My Thoughts On Boruto... Expectations on Next Season...

in #hive-1584893 months ago

I'm sure this is no anime name that needs any introduction to the anime world. Due to the sheer popularity of its predecessor Naruto and it's own generated -mostly inherited- fans, it's a really well known OG anime of the new generation.
Despite this, Boruto, made a major mistake in the beginning which made it to lose a lot of fans hearts and trust.

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Boruto: Naruto Next Generation as the name implies is the predecessor of the all time great animated show Naruto. To be exact, it's the story of Naruto's son, Uzumaki Boruto and his peers as they face different challenges and villains, while still growing and interacting with a world free from Ninja wars.
The story of Naruto was beautifully crafted, yes it had its flaws, but it's strong points successfully covered for it and the story ended with minimal loose threads.
If it had ended with Naruto becoming Hokage and him marrying Hinata, few fans would have protested but nothing truly overboard and with time all wrongs would have been forgotten.
Yet, because of its success, it's great success. Kishimoto made a second sequel, building up on the loose threads from Naruto's story, making it the first Next Generation anime Story of the New Generation.
This show at the beginning had it's fair share of problems, from fans expectations, to anime pacing and timeline discrepancies, to sheer animation issues.
It was bad, actually so bad.
At the beginning, it was nothing short of heartbreaking for an OG Naruto fan to watch the predecessor show and see what the Ninja World had become.
With each passing episode, it was looking more and more like a slice of life, highschool action show with no deep plot and rather forgetful characters.
The beginning was slow, the story uneventful, the fight scenes laughable and the characters were ridiculous.
The Main Character, Boruto did nothing to help the show as he was turning more and more to be the most hated character there. His overwhelming talent and fame plus pure disregard to the father who he has to thank for the talent and fame gave fans an ick that they couldn't ignore.
The hate grew to it's dipping point after the stunt he pulled in the Chuunin Exams, cheating his way through and getting found out. At that point, fans were about to flip and leave the show altogether.
But as one would expect from the dipping point, the next place to go is up and that's just what happened.
The plot immediately quickened from there and the fans who stayed finally got what they have been praying and hoping for since the beginning.

A real, good, ninja style, ass whooping.

After this arc, it was clear something had changed.
The whole air of the anime shifted and almost in response the plot thickened and the pace quickened.
Masashi Kishimoto took over and things started shaping up.
We carried on and started seeing more fights and meeting more, interesting, noticeable characters.
We had passed the prelude with it's annoying fillers and now we were in for the main course.
A lot of things happened after this meeting Kawaki and being introduced to a new overpowering Otsutsuki antagonist Jigen.
One that truly made Naruto suffer unlike the few small rats he had faced before (Kaguya and Toneri).
The fight with Jigen cost us Kurama. Thinking it would be a while before we get another major antagonist, asif to make up for the incredibly slow pacing at teb beginning.
Kawaki's former comrade Code takes on the antagonist mantle and with the help of Eida and Daemon they are looking quite formidable.

The first season ends when Code, Boruto and Kawaki fights for the first time.
With Kawaki having to kill Boruto who Momoshiki had taken control of.
It was quite a passionate and sad scene seeing Naruto numb and shaken with grief holding his dead son.
But alas, the anime rule which Kishimoto holds true...

"He's the main character, we don't do that here."


Code has escaped and plans to come back for Konoha, the battle and the first season ends with Boruto going off with Sasuke on training like how Naruto did with Jiraiya.
From some scans from the manga, I can say the new season is going to be fire.
Boruto coming back with a new air and his skills improved.
After the emotional rollercoaster of the first season, I do hope this season doesn't follow in its footsteps.
Only I, who stuck with it, knows the amount of disgust I held in my heart till the fight against Momoshiki😂
Although I can say I'm fairly excited for this new season.

What about you?

Have you watched Boruto?

Did you leave or stay?

And are you excited for the new season?

I'll be waiting for your comments.


Estoy seguro de que este no es un nombre de anime que necesite una introducción al mundo del anime. Debido a la gran popularidad de su predecesor Naruto y a sus propios fanáticos generados (en su mayoría heredados), es un anime OG muy conocido de la nueva generación.
A pesar de esto, Boruto cometió un gran error al principio que le hizo perder el corazón y la confianza de muchos fanáticos.

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Boruto: Naruto Next Generation, como su nombre lo indica, es el predecesor del gran programa animado de todos los tiempos, Naruto. Para ser exactos, es la historia del hijo de Naruto, Uzumaki Boruto y sus compañeros mientras enfrentan diferentes desafíos y villanos, mientras siguen creciendo e interactuando con un mundo libre de guerras Ninja.
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La historia de Naruto fue bellamente elaborada, sí, tuvo sus defectos, pero sus puntos fuertes se cubrieron con éxito y la historia terminó con un mínimo de hilos sueltos.
Si hubiera terminado con Naruto convirtiéndose en Hokage y casándose con Hinata, pocos fanáticos habrían protestado, pero nada realmente exagerado y con el tiempo todos los errores se habrían olvidado.
Sin embargo, debido a su éxito, es un gran éxito. Kishimoto hizo una segunda secuela, aprovechando los hilos sueltos de la historia de Naruto, convirtiéndola en la primera historia de anime de próxima generación de la nueva generación.
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Al principio, este programa tuvo una buena cantidad de problemas, desde las expectativas de los fanáticos hasta el ritmo del anime y las discrepancias en la línea de tiempo, hasta problemas de animación.
Fue malo, en realidad tan malo.
Al principio, fue desgarrador para un fanático de OG Naruto ver el programa predecesor y ver en qué se había convertido el Mundo Ninja.
Con cada episodio que pasaba, se parecía cada vez más a una parte de la vida, un programa de acción de la escuela secundaria sin una trama profunda y con personajes más bien olvidadizos.
El comienzo fue lento, la historia sin incidentes, las escenas de lucha risibles y los personajes ridículos.
El personaje principal, Boruto, no hizo nada para ayudar al programa, ya que se estaba convirtiendo cada vez más en el personaje más odiado allí. Su abrumador talento y fama, además de su puro desprecio hacia el padre a quien tiene que agradecer por el talento y la fama, le dieron a los fanáticos un disgusto que no podían ignorar.
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El odio creció hasta su punto más bajo después del truco que hizo en los exámenes Chuunin, haciendo trampa y siendo descubierto. En ese momento, los fanáticos estaban a punto de darse la vuelta y abandonar el programa por completo.
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Pero como era de esperar desde el punto de inmersión, el siguiente lugar a seguir es hacia arriba y eso es exactamente lo que sucedió.
La trama se aceleró inmediatamente a partir de ahí y los fans que se quedaron finalmente obtuvieron lo que habían estado orando y esperando desde el principio.

Un verdadero y bueno estilo ninja, gritos de culo.

Después de este arco, quedó claro que algo había cambiado.
Todo el aire del anime cambió y casi en respuesta la trama se hizo más espesa y el ritmo se aceleró.
Masashi Kishimoto tomó el mando y las cosas empezaron a tomar forma.
Seguimos adelante y comenzamos a ver más peleas y a conocer más personajes interesantes y notables.
Habíamos pasado el preludio con sus molestos rellenos y ahora nos esperaba el plato principal.
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Muchas cosas sucedieron después de conocer a Kawaki y de conocer a un nuevo y abrumador antagonista de Otsutsuki, Jigen.
Uno que realmente hizo sufrir a Naruto a diferencia de las pocas ratas pequeñas que había enfrentado antes (Kaguya y Toneri).
La pelea con Jigen nos costó a Kurama. Pensando que pasaría un tiempo antes de que tengamos otro antagonista importante, como para compensar el ritmo increíblemente lento al principio.
Code, el antiguo camarada de Kawaki, asume el papel de antagonista y, con la ayuda de Eida y Daemon, lucen bastante formidables.

La primera temporada termina cuando Code, Boruto y Kawaki pelean por primera vez.
Con Kawaki teniendo que matar a Boruto, de quien Momoshiki había tomado el control.
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Fue una escena bastante apasionada y triste ver a Naruto entumecido y sacudido por el dolor sosteniendo a su hijo muerto.
Pero, por desgracia, la regla del anime que Kishimoto mantiene es cierta...

"Él es el personaje principal, aquí no hacemos eso."

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Code ha escapado y planea regresar a Konoha, la batalla y la primera temporada terminan con Boruto entrenando con Sasuke como lo hizo Naruto con Jiraiya.
A partir de algunos escaneos del manga, puedo decir que la nueva temporada será espectacular.
Boruto regresa con un aire nuevo y sus habilidades mejoraron.
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Después de la montaña rusa emocional de la primera temporada, espero que esta no siga sus pasos.
Solo yo, que perseveré, sé la cantidad de disgusto que tenía en mi corazón hasta la pelea contra Momoshiki😂
Aunque puedo decir que estoy bastante emocionado por esta nueva temporada.

¿Y tú?

¿Has visto Boruto?

¿Te fuiste o te quedaste?

¿Y estás emocionado por la nueva temporada?

Estaré esperando tus comentarios.

Source of Images are embed in the image. Click the image to go to the source.
Text translated using Google Translate

My Instagram page.


I'm one of those who left, at no time I felt trapped and after a few chapters I abandoned Boruto. I understand it got better later on, but I don't feel encouraged to watch it.

Thanks for sharing your review. Regards!


As an anti Anime Person, do you think this will let me start watching anime?

Probably not this...

You should check out easier, shorter series....

Maybe like Oshi No Ko, or Jujutsu Kaisen.


You're patient to have stayed on while others have left hehe. Unfortunately, I don't watch anime so I'm clueless :) It's nice to read your thoughts on Boruto though. Hope the next season is going to be better.

Unfortunately, I don't watch anime so I'm clueless :)

Maybe you should... Sometimes you just need to come across the right one😂

I stayed behind mostly because of stubbornness to just up and give up on it😂

I may try one day :)

Thought you stayed because you had nothing else to watch, lol!

Just kidding! 😁

Thought you stayed because you had nothing else to watch, lol!

That too, i suppose 😂😂

Por muy buena animación que tenga y personajes nuevos que llamen la atención, además de tener uno de los protagonistas con un desarrollo de personaje más cuestionablemente elaborados que he visto en mi vida, este anime nunca me terminó de atrapar por completo.

No digo que sea un mal anime, pero como fanático de Naruto que soy, ver esta obra es como ver los últimos días de vida a tu héroe favorito, justo antes de morir. Y que su predecesor no cumpla por completo con lo que este logró en su momento, es un sentimiento un tanto complicado de explicar, la verdad.

Tal vez y me equivoque y Kishimoto me cierre la boca al final, pero por el momento es complicada mi respuesta de si me gusta o no Boruto, la verdad.

Buen post.

My favourite anime is Naruto, I had days and days of fun with a great story, even though the ending was not what I expected. On the other hand, I never watched more than one episode of Boruto, it's a sequel that has many things that I don't like, the truth is that I don't waste my time watching it, I prefer to stay with what I saw with Naruto Shippuden.


Quite harsh😭😅😂😂😂

Although I understand 😂✨

uff it is difficult to give an opinion without generating controversy, since there will be fans of this series.

Context a boy was going to die and the author gave him a spoiler of how his series called naruto would end.

the boy dies and people push for Naruto to end and see the ending that the boy took to his grave.

The series ends

Then the studio decides to squeeze it more and invents another one with the protagonist's son.

At this point I don't want to say that (the new series is bad or not), just that it's just filler for marketing the brand to the point of exhaustion.

The same thing happened with Inuyasha's daughter in another series that was invented after the end of the original work, I can't put them in the same bag, but the context is the same.

I guess you're right but at least this invention has some story to it.

Naruto did end with a major plot hole about the otsutsuki clan and Boruto is capitalizing on that plot hole😂

Boruto's drawback is the big spoiler at the beginning of the series, we are introduced to the adult hero telling his story.

So from this fact we know that he will survive his childhood and will not die, killing any plot because we already know beforehand that he will become an adult.

I still think that for this boy to be a hero Naruto must die if or if, otherwise it makes no sense to tell a story if the main character continues to live as if nothing on a daily basis in the village.

There are some teasers that Naruto does initially lose his life.
Although ome can't be sure now.
Time will tell...

Such a slow start and with a protagonist as uncharismatic as Boruto was difficult. You're right that Kurama's death was a truly shocking and tragic moment. I put it down, but I plan to pick it up again skipping the unnecessary stuff....