Davis #2

in #hive-1586942 years ago


Hello Friends! How are you?

This is the second post from Davis Collection.

The junction of the ancient and the modern. An iconic renaissance figure and a technological mix coming from cyber punk and futuristic biases.

The collection consists of giving the viewer the sensation of the unification of these two guidelines, risking something sensorial and enigmatic.

A junção do antigo com o moderno. Uma figura icônica da renascença e um mix tecnológico provenientes de viés cyber punk e futuristas.

A coleção consiste em passar ao espectador a sensação da unificação dessas duas diretrizes, arriscando algo sensorial e enigmático.

Davis #2


Davis Collection Releases

David #1


Thank you for reading my post. I wish you a great day. Leave a comment that I'll be glad to reply to.


Digital Artist that likes to explore mixtures of colors and vibrant aspects with references in pop art and modern urban art.


This one turned out really cool. I love the colors!

The city behind is Avenida Faria Lima located in São Paulo city.
one of the main city streets. Something like Wall Street. Lots of big companies and rich people around.

Ahhh... that gives an even deeper context. Thanks for sharing that. I would have never known. Great contrast in themes there! Keep up the awesome work and have a great weekend.
