Every suggestion will be welcome! // Toda sugestão será bem vinda!

in #hive-1586942 years ago

I have been whining about my dissatisfaction in my screen printing work in some recent posts and even though I hate to make whining posts, it was because I am going through a very difficult time where my t-shirt printing job unfortunately is not paying my bills and I feel stuck in it without being able to develop it for the better. This came to a point where I decided to give up screen printing. It has been four years of ink, screens and T-shirts. Not that I will never make a t-shirt again, I just realized that I was not growing as I would like to, and in general it is a service that requires a lot of effort for little profit. I even thought about getting a very simple, normal job, participating in the social machinery with its 8 hours of service a day with a boss who is a pain in the ass, but I honestly believe in myself, and I am very hopeful that I can do something to achieve my desired financial well-being. Amidst all the rumination in search of a path I decided to start researching more and more of a theme that is very close to what I already do, which is digital illustration, or I could say: illustration itself, regardless of whether it is digital or not. I have always had a prejudice for the idea of the digital designer, because it makes me think of a submissive employee making symbols and logos for other companies, dealing with the dissatisfaction of the client, but I think I can value my art more than that. I have a lot of content, in different types of production, with different materials and I am very versatile in experimentation, however I confess that what worries me is that my original art, my essence is to draw things much more bizarre than what the "market asks".


In the midst of all the research I've been doing, I realized that the universe of illustration is very vast, for example, I watched some tips from a guy who makes money doing illustrations for textbooks! It is a very specific universe but one that seems to constantly need artists, and then there is the universe of image banks, websites, companies, and so on! I'm still scratching the surface of the subject and what I came here today is exactly to ask you, oh amazing artists that make up this community: -What tips can you give me so I can be successful working with illustration and digital art in general over the internet? Every tip will be welcome! If you work with it or have some experience in the subject, please share it with me! And finally, an observation, the drawings I left here are done with pen on paper and were photographed, the quality is limited, but I just wanted to show a little of what I usually draw. My plan is to take these arts and take them to Illustrator, redesign and complexify them, making them more detailed and creative, I have millions of ideas in my mind, I just need to start producing them. Perhaps my biggest problem right now is: a bad chair, a slow computer, and the "down" time without actively earning money. Anyway, this is my direction from now on. Thanks for reading and for your attention!

Thomas Blum


Eu tenho lamentado-me com minha insatisfação em meu trabalho de serigrafia em alguns posts recentes e ainda que eu odeie ficar fazendo postagens de lamentação, isso se deu pelo fato de eu estar passando por uma fase bem difícil onde meu trabalho com estampas de camisetas infelizmente não está pagando minhas contas e sinto-me preso nele sem poder desenvolvê-lo para melhor. Isso chegou a um ponto onde eu decidi desistir da serigrafia. Foram quatro anos de tinta, telas e camisetas. Não que eu nunca mais irei fazer uma camiseta, apenas constatei que eu não estava conseguindo crescer como gostaria ali, e de forma geral é um serviço que exige muito esforço para pouco lucro. Eu até pensei em ir buscar um serviço bem simples, normal, participar da engrenagem social com suas 8 horas de serviço por dia com um patrão enchendo o saco, mas sinceramente eu acredito muito em mim, e tenho bastante esperança de que posso fazer alguma coisa para alcançar meu almejado bem estar financeiro. Em meio a toda a ruminação em busca de um caminho eu decidi começar a pesquisar mais e mais de um tema que é muito próximo do que eu já faço, que é a ilustração digital, ou poderia dizer: a ilustração em si, indiferente se é digital ou não. Sempre tive um preconceito para a ideia do designer digital, por que me faz pensar em um empregado submisso fazendo símbolos e logos para outras empresas, lidando com a insatisfação do cliente, mas acho que eu posso valorizar minha arte mais que isso. Eu tenho muito conteúdo, em diferentes tipos de produção, com diferentes materiais e sou muito versátil na experimentação, porém confesso que o que me preocupa é que minha arte original, minha essência é de desenhar coisas muito mais bizarras do que o "mercado pede".

Em meio a toda a pesquisa que venho fazendo, percebi que o universo da ilustração é muito vasto, por exemplo, assisti umas dicas de um cara que ganha dinheiro fazendo ilustrações para livros didáticos! É um universo bem específico mas que parece precisar constantemente de artistas, além disso existe o universo dos bancos de imagens, os sites, as empresas, e assim por diante! Eu ainda estou riscando a superfície do tema e o que vim fazer aqui hoje é exatamente perguntar para vocês, óh artistas incríveis que compõe essa comunidade: -Que dicas podem me dar para que eu tenha sucesso em trabalhar com ilustração e arte digital em geral pela internet? Toda dica será bem vinda! Se você trabalha com isso ou tem alguma experiência no tema, por favor, compartilhe comigo! E por fim, uma observação, os desenhos que deixei aqui são feitos à caneta no papel e foram fotografados, a qualidade está limitada, mas apenas queria mostrar um pouco do que costumo desenhar. Meu plano é pegar essas artes e levá-las para o Illustrator, redesenha-las e complexifica-las, tornando mais detalhada e criativa, tenho milhões de ideias na mente, só preciso começar a produzir. Talvez meu maior problema agora é: Uma cadeira péssima, um computador lento e o tempo "parado" sem estar ganhando dinheiro ativamente. De qualquer forma, esse é o meu rumo daqui pra frente. Obrigado pela leitura e pela atenção!

Thômas Blum


Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Your drawings are amazing, by the way!

I don’t think you should give up in your dreams.
I am not an expert of the area but i can read your energy and passion in what you do.
You should publish also in Blurt, (inclusive this post) and maybe you find some suggestions. It looks like there are a community of photographers there. Maybe you could get good ideas. But here also photographers communities in Hive.
By the way, i had a project to print a little book, it’s was long time ago a designer suggested me to organise my little poems and he would do the illustrations. But time passed and he never arrived to do it. I got disappointed for that. It’s not a great job, but apply three months reviewing my notes for years and choosing little ideas and little poems I wrote. My idea was once i have the illustrations I could look for an editor/printer. Without illustrations i feel is not complete.
But my project is in Spanish. I didn’t retake the idea after almost 10 years.
Good luck for your projects!

Hey, thanks for the reply, sorry for my delay in answering! I don't know this "Blurt", I did some research but I couldn't find anything, can you give me a link? I'm not giving up anything, I've just been in a phase of low motivation, but I'm dedicating myself to learn more about illustration as a profession, besides that I keep working on making t-shirts. I wish your artistic projects come true in this new year!

It’s kind of same as Hive, but maybe there’s more artists bloggers, at least i use to see lots of photographers.
Happy New Year 2023!

Thanks, likewise in your projects. Here i left you the link to my Blurt blog. The way you get there is: blurt.blog, and it was possible for me to enter with my steemit keys on 2020. Anyway here the link: https://blurtwallet.com/@aljif7/transfers

I LOVE that kitty cat!!! The art world is incredibly hard. We have to be completely open and yet closed at the same time in order to both create and then market. It's like playing two sides of a coin. You are incredibly talented. Please don't stop creating, even if you do decide to let something else be your main source of income for a while. <3 and yes, there are ways of making money off the internet, especially here in the form of NFTs. Go and visit the @ProofofBrain and @ZakLudickfor more on this <3

Thanks for responding! I confess that I have had some disappointments with the idea of NFTs because I never got anything out of them, it seems that getting these arts sold is almost impossible in front of the sea of available arts, I never found an efficient strategy to be "seen". But I think it is worth to keep trying! :)