Spinning Robot (Freewrite)

in #hive-1611552 years ago


This is a fictional freewrite, using the prompt: "design feature." Here are the instructions for the daily freewrite, in case you are interested.

Spinning Robot

"It's not a bug. It's a design feature," Marvin said confidently.

Yolanda looked skeptical as the little robot turned in on itself again and again. "It is just going in circles."

Marvin looked a bit perturbed. "Well, of course. It's a spin 'bot, Yo."

Yolanda raised her eyebrows and gave Marvin that look. "Have I mentioned how I hate to be called 'Yo'?" she said.

"Yeah. You sure have. Multiple times. Like, practically every time we get together. What's up with that, anyhow? Childhood trauma? I'm right, aren't I? I totally have a fifth sense for these things."

Yolanda sighed. She didn't have the energy to point out that (nearly) everyone has five senses.

"Is it possible that you just don't have the first clue how to program a robot?" she finally asked.

Marvin was crestfallen. He looked sad as his robot went around and around and around. "I do, though. I know the first thing. Otherwise..." He gestured with his hands at Marvin as if by way of explanation.

"Have you ever considered doing something else? Maybe take up painting," Yolanda said.

Marvin shook his head, "You have to have real talent for that."

"I meant house painting."

Marvin was offended, but he tried to cover for it. "I don't have paint or brushes. So, I guess I will just, you know." He pointed at his robot and picked it up. It continued to try to spin in his arms as his cheeks burned bright red.

"No off switch?" Yolanda called, as he walked away.

Marvin hated Yolanda. Of course there was no off switch. Was he some kind of monster who turned his creations on or off at a whim?

Nevermind. Soon enough, Yolanda would be very sorry for doubting him. Everyone would be sorry, Marvin thought. In his arms, the tiny robot kept trying to spin, as though rebelling at the idea of the nefarious deeds it might soon be forced to perform. If so, it needn't have worried because Marvin's incompetence by far outpaced his evil machinations.

Robot Photo from Pixabay.com