For days I have not been feeling very healthy, this week I have worked a lot and I have not rested, my boss had asked me if I could work paid overtime and I accepted. I want to be able to buy this year the house I promised Sofia, she has never asked me for anything out of the ordinary, even so, I want her to feel happy, in a place where she can do what she wants.
This week, it is getting harder and harder for me to get up, I had to call work, I couldn't go, I was on my way to the doctor, because I was short of breath. My boss did not object, he had already told me that I was over demanding, that I looked tired, and that I should take a few days off, I refused... at the doctor, they checked me and prescribed me sleeping pills, they took my blood for analysis and... bad news for me and my girlfriend, one of the tests was strange, and when we investigated, we found out that I had prostate cancer.
That day, I took it immediately to the doctor and they did other studies, Sofia and I were very anxious, a few days passed, the doctor called me to tell me that I had to go to the office, when I arrived he was very serious, that worried me, but little by little his face changed and he told me that possibly the blood sample had been altered and that the only thing I had to take was a vitamin and everything would be better.