I'm stopping by before my doctor's appointment ^^ hello guys! I finally have the energy (and I have no choice but) to go to the doctor's office to get a doctor's note. If you've been following on my incessant whining, you'll know that I've been down with the flu for the past few days. Despite that, I'm hard headed and have spent most of the hours I'm awake by drawing or just hanging out on hive.
I've also been trying to follow a prompt list and 2nd on my list is mermaid
I was actually thinking if I aligned this to the Splinterlands creatures so I might do that on the next prompt word. But for now, here is my mermaid drawing
Duration: 3.5 hours
Materials: Blue pens, white pencil color
So I've been drawing with so much blue lately and even my friends have started to notice too. It's not really that I like blue that much but my mood just really reflects my color choices. also the fact that I had a blank blue page on my journal and I did not want to put that page to waste.
As for my process, I did say I had a blank blue page, then I used a pencil for the sketch and my lightest blue to actually solidify my lines while doing vague details. I would have shaded the entire thing with the light blue if I wasn't that lazy, but I wanted to work up a gradient too since underwater has a random gradient feel to it to me.
Just the light blue pen probably ate up 2 hours for me because in between that, I had a cat trying to get my attention. I never knew cats would be this demanding on attention. I thought only dogs were like that. On the 2nd hour, I worked the darker blue layer and went on with better shading and details that I could pull off with just these 2 shades of blue. I did not want to use more colors, but if I had to, I would have probably added green, then it would have the same color scheme as my wizard XD and I did not like repeating my color schemes that much. I didn't even highlight this one that much because I wanted to keep her dark and underwater. I am happy with how this turned out though, after all the shading and the contemplaing. I like her expression too. I've yet to fulfill some drawing promises I've made to some people and I am sorry for that ;;w; I hope I can fulfill those soon.
And of course, I can't write without showing my little baby who has developed a love of watching me draw then eventually falling asleep to the sound of my pen strokes XD
WEll, this is all from the both of us. I'm still thinking about what to work on tomorrow. Or if I will try writing science blogs again now or what because it's been so long since I wrote with that much technicalities and I'm not sure how it will be received at this point. I've also been thinking of checking in on some old blogs I used to write in just for the added extra, but let's see where my energy will take me.