This is part 2 of Autistic Teenage Insomniacs Art Folder..
I accidentally posted part 1 in music community, I don’t know how, but here is the link for part 1
Please have a read of this first..
So if you have read and seen part 1 then we can continue :)
These are some more surrealist and slightly psychedelic art works from when I was about 16/17
I drew all day and night, in school and at friends houses. I was obsessed with Salvador Dali and used to dream of his artwork and how amazing it was. I had a very surreal life and it shows in some of my work here. Pain, anguish, fear and anger.
I apologise, this post is quite short for me, I have had problems with a slow connection this week
#alienarthive #hive #art #curie #cryptoart #surrealism #psychedelic #vyb