Sketchtember day 4: Needles

in #hive-15869413 days ago

I am now on day 4 of this prompt I've been following and for today's phobia fun fact, we have trypanophobia which is a fear of needles.
I personally have this actually, but not with regular needles, with medical needles. I am quite scared of injections, of getting stitched up and the likes and I know a lot more people have a more severe condition of this where even regulars Ewing needles triggers this.
Though based on a survey, a lot of people with this phobia do get triggered with medical needles and injections and I am not sure if there is a separate phobia for injections? But so far it still falls under this phobia type.
It's usually caused by traumatic hospital experiences like in my case, or some form of torture or abuse that made use of needles. And I do feel bad for those that developed this phobia because of abuse :( it seems way worse.

Materials: Red marker, ballpens ^^
Duration: 1 hour IDK how many minutes XD I didn't time it properly this time

I really fee bad that I haven't been giving as much time and effort for sketchtember as I did last year ;;-;; I'm honestly just happy I get to give this at least a few hours of my day because I have bee really busy and I'm actually trying for a promotion again.

I couldn't take that many progression shots, still because I do find it so hard to disrupt my workflow.

My sketch started so wonky because I really did not want to draw this prompt ;;-;; I hate needles and injections with a passion and I would honestly do everything just to escape the company APE every year. Luckily these days they let me hold onto my tedyd bears when I get my blood extracted every 6 month (I also have lead and heavy metal bloodworm done every 6 months aside from the APE since I do work in a mineral lab) so I am kind of coping better with needles now... but I still hate it. And I actually had to reference this from actual needles ;;-;; I asked for some from the company clinic.

Anyway, I only remembered to take another shot some 30 minutes in when I was finally detailing it in. This one actually was a faster sketch because I used the marker to speed up my coloring process XD and it's also a good thing that the red pen I have is a shade darker th my red marker so it allows for more depth to the red fluid inside.

Then, There it is, the needles I loathe so much ;;-;;

This is all from me for today ^^ Day 4 is done!

Soon, I will have to start making a blog template and a few personal things because I opened up a TikTok account and I do hope to expand it enough that I can open a TikTok shop so I can sell a few of my drawings, stickers and these bracelets I've been making ^^ Wish me luck on my little business jourey, guys! And as usual, thank for stopping by! I will definitely see you again tomorrow!


@bananzell excellent drawing with very good lines

thank you ^^


ahh please, i hate needles 😭😭