Sometimes we exert a lot of effort into our posts, and we start having some wild expectations for these posts. Maybe it's that it will be appreciated by tens or hundreds of people, or that it will get many upvotes, etc. Very often your expectations are crushed, and many of the posts you put a lot of effort into go unseen, as if they never were.
While it's not always possible to prevent this from happening, you can definitely change how you think about it!
I for example write a lot of articles that I put much effort into and they go unseen, but as a result I become a better writer, because the more I write the better I become.
I'd like to start with a quote from Napoleon Hill that I live by which says: "The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does"
This quote doesn't have to do with money only, but with appreciation and admiration as well. Your work is often initially insignificant, and you can put a lot of effort into something and not get the desired results. But, eventually, you are rewarded for even more than you do.
If you're a writer for example, at the beginning of your career, you could write an entire book that very few people will read. While someone like Robert Greene can write a tweet in seconds that will be viewed by millions. I hope I was able to explain this point clearly, let me know if it's not.
The other thing is; here at this platform that relies on reputation and authenticity, it usually takes a long while before you could be the person people trust and build this reputation but, after you do, it becomes much easier for your work to be viewed and appreciated by hundreds of people.
All in all, hang in tight! This platform is here to stay and it will only continue to grow!