You have to pick only one, but here are some suggestions: Honest, Funny, Inspiring, Informative, Professional, Helpful.
While of course all are great words to be described by, but personally, I’d choose: inspiring.
I think most of my life was about personal development. I was fortunate enough to understand early on that people can intentionally change, hopefully for the better.
I had a lot of bad habits and characteristics that I gave up, especially things that most people would consider innate, like my anger issues that I’ve inherited from my father!
It doesn’t mean I’m perfect now, because I simply picked up other bad habits and characteristics almost certainly, but that’s life; you solve one problem and you’re hit with two others. As a result, you become a problem solver.
One of the best phrases I’ve heard in a Narcotics Anonymous talk is: "We do recover."
Being aware of your flaws and having this sense of self-awareness is great, but believing undoubtedly, believing that you’re fully able to change, intentionally, into anything that you’d like to be, is a superpower.
Do you believe you have this superpower?