I have made this drawing thinking of how our self-image shapes the way we behave in life.
Here you can listen to a more lenghty explanation of this art
Most of the times we subconsciously choose to see ourselves through the eyes of the other. We are lured into believing that the way we are seen will do any good to our self-worth. We fail to recognize the truth that everyone is as flawed as we are and also trying to cope with their own shortcomings. The path to self-love is through acknowledging the essence of who we are regardless of how the world sees us.
This duck has a mirror in which she sees herself as a mighty dragon. Fierce, fearless, powerful. This inner flame is the source of self-confidence. We can see that there are multiple hearts around her neck. The magic is always inside the heart, not in the appearances that can deceive the eye.
I hope that my illustration will inspire those who watch it to create their own mirror where they can see the dragon inside their heart, waiting to fly and to explore the inner depths of their soul.