Omegapolis Devlog #4 - Wade Watson Character Spotlight

in #hive-158694last year

Omegapolis Devlog #0 - The plan, history and goals of the project.
Omegapolis Devlog #1 - Character design process and some initial art.
Omegapolis Devlog #2 - Drones
Omegapolis Devlog #3 - Prototype


Wade Watson - Character Spotlight

Now that I've shown some of the game itself and a little of the art plans and such, I thought I'd venture into the story and characters a little more. First up is Wade Watson! The Character that has shown up in other posts, so not extremely fresh but a little more information and art.

Background (A rough breakdown of the world history, definitely subject to change!)

The world is covered in a single city known as the Omegapolis. Historically the Earth was divided by nations that would have never allowed such a thing to occur. Early in the 21st century many wars were fought. Eventually the populace of many of the most prominent countries grew tired of conflict and rose up to overthrow the governments. However, they were mostly organized by corporations, so it was like trading a group of corrupt leaders for another group of corrupt leaders. At some point a mysterious event wiped out several major cities and countless smaller towns across the globe. Not much is known about this event, it was over in a split second and massive, perfectly spherical craters were left in the Earth.

With no governments the wake of the event resulted in an uprising of a group that would come to be known as The Architects. The identities of those involved in this group are a tightly guarded secrete but almost everyone knows of their existence because they are who design and control the massive city and its drones.

Having no real governing body also resulted in a lot of crime uprising early on. This eventually gave rise to a volunteer faction known as Omega Corrections Department, or OCD for short. This organization has sub-factions all across the city and are an extremely loyal group of officers. They are also generally well respected by the people of the more safe sectors they tend to maintain.

The largest and safest sector in the entire city is known as Central, which also happens to be where the largest and most powerful sub-faction of the OCD exists. Wade Watson is a mid ranking officer in the Central OCD.

Wade Watson

As a detective, Wade has a primary specialization in dimensional shifting technology. One of the unique technologies discovered shortly after the catastrophic event was the ability to shift into alternate dimensions. The catch is that humans and other living creatures get rejected by any dimension they are not native to and kind of get spit back out. There are an endless amount of dimensions and they tend to have all types of properties that have weird effects on people but generally it takes a lot of power and chemicals to even shift for a few seconds. So it is rare but very powerful. With such power comes many criminals seeking to use it for their own gain.

Wade specifically tracks and arrests those that use technology in ways that are against the policies of the OCD. Lately, his main case has been tracking a serial killer that uses it to cover his tracks incredibly well and in some very sadistic ways. This killer has been given the moniker NOK.

Wade also has an adopted younger sister named Maiya. Maiya is a genius with all types of technology. She has designed Wade's cybernetic implants when he lost his right arm on a case. Maiya is a tech dealer, both legitimately and through the black market. Wade tends to turn a blind eye to Maiya's dealings because she is his sister but he really dislikes one of her good friends, Chan Chan. Chan is the leader of a criminal organization but is relatively tame and not necessarily evil when compared to someone like NOK. Chan and Wade are friendly rivals in many ways but their only real connection is Maiya.

This is essentially the relationship dynamic of what will be the first 4 main characters of the game. I hope to explore this more in the game itself and maybe with a comic book.

Wade In Game


Wade is the first character I've created for the game. This is a gif of all his animations (so far.)

Thanks to Maiya, he has cybernetic implants in his arm and eyes that allow him to control small discs and orbs that are actually really powerful electro-magnets. So his abilities are magnetic in nature. If you check out the prototype in the last devlog you'll see his first two abilities. He will have more with time but I thought that'd be enough to get started.

Magnet Strike - Fires out magnets, dealing damage to anything in their path until they stop. When he runs out of 'ammo' he will pull them all back to him. Dealing damage again.

Magnet Storm - A passive swirling vortex of magnets and debris that will deal damage over time to anything that gets too close to Wade.

That is where I'll leave it for now. Still have some work to do for Wade but I think he is in a pretty good spot for now. I am planning to start work on his sister, Maiya next. So 'stay tuned' for her spotlight, hopefully soon!