I'm yelling at the rain
I'm screaming with all my might, screaming everything I feel, screaming until I feel the lump in my throat no longer tighten, screaming until my soul is silent.
I'm screaming at the rain, I'm screaming without hope, screaming without wanting to scream, screaming until my last breath runs out, screaming until my throat starts to burn, screaming until my voice can't be heard anymore.
Once I no longer have anything to shout, looking at the sky, drop by drop, the rain falls on me, and by the time I realize it, I'm already drenched.
Damn loneliness, always with me, accompanying me whenever I'm alone, just her and me damn toxic loneliness, that loneliness that doesn't let me be accompanied by someone other than her
That damn loneliness that makes me feel so safe, like no one can hurt me when I'm with her
That damn loneliness that is killing me, like a poison running through my body, little by little, weakening me.
Damn loneliness, leave me alone, leave me once and for all, I have to let you go, don't come back, I don't want to be with you anymore
Damn loneliness, in the end; I know these are in vain, we meet again, because that is our destiny, I'm sure.
I'm always with you, damn loneliness.
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A todos los artistas ahí afuera en HIVE, si alguna vez se sienten solos y perdidos, unanse al canal de discord de Bokura No Digital World