The Vitruvian Couple

in #hive-1586942 years ago

variation 4.gif

The Vitruvian Couple

Heyho der alienart crew, art lovers, generative #AIArt fans, #artists, #travelers, #readers and all who stopped by, hope you are having a great day so far.

Today I present you my newest cellphone #Drawing. A variation of a masterpiece of #LeonardoDaVinci - the so called "Vitruvian Man"

variation 1.gif

behind the scenes

  • The drawing is created first on an Huawei P30 smartphone.

  • I used the drawing app: ibisPaint X, a simple app to draw.

  • It took me ~ around 3 hours. I did it with my hand, fingers.

But know enough words lets check the progress...

step by step



First I started with the #geometry and created the circle and the square.













Finished Creation


about the original Artwork of Da Vinci

The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci

In 1490 Leonardo drew his world famous "Vitruvian Man". In it he combined the #anatomy of the #human #body with geometry, the theory of #proportions and also #philosophy. This #drawing shows a #man with outstretched arms and legs in two superimposed #positions or variations.

With the hands and the feet this character touches the circumscribing square and a circle. Leonardo was inspired by the idea of the Roman #architect and #engineer #Vitruvius from the first century B.C. to represent the human body in the ideal proportions of the time, which is drawn in, in the perfect geometric forms of the square and the circle.

Before Da Vinci, several other artists had tried this, but only Leonardo succeeded in superimposing the circle and the square in such a way that a harmoniously proportioned figure was created.

The difference from other representations was that the square has a different center than the circle. More precisely, the circle starts in the navel of the human being, the square has its center in the genital area of the figure. Thus #daVinci marked the two centers, which stand for the beginning of life.

It is said that Leonardo was obsessed with human #anatomy. He even dissected corpses against the ecclesiastical prohibition, in order to investigate the #skeleton, tendons, #muscles and organs with their functions and proportions more exactly.

Leonardo's Vitruvian study of #human proportions exemplifies the new world view of the time. In it, the human being is placed in the center in his #physical constitution, with all his #emotions and #humanity.

step by step.gif

variation 3.gif

variation 2.gif

about my Variation of it

I have not used a compass or stuff like this. As you can see in my Variation, it is also not only the naked man that I have drawn. It is possibly a lewd #picture, but represents the #duality and also the #life in itself, because how can a single man #create life without a #woman? After all, we #women are the ones who carry out life and are therefore an important factor, which should flow into such an #image. Of course, coitus is also the focus when it comes to #creating new #lives. At least as long as we are not yet created from test tubes. Therefore, I have created a #controversial variant of Leonardo da vinci's famous masterpiece. I also found this #dualism more #harmonious in terms of the two #geometric #shapes. The angular square reflects the #masculine hardness, and the circle the #feminine form. Like the #yin-yang, you might say.

What do you think?
Like it like it not?
Feel free to leave a comment.

Your @akida aka TrinityArt


Check out all of my NFT Art here:


TrinityArt nftshowroom banner.jpg


I did a Vitruvian woman many years ago! :)

I'm going to dig her up!

Love this one ❤️

I wanna see too!

Okay - you asked for it :)

I'll dig it up!

Yes you better!
Excuses not permitted!!! and fluff some more!

Okay. Hang on to yer hat.

Weirdly enough I still have my old art folder. Packed with the kids stuff :)

But it may be in there...

That is awesome you have your old art folder.
Time to see what you have I think...

And the start of a book in 2021.

I think I'll stop here... 😬

hold my hand.jpeg

It was a very sentimental half an hour or so :) Thank you!

I found TONS of the kids art. So cute. Like. Too cute, really!

One of my photos missing. Odd.

Everything got wet at some point and some stuff was a bit messed up - but quit arty so I'm keepin' it.

Two prints from fellow artists I managed to scrounge.

2 dodgy badly done woodcuts :) requested - found them! Will post when my eyes aren't so tired.

No Vitruvian woman. 🤔 More digging and possibly in the cloud this time... to follow because now I want to use it for something!

...I am impatiently waiting to see that!!:)

I have to give up now.

I went through 3 dropbox accs, 2 mega cloud accs, 3 google drive accs, my documents file - found my dad's file of stuff, my daughters baby book as I thought it may be in there (wonderful but quite emotional), and old iCloud acc (screenshots for the case and photos of stuff I sold online) and two email accs hoping I'd emailed them from my phone camera.

There's just too much history coming up the deeper I dig around, dude. I can't even. The case emails with stupid fluffing government starting coming up in searches. I'm done for now. Maybe I'll stick those online some day to show people just how fluffing insane it is out here.

I don't know where she went. And a large black and white photo of mine is also missing which is weird and a bit unsettling. I've been on the go and the folder was left in storage for a bit...

Anyway. Pity as I wanted to make a tee and I'm sure I photographed my stuff before I moved to digitized it.

Maybe she'll turn up... I know I photographed her and stored the hard copy somewhere.

Anyway... I'm not about to post dodgy woodcuts from first year Varsity or a blurry pencil sketch from my twenties under @akida 's awesome creation. 👀 😁 Hmmmm... if you make the knitted thingies that are very cute and share them I'll share my dodgy woodcuts from first year printmaking in your comments if you ask me to.

I forgot I even had them until I saw 's screenprinting posts...

Mine are very first year, mind you 😆


I would say you are excused, but as soon as you find something, you want to share, you have to!!:)

Aaaw, now i wanna see your Vitruvian woman. Will you share it with us??? Would be amazing 💯💪🏼💕✨💃

oh I love it Akida, you always come up with different things!
It is not lewd, far from it.
He really was a genius in that he wanted to know everything.

He is my idol. I wish i would have his skills. He and Salvador dali. My idols!!!! 💯💃💕🙏🏼🎨
Thanks a million for your kind words. I am happy when people like my art or style.
Thanks for taking time and stopping by 💕
Hope you have a great evening.

hehe so you are inquisitive like him then I imagine!
Yes your art is fun and you are talented.
So are you guys going to win the World Cup?
Tomorrow I must do all the fantasy football competitions!
Have a beautiful sleep 😄

Bom dia, Tudo bem dear friend? All good? Plural guys? Maybe I need coffee first to understand right... I am one single person, damn da vinci and dali are not with me... Lmao... 😅🎨💯💃✨

Nonono, that shit in Qatar i don't support at all!!!! I support humans rights and women rights.... Not that...💕💃💕🙏🏼💯✨And i don't like soccer at all. All the men running behind a ball... Dont know what should be cool on that. Hahahahaha. 😅☺️😉

But have fun by creating all the creative stuff. Sooo many will join in for sure. Hive hugs to ya dear friend. Read you later.... Neeeed coffeee first.

hehe I know that you are one single person, when we say guys it refers to you in general...
Confusing huh!
hehe well women do run behind the ball too!
Yes the rights of all humans should be respected everywhere and yes Qatar is not the best at that!

Aaaw, ok. Good to know.
Also in the morning - without coffee - I don't understand it, at this time I even don't understand my native language lmao... At this time I am in a kind of zombie mode... 😂😂😂🤣😜 Yeah, I know that women play soccer too. I am just not a soccer fan. Hm, I think I don't like any ball games aka sports. Maybe maybe basketball. I was playing a bit when I was younger.

You knooow I am more this boring art person going to museums and nature... 😂😂😂🎨Drawing all day and watching the ocean, movies and comics. Hahahahahaha.

But i know, all others will join in so you guys will have a loooooot people in. 🤗💕✨💯💃🎉

Baking time now... Brownies... Have a great evening and sleep well later. Read yooouuuu sooooooon.

Baking time now... Brownies

okay I have been waiting long enough, where is my one!

Yes I know the feeling, coffee is a must for me too when I wake, I need it to get my head moving!


Here is yooouuuuurs mate 😜🤗✨👍🏼💃

Hope you have a great Saturday.

