Bouncy goddess- Pixelart day 8 DIY animation [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1586944 months ago


Hi I'm thisnewgirl and this is my personal challenge to draw 1 pixelart daily, we continue on day #8

Remember when in one of my posts I said I would do something nsfw for the end of the month? I totally forgot my time AHAHAHHA, I had no idea that the month was over and EVEN WORSE that it's already the weekend and it's a new month..... I feel highly disturbed, I'm not going to lie. anyways ! start of a new month :D you know what that means? halloween is getting closer and I have a lot of plans !

for today's drawing I wanted to leave aside, complex colors and backgrounds, and try something more bicolor ... to be honest, I feel that I like a lot more when I use many colors than when I use few but that's what this challenge is about, to get out of the comfort zone, today's theme was: goddess and bicolor, years ago when I was in college I used to do many sketches with bicolor pencils, red and blue, so this time I wanted to try red and blue, although the final drawing has 3 colors (yellow the background) the dark blue lines, and red the shadows, the colors I used fully are red and blue.

Recuerdan cuando en uno de mis posts dije que haria algo nsfw para el final del mes? olvide totalmente mi espacio tiempo AHAHAHHA, no tenia ni idea de que ya se habia acabado el mes y PEOR AUN que ya es fin de semana y es un nuevo mes... me siento altamente perturbada, no voy a mentir, inicio de un nuevo mes :D saben lo que eso significa? halloween esta cada vez mas cerca y tengo muchos planes ! para el dibujo de hoy quise dejar a un lado, colores y fondos complejos, y probar algo mas bicolor ... siendo sincera, siento que me gusta muchisimo mas cuando uso muchos colores a cuando uso pocos pero de eso se trata este reto, de salir de la zona de comfort, la tematica de hoy fue: diosa y bicolor, hace a;os cuando estaba en la universidad solia hacer muchos bocetos con los lapices bicolor, rojo y azul, asi que esta vez quise probar rojo y azul, si bien es cierto que el dibujo final tiene 3 colores (amarillo el fondo) las lineas azul oscuro, y rojo las sombras, los colores que use plenamente son el rojo y el azul.


The beginning of the sketch

I only had one thing clear, I wanted the silhouette to be VERY feminine, so I gave her some nice hips and great attributes, ah ! speaking of great hips, by the end of the month (this time 100% real not fake) I will make a pixelart nsfw, I still don't know how much nsfw it will be but C: it will be adorable and hawt. now, about this sketch, i wanted to cover part of the body with the hair, and if i was going to do that i would have to be careful because at this moment i was thinking about doing the red lines and shading with the same red, but the more lines i added to the illustration the more i realized how mission impossible that was going to be, because you wouldn't understand where what was what.

Solo tenia claro una cosa, que queria que la silueta fuera MUY femenina, asi que le di unas buenas caderas y unos grandes atributos, ah ! hablando de grandes caderas, para el final del mes (esta vez 100% real no fake) hare un pixelart nsfw, aun no se que tan nsfw va a ser pero C: estara adorable y hawt. ahora, sobre este boceto,queria tapar parte del cuerpo con el cabello, y si iba a hacer eso tendria que ser cuidadosa porque en este momento pensaba en hacer las lineas rojas y dar sombra con el mismo rojo, pero mientras mas lineas a;adia a la ilustracion mas me daba cuenta de lo mision imposible que iba a ser eso, debido a que no se iba a entender donde estaba que cosa.


the moment of realization ...

As I mentioned before, if I did everything, lines and shading in the same color, I would have problems of colossal sizes, the body, silhouette and figures would be totally lost.

como mencione anteriormente, si hacia todo, las lineas y el sombreado del mismo color, iba a tener problemas de tama;os colosales, el cuerpo, la silueta y las figuras se pierden totalmente.



Very well, I already knew what the problem was, now I just have to act and solve it, create a new layer, cliping mask, and in this one use the color you want the lineart to be, in this case dark blue.

Muy bien, ya sabia cual era el problema ahora solo hay que actuar y resolver, crear capa nueva, cliping mask, y en esta usar el color que quieres que sea el lineart en este caso azul oscuro.


now i have to fix the face lmao

Between you and me, although I make very cute and feminine pixelart, making faces in pixelart and making them look good is a challenge, and it gets even more complicated when you decrease the size of the canvas and the pixels you are going to use, the smaller the canvas the smaller the details, the more difficult it is.

Entre tu y yo, aunque haga pixelarts muy lindos y femeninos, hacer rostros en pixelart y que se vean bien es todo un desafio, y la cosa se complica aun mas cuando disminuyes el tama;o del lienzo y los pixeles que vas a usar, mientras mas peque;o el lienzo mas peque;os los detalles, mas dificil todo.


option 2




final face design !

not only I changed the shape of the eyes, their location and amount of pixels, I also changed the shape of the face, with the same red in another layer with less opacity I made the blush of the face and a slight shading.

no solo cambie la forma de los ojos, su ubicacion y cantidad de pixeles, cambientambien la forma de la cara, con el mismo rojo en otra capa con menor opacidad hice el rubor del rostro y un ligero sombreado.



Total frames for head motion and hair : 4




Thanks for reading, if you like what I do leave a like ! comment what you would like to see me pixelate next time

Gracias por leer, si te gusta lo que hago deja un like ! comenta que te gustaria ver que pixelara la proxima vez.

dont forget to check my last posts:



Vampire Bat:

slp animation.gif

Light healer:


Cat girl:

cat girl.gif

Roof girl:

roof girl.gif



Forgotten bones:


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instagram as:

and in Showroom as :

