The Mutual Hate Of Alaya and Ayandira / Discovering the 8th Rada Quest Fan Art Contest Winners & Embarking on the 9th Edition Adventure!

in #hive-1586944 months ago

Hola amigos, espero que se encuentren muy bien el día de hoy para esta ocasión les quiero mostrar mi nuevo dibujo para Rada quest en el cual he querido dibujar a 2 de sus cartas las cuales son Alaya and Ayandira unos personajes que para esta ocasión las quise hacer no batallando sino como una pose de molestia.Por cierto mi nombre de usuario es “romerojair11”

Hello friends, I hope you are very well today for this occasion I want to show you my new drawing for Rada quest in which I wanted to draw 2 of their cards which are Alaya and Ayandira some characters that for this occasion I wanted to make them not battling but as a pose of annoyance.By the way my user name is “romerojair11”.

Ayandira (Eye of the Forest).png

Alaya (TrueAxe).png

La pose me gustó mucho, ya que pude hacer que se viera el enojo en las 2 como si fueran a tener una batalla, pero no lo hacen. En donde apenas pude rematar las líneas, me puse a pintar la piel de las 2 de tonalidades claras.

I liked the pose a lot, since I could make the anger in both of them look as if they were going to have a battle, but they don't do it. As soon as I was able to finish the lines, I started painting the skin of both of them in light tones.

Luego seguí pintando el color del cabello de las 2 por la parte de Alaya el pelo de color marón casi parecido al de su camisa que para ser sincero a mí me cuesta a veces hacer las arrugas en los atuendos, en la parte de Ayandira el pelo de color dorado con una camisa gris que en realidad es blanca, pero todavía me cuesta que queda muy clara.

Then I continued painting the color of the hair of the 2 on the part of Alaya the hair of brown color almost similar to the one of her shirt that to be honest to me it costs me sometimes to make the wrinkles in the attires, in the part of Ayandira the hair of golden color with a gray shirt that in fact is white, but still it costs me that it is very clear

Aproveché para pintar los detalles de negro de los 2 personajes que con la ropa y todo les quedó muy bien, luego aproveché para rematar todos los pequeños detalles como los de los ojos, cejas, boca y las partes de color oro. Y para el fondo decidí hacer un estadio o un coliseo de batalla.

I took the opportunity to paint the black details of the 2 characters that with the clothes and everything looked very good, then I took the opportunity to finish off all the small details like the eyes, eyebrows, mouth and the gold parts. And for the background I decided to make a stadium or a battle coliseum.


Ya para lo último usé una capa en multiplicar para darle el toque de sombras finales.

For the last part I used a layer in multiply to give the final touch of shadows.

See you next time! -Emja



Sheesh why so angry 😁? This reminds me of the main menu screen of street fight 4.

I want to congratulate you for your incredible work and dedication – your efforts truly inspire and elevate our entire community!