Sacred Ground but I'm still Scared

in #hive-161155last year


"How long have I been walking for now?" - I asked myself
It's sure been over an hour and my poor legs are dreadfully tired after already done a week's job.

As I advance gradually in the dusk of the night, I'm aware of how dark it is - Being just the period of a New Moon.

The ground feels soft underneath my feet, a kind of moldy wet earth littered with small ferns and moss.
It occurs to me that I've been walking through a forest clearing for some while.

"Damn it all", I rasp under my breath - not having the energy to yell louder.
The forest winds feel colder and scarier along with the howling noise they made with the trees.

Making these observations of my surrounding, I suddenly come to a halt in my path.
My heart jumps a little in my chest as I see a light shining in the distance afore me.
It must be quite bright, as I reckon I'm about half a league away from her.

I advance with more hurried steps thinking that, a light must mean people, a family, a village maybe.
Without taking another twenty steps from when I halt, I'm struck with the sense that the ground under my feet has changed.
It's become more solid, much like a smooth and patterned rock.

After walking for about 10 mins, I come directly to the light source - it's a small lantern and looks rather old.
On my way here, I didn't spot a single soul of the family that live here. "Could it be a family after all?" - I pondered.

My thoughts rambled on, glaring at the little lantern;
"Should I pick it up and continue on my Journey"?
"I could look around for something to aid my gnawing hunger"
"Or maybe I should just put it out? (it making the atmosphere tense)"

The little lantern offers some kind of light, but it's practically useless without me having to pick it up and direct it.
The light spreads fast but shines dully, I wonder if twas the same light I viewed from the forest.

As I look around me, I'm aware of the ever-enclosing darkness. I stayed right in the circle of my little lantern (as I started to think about it), not venturing out again, striving to not think about what might be looking on from the darkness.

At last, I settle down beside my little lantern, with my legs spread afore me.
I look towards the sky, wishing for some rain to quench my thirst, knowing too well that it was but an odd time to get some rain.

Drawing my legs close to my chest, wanting not to exceed the circle from the small lantern, I rest my head watching as the fire dances in the core of the lantern.

This was the last view I remember as I fall into a deep slumber, from all my tiredness.

Describe what you see:

I see a small lantern sitting on a Pavement/ Tiled Ground. It appears to be in Cold, Misty Weather and Likely in the deep of the Night rather than Twilight.

Describe what you feel:

I Feel like the Light it creates is quite small but Enough to Aid those in distress from the Darkness around. I feel like it's a Lantern that has been burning for a very long time, too old to move, but Bright enough to be seen from Miles away.


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The walk, tiredness, thoughts about the lamp, it all makes sense to me.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👌

Nature had given you a miraculous lamp yo guide you moves, you should be grateful for that