The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley
a webcomic, by Matt S. Law
I actually went a full 24 hours without touching my surface or going online. Luckily I had the last panel already uploaded and scheduled for Monday. I could not find internet anywhere to save my life. There is free internet in Carlsbad at the senior center and the public library, but their internet access has apparently been down for a few days.
Good news for any digital nomads out there. I finally found the single business in all of Oceanside, California that actually allows customers to use their electrical outlets. And that would be Panera. Even the Starbucks locations have their electrical outlets covered over with panels so that no one can use them. Darn businesses rationing all the volts.
Had this panel mostly completed by the time I got some internets. Just had to add the words bubbles and post online for Tuesday morning to keep my daily pace going. Surface battery is at 33%. I'm going to have to strategize my daily chores tomorrow around Panera and/or the Oceanside library.
The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley is a webcomic about a reality television show following the lives of seven public domain superheroines that all live together in the same mansion in the elite community of Hive Valley.
You can read the series from the beginning ---> HERE.
Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on my mobile art studio which is a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+. Here is the time lapse video: