The protagonist of this work is a woman with majestic wings that symbolize her spirit and her desire for freedom.
As she moves towards the bright light that illuminates the path, she sheds the chains of the past and emerges with renewed strength and a new vision of herself and the world.
! [Spanish] 📍 La protagonista de esta obra es una mujer con unas alas majestuosas que simbolizan su espíritu y su deseo de libertad.
📍 A medida que avanza hacia la luz brillante que ilumina el camino, se despoja de las cadenas del pasado y emerge con fuerza renovada y una nueva visión de sí misma y del mundo.
Rebirth of Light - Renacimiento de la Luz
▪️ I used Fooocus from camenduru on Google Colab for this project.
The text you use:
"full body and feet, female angel, wings, intricate, highly detailed, real, 3D, large detailed wings, sharp focus, cinematic lighting, 8K, illustration, dark horror background, hell,.
▪️I made about 10 images and chose 1, which I liked and enlarged the canvas using outpainting.
The problem with Fooocus is that the images are not sharp, and lack details.
▪️To solve this, I used Krea ai, the Upscale function and generated 3 images with the base image.
I then edited these images in Photoshop to remove imperfections, adjusted color, contrast, brightness, saturation and sharpness to achieve the desired effect.
▪️The hands, face and feet were a problem that I managed to solve in Photoshop.
! [Spanish]
Use Fooocus de camenduru en Google Colab para este proyecto.
📍utilicé el siguiente texto como base:
"full body and feet, female angel, wings, intricate, highly detailed, real, 3D, large detailed wings, sharp focus, cinematic lighting, 8K, illustration, dark horror background, hell,.
📍 Realize unas 10 imagenes y escogi 1, que me gusto y amplie el lienzo utilizando outpainting
📍 El problema que tiene Fooocus es que las imagenes no tienen nitidez, y le faltan detalles.
📍Para solucionar esto, utilize Krea ai la funcion de Upscale y genere 3 imagenes con la imagen base.
📍 Luego estas imagenes la edite en Photoshop, par quitar imperfecciones , ajusté el color, el contraste, el brillo, la saturación y la nitidez para lograr el efecto deseado.
📍 Las manos , la cara y los pies fueron un problema que logre solucionar en Photoshop.
This image is an invitation to believe in ourselves and in our potential, and not to let ourselves be defeated by adverse circumstances.
Esta imagen es una invitación a creer en nosotros mismos y en nuestro potencial, y a no dejarnos vencer por las circunstancias adversas.
Combination of AI generative art + Photoshop
Combinación de arte generativo de IA + Photoshop
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