This Banshee themed character has the exact semblance of that guy from the X-Men First Class that used the force of the echo to keep himself from falling when he flew. My main concern I had was how the waves would be properly represented with the drawing still intact. I paid a lot of attention to this part so much so that I misplaced some strategic parts of the face proportion. I for one like the character's concept but I can't stand the noise if you know what I mean.
as usual, I drew the line art with my blue pen. Take note how I paid more attention on the movement of the wave...
Once I had to some extent ascertained the precision, I amplified the firmness of the face as you can see.
I then used my black pen to map out the hair as well as certain aread that required depth. I also used the red pen for the tongue.
..after doing all these, I intensified her clothing and as a result we are much closer to the finished work..
I seriously didn't know how well I could interpret the waves using my limited colors so I used the one I had been skipping, red...and here's the finished work...
The materials I used while making this sketch are blue, black and red pens from two brands: BIC and SCHNEIDER