The Crow Does Not Choose the Lord: An AnimΓ© with Great Potential (Eng-Spa)

in #hive-158489 β€’ 4 months ago

π™ΊπšŠπš›πšŠπšœπšž 𝚠𝚊 π™°πš›πšžπš“πš’ 𝚘 π™΄πš›πšŠπš‹πšŠπš—πšŠπš’


This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

Β  Saludos gente linda de la Comunidad de #TheAnimeRealm, feliz inicio de fin de semana. Hace unos dΓ­as atrΓ‘s descubrΓ­ un reciente animΓ© que me ha gustado mucho y que por alguna razΓ³n que desconozco aΓΊn no se ha vuelto popular. Hoy les hablarΓ© un poco de Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai o en espaΓ±ol Yatagarasu: El cuervo no elige a su amo.


Β  Si, lo sΓ©, el nombre es algo extraΓ±o, pero la serie es bastante buena y vale la pena verla. Di con ella mientras buscaba el capΓ­tulo nuevo de Kimetsu No Yaiba y la vi mΓ‘s que todo por curiosidad ya que en las pΓ‘ginas que la he visto publicada no tienen puntuaciΓ³n ni crΓ­ticas, nada. TambiΓ©n me llamΓ³ la atenciΓ³n por sus dibujos y por ser de fantasΓ­a. La sinopsis de la serie dice asΓ­:

Β  La historia se sitΓΊa en un mundo alternativo llamado Yamauchi, gobernado por el clan Yatagarasu, capaz de transformarse entre la forma humana y la de cuervo. Yukiya, un hermoso y excΓ©ntrico muchacho Yatagarasu, es elegido para servir al joven prΓ­ncipe. Mientras se enfrenta a diversos acontecimientos en la corte imperial, llena de conspiraciones, entabla una extraΓ±a relaciΓ³n de maestro y sirviente con el joven prΓ­ncipe. Extraido de: My Anime List


Β  La historia cuenta la vida del prΓ­ncipe cuervo (quien es especial por descendencia), y su llegada al trono del reino de Yamauchi. Para ello debe contraer matrimonio con una de las cuatro doncellas elegidas de los poblados del Norte, Sur, Este y Oeste. Pero existen personas que lo quieren muerto, desde que naciΓ³, por lo que se mantiene oculto.

Β  A su vez tambiΓ©n relata un poco de la vida del joven plebeyo Yukiya quien sirve al principe mΓ‘s por obligaciΓ³n que por gusto, pero a medida que avanza la historia se fortalece la relaciΓ³n entre ambos. Este animΓ© estΓ‘ cargado de mucha intriga, misterio y drama. Apenas han sacado 10 capΓ­tulos y en total serΓ‘n 20. Salen cada sΓ‘bado, si mal no recuerdo y ademΓ‘s de contar una trama bien desarrollada, cuenta con ilustraciones espectaculares y muy bien detalladas.


Β  Sin duda Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai es una de esas series nuevas y extraΓ±as que atrapan a su espectador desde el primer capΓ­tulo. Tiene personajes fuertes que intrigan mucho ya que todos parecen ser enemigos de todos. No se sabe a detalle quiΓ©n apoya a quiΓ©n ni quien es el bueno o el malo.

Β  Para mΓ­, este animΓ© tiene mucho potencial, y tal vez por ser muy nuevo y aun estar en emisiΓ³n no se haya vuelto tan popular. Es una serie que guarda tradiciones y muestra las culturas de un pueblo peculiar que resulta peligroso para quienes quieren hacer el bien y los que permanecen el poder buscan manera de permanecer permanentemente en Γ©l con espΓ­as e imponiendo su voluntad.


Β  Estrategias, planes, traiciones, dramas amorosos, intrigas, lealtad y mucho mΓ‘s se muestran en cada capΓ­tulo de esta increΓ­ble serie. A mi me tiene enganchada y dejΓ© de verla en el capΓ­tulo 6 para no quedarme con ganas de seguirla viendo. Ayer no me aguantΓ© y me puse al dΓ­a de nuevo y ya estoy ansiosa de ver quΓ© traerΓ‘ su nuevo capΓ­tulo.

Β  Yo la recomiendo al πŸ’―%, me ha gustado mucho porque a pesar de ser de fantasΓ­a sus personajes tienen toques tan dramΓ‘ticos que los hace muy ajustados a la realidad.


Β  Si tuviera que comparar esta serie con algΓΊn otro programa que he visto antes, tendrΓ­a que decir que serΓ­a con una telenovela pero versiΓ³n animΓ©, ya que tiene toques bastantes serios, como asesinatos, peleas y el drama cargado de intriga que no puede faltar en una buena historia. Yo sin duda le doy un 10/10.

  Por sus personajes llenos de carÑcter, su excelente trama cargada de misterio e intrigas y sobre todo por los diseños de sus dibujos tan detallados, de mi parte le otorgo 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 de 5 Estrellitas Doradas. Y estÑ altamente recomendada!.

Click AQUI para ver el trΓ‘iler de la serie en espaΓ±ol.

Gracias por llegar al final de mi post.
DΓ©jame saber tu opiniΓ³n al respecto en un comentario.
Me encantarΓ­a leerte.
Β‘Hasta una prΓ³xima publicaciΓ³n! Β‘Saludos!

π™Ύπš›πš’πšπšŽπš— 𝚍𝚎 π™΄πš•πšŽπš–πšŽπš—πšπš˜πšœ πš„πšπš’πš•πš’πš£πšŠπšπš˜πšœ

✦ Imagen de Portada ✦
✦ Traducido con DeepL ✦
✦ Banners con Canva ✦

π™Όπš’πšœ 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚜 πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš•πšŽπšœ

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Β  Greetings beautiful people of #TheAnimeRealm Community, happy start of the weekend. A few days ago I discovered a recent anime that I liked and I don't know why it hasn't become popular yet. Today I will tell you a little bit about Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai or in English Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master.


Β  Yes, the name is a bit strange, but the series is pretty good and worth watching. I stumbled upon it while I was looking for the new chapter of Kimetsu No Yaiba and I watched it mostly out of curiosity since the pages I've seen it published don't have ratings or reviews, nothing. It also caught my attention because of its drawings and because it's fantasy. The synopsis of the series goes like this:

Β  The story is set in an alternate world called Yamauchi, ruled by the Yatagarasu clan, capable of transforming between human and crow form. Yukiya, a beautiful and eccentric Yatagarasu boy, is chosen to serve the young prince. As he faces various events in the conspiracy-filled imperial court, he strikes up a strange master-servant relationship with the young prince. Excerpted from: My Anime List


Β  The story tells the life of the crow prince (who is special by descent) and his rise to the throne of the kingdom of Yamauchi. To do so, he must marry one of the four maidens chosen from the villages of the North, South, East, and West. But some people have wanted him dead, ever since he was born, so he keeps himself hidden.

Β  It also tells a little of the life of the young commoner Yukiya who serves the prince more out of duty than for pleasure, but as the story progresses the relationship between the two grows stronger. This anime is full of intrigue, mystery, and drama. They are released every Saturday if I remember correctly, and in addition to a well-developed plot, it has spectacular and very well-detailed illustrations.


Β  Without a doubt Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai is one of those strange new series that grabs the viewer from the very first episode. It has strong characters that intrigue a lot since everyone seems to be everyone's enemy. You don't know in detail who is supporting who and who is the good or the bad guy.

Β  For me, this anime has a lot of potential, and perhaps because it is very new and still on the air it has not become so popular. It is a series that keeps traditions and shows the cultures of a peculiar people that is dangerous for those who want to do good and those who remain in power seek ways to stay permanently in power with spies and imposing their will.


Β  Strategies, plans, betrayals, love dramas, intrigues, loyalty, and much more are shown in each chapter of this incredible series. I'm hooked and I stopped watching it in chapter 6 so I wouldn't want to continue watching it. Yesterday I couldn't resist and I caught up again and I'm already anxious to see what the new chapter will bring.

Β  I recommend it πŸ’―%, I liked it a lot because despite being fantasy its characters have such dramatic touches that make them very adjusted to reality.


Β  If I had to compare this series with any other show I've seen before, I would have to say it would be a soap opera but an anime version, since it has some serious touches, such as murders, fights, and the drama loaded with intrigue that can't be missing in a good story. I give it a 10/10.

  For its characters full of character, its excellent plot full of mystery and intrigue, and above all for its detailed drawings, I give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 of 5 Little Golden Stars. And it is highly recommended!

Thanks for making it to the end of my post.
Let me know what you think about it in a comment.
I'd love to read it.
See you in my next post! Cheers!

π™Ύπš›πš’πšπš’πš— 𝚘𝚏 π™΄πš•πšŽπš–πšŽπš—πšπšœ πš„πšœπšŽπš

✦ Front Cover Image ✦
✦ Translated with DeepL ✦
✦ Banners with Canva ✦

π™Όπš’ πš‚πš˜πšŒπš’πšŠπš• π™ΌπšŽπšπš’πšŠ

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Parece entretenida. La pienso buscar para ver.

vale la pena, me alegra que tomes en cuenta mi recomendaciΓ³n, si lo ves, espero leer tu opiniΓ³n sobre la serie, gracias por pasar y comentar!

es un anime que me parece interesante, la intriga me parece una novela jeje saber quien es quien

it is an anime that I find interesting, the intrigue seems to me like a novel hehe to know who is who.

Si, este animΓ© es bastante serio, cuenta con mucha intriga y drama. Si puedes verlo, me encantarΓ­a leer tu opiniΓ³n al respecto. Gracias por pasar y comentar, un abrazo!

I had already seen the trailer for this anime, but I would have never imagined that it would have such a high rating from someone since, as you say, it's not very popular. I think this story is quite different from what we normally see, so it piqued my interest.

Thanks for sharing!

Well on the My Anime List page it has a score of 7 and something, but on the other pages I've consulted I haven't seen a score for it. In FilmAffinity, it doesn't have a score but it has a few recommendations. If you see it, I hope to read your opinion. It is still airing, it will have a total of 20 episodes and I don't know if there will be a second season.

My first of hearing this anime...

The story is quite different...
I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation ✨

Yes, it is not that popular but it is very good. I liked it a lot and it's still on air. There are only 9 episodes left and they premiere it every Saturday