There are numerous things that can make me hate an anime.
One is when the animation is bad, the other thing is if the story or plot is boring or doesn't make sense (to me), when the fan base over hypes the show. Hypes it up so bad that even though it's actually a pretty alright show, after you watch it, you'd feel it's below the mark.
That's what I felt when I watched 86.
The San Magnolia wars are technologically improved wars. Fighting against the huge insect like robots are humans of San Magnolia from the eighty sixth district manning robotic vehicles called Juggernauts.
The story follows Vladilena Mirize, the 86 and the discovery of the dark truths hidden in the war.
Now don't get me wrong.
This show was actually incredibly interesting. Loved the plot and plot twists, then the action scenes were also nice, animation did a lovely job.
The characters also were wonderful. Each had this kind of depth that made you relate with them more easily than in most series.
From a few moments on screen one would feel close to anycl character, as though you've been watching them for months now.
The show's cinematography did wonders. With the changes of scenes and the angles. Always making sure that every shot was perfect.
So now you're probably wondering. I've been speaking just good about the movie. So what's with the introduction and the title.
Well this anime had it all, but was intensely over hyped in one aspect.
Fans painted this anime as a crazed tragedy based on the injustice done on the 86.
Now don't get me wrong. It was a sad sight to see children dying in wars. Yet to me this show wasn't even a tragedy. It wasn't meant to be a tragedy and it's definitely not as sad as the fans are painting it out to be.
In actuality, the show holds similarities to Black Bullet which I washed earlier this year.
The only difference is that black Bullet ranked way much higher in the tragedy aspect of things.
To me 86 was a good anime, but the fans, built a bar that it had no business trying to reach and it couldn't reach. Still it's a nice show.
I recommend it to viewers who love psychological wartime shows.
Have you seen it? What do you think?
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