mintiendo. La historia se desarrolla en un mundo lleno de corrupción y engaño, donde el extraordinario talento de Lauren se convierte en una herramienta crucial para desentrañar varios crímenes y misterios.


Uno de los aspectos más cautivadores de Purple Hyacinth es el rico desarrollo de su carácter. Lauren es una protagonista multifacética con una historia de fondo compleja que añade capas a su personalidad. Sus interacciones con Kieran, un ex asesino (también conocido como Purple Hyacinth) convertido en informante, aporta una dinámica intrigante a la narrativa, combinando elementos de misterio y romance a la perfección. Los personajes secundarios están igualmente bien elaborados y cada uno contribuye a la profundidad general y el suspenso de la trama.

La obra de arte de Purple Hyacinth es realmente un espectáculo digno de contemplar. Las ilustraciones son detalladas y vibrantes, y atraen a los lectores a la historia con su esplendor visual. El uso inteligente del color, especialmente el motivo recurrente del jacinto morado, realza la narración y añade una capa adicional de simbolismo a la narrativa. Las imágenes del webtoon no sólo son estéticamente agradables sino que también sirven para enriquecer la experiencia de lectura.


Cuando se trata de la trama, Purple Hyacinth brilla por su capacidad de mantener a los lectores al borde de sus asientos. La historia está llena de giros y vueltas, lo que te mantendrá adivinando y deseando más con cada nuevo episodio. El equilibrio perfecto entre secuencias llenas de acción y momentos conmovedores de los personajes garantiza que la narrativa siga siendo atractiva y dinámica en todo momento. ¡No olvidemos la maravillosa cantidad y el presagio bien hecho! Como dije, me encanta ver cosas, leer cosas que no puedo predecir. Predije muchas cosas al leer Purple Hyacinth y, aunque me avergüenza admitir mi fracaso al no poder deducir lo que sucederá en la siguiente escena, me alegra decir que Purple Hyacinth vale la pena. El presagio es tan hermoso, los detalles sobrantes en escenas aleatorias, ¡Dios mío! Qué hermosa, qué hermosa


Sofismo, Efemerys, si por algún medio o manera llegas a ver este post, solo quiero que sepas que puedes tomar un vaso lleno de mis lágrimas para beber. Lo dejé ir de buena gana.

Purple Hyacinth es definitivamente para cualquiera que disfrute de una mezcla de misterio, romance y narraciones intrincadas. Los personajes convincentes, las ilustraciones impresionantes y la trama llena de suspenso lo convierten en un webtoon destacado que seguramente cautivará a los lectores de principio a fin. Si eres un entusiasta experimentado de los webtoon o eres nuevo en el género, Purple Hyacinth ofrece una experiencia de lectura cautivadora e inmersiva que no debes perderte. Me alegro mucho de haber leído esto. Les presento el avance:

Vivir es hermoso. El mundo es hermoso y todos los días sigo viendo cosas como Purple Hyacinth que me hacen querer seguir viviendo, que me guste el mundo y las cosas que hay en él, enamorarme de nuevo de este globo esférico en el que vivimos y luego allí. Hay algunos días que detesto todo lo de aquí, la gente, todo.
El universo sigue arrojándome cosas. A veces mis reflejos son lo suficientemente agudos como para esquivarlo y otras veces lo atrapo directamente en mis palmas. Esto incluye las cosas buenas y malas. Las cosas pueden mejorar. Aunque puede parecer que el mundo se está quemando a tu alrededor y que pronto serás tú el próximo, créeme cuando te digo que estarás bien.



Webtoon always have nice story
Most of which are not even animated
I think I’ll love this one because I’m a fan of mystery and investigation.
Check out mercenary enrollment
You will love it

Mercenary enrollment?
I'll love it?
I have exams, you're not helping cause now I want to read it😔😂

Ok. Try not to start it by any means


It has an anime?

This looks good... Haven't heard of this show before ✨

It doesn't have an anime o oga😂
And it's not a show,maybe it will be someday

So it's webtooon only...


Messup .

I don already scour animepahe and put email to their supervisors on why dem never put am.

You always used to overdo,ehn?😂😭
Come and ask me,their sponsor!😞


Keep up the good work. 👏

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OK, first of all, I congratulate you for your way of writing, I loved reading you and I understand what you go through when you talk about the bad days. As for the WebToon app, I was unaware of it, where was I when it came out? downloading it in 3, 2, 1 and looking for Purple Hyacinth to read it! Thanks for sharing such excellent content! greetings!

Ok primero que nada, te felicito por tu forma de escribir, me encantó leerte y te entiendo por lo que pasas al hablar de los días tan malos. En cuanto a la app WebToon la desconocía totalmente, dónde estaba yo cuando salió? descargando en 3, 2, 1 y buscando Purple Hyacinth para leerla! gracias por compartir tan excelente conteido! saludos!

Thankyou so so much, this makes me so happy... So so happy. I'm glad you took your time to notice the way I write, though it's not anything much. I'm just playing with words I don't know;).... And yes Webtoon!!! You should have it on your phone hun and come to me for comic recommendations, I'll be your plug for peak comics🤭

Muchas gracias, esto me hace tan feliz ... Tan feliz. Me alegro de que te hayas tomado tu tiempo para notar la forma en que escribo, aunque no es mucho. Solo estoy jugando con palabras que no sé;) ... ¡¡¡Y sí Webtoon !!! Deberías tenerlo en tu teléfono hun y venir a mí para recomendaciones de cómics, seré tu enchufe para los cómics pico🤭🔥

WOAH I'm sold! It seems like a nice story and my kind of genre lately!

Yess!!! It is very nice. I mean really really nice,I wouldn't sacrifice my academic battle for just anything

Was this webtoon still on season break? I started reading it like way back 2020, and after that I'm following its update, but I stopped following when it had its season break... so I'm curious if it has new updates?


Sophism, Ephemerys, if by some means or way you happen to see this post, I just want you to know that you can have a full glass of my tears to sip on. I willingly let go of it.

I totally relate with this lol ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ..

Since 2020? Girl,where have you been!?😂
Go and check it out,the hell!😂😂❤️

I'm already at ch 158, I think I stopped because I saw the season break thingy—I don't want to be cliff hanged so...ahahahha you're right, I think I should check it out (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)...

But then again,I do not want to be cruel or be a spoiler but they're on production for the other season and idk do whatever you want with this glorious information I just gave you😭❤️

So they're on season break againnnn? ahuhuhuhu I badly wanted to check out the updates—but I also don't want to be cliffhanged... ʕ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠ʔ...lol, what do I do?

This reminds me of a time I scratched several exams for using the weekend to watch movies haha and YES! in the end it's worth it, I don't like to study much hahaha 😂

Okey, I like the premise, it's like a doggy lie detector, mystery plots are not really my type but I'll give it a chance especially for the application aspect, I have to look for that in order to watch this story.

Something that caught my attention is the style of the characters, the final image with the handcuffs, striking to sell the product to an audience.

Something that caught my attention is the style of the characters, the final image with the handcuffs, striking to sell the product to an audience.

I loved that particular scene!!! This comic is so nice and funny too and just so good...m I wouldn't risk my exams for just anything 😞