The attic ! A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (eng /esp)

in #hive-161155last year

Without warning from the attic of Richard's house, an inexplicable series of noises woke him from his deep sleep. The house now without electricity made his room look dark, so he grabbed a flashlight and went up to the attic.

After climbing the stairs and entering the attic, he shone the flashlight on the floor, walls and ceiling. At that moment a fat rat ran into the room, so Richard instinctively grabbed a broom that was leaning against the wall. The rat scurried away and hid in a hole in the wall. Richard went to check it out and in there he saw the rat's young trying to protect themselves behind it. That's why Richard gave up his attempts to eliminate the rat.

Richard found himself in the middle of the night, his heart still beating fast from the unexpected scare in the attic. The flashlight in his hand flickered faintly, reminding him that electricity had left his home for some mysterious reason.

As he descended the stairs, trying to find a more compassionate solution for his unwanted tenant, Richard remembered that his grandmother, who had lived in the house for decades, used to tell stories about an ancient bond with rats. He decided to consult his grandmother by phone.

His grandmother's kind voice reminded him that rats had shared their space in the attic for generations and had, in fact, been considered guardians of the house by his grandmother. Richard realized that he had misread the situation.

Instead of trying to eliminate the rat, Richard decided to find a way to peacefully coexist with his furry tenants. He consulted a pest control expert and together they developed a plan to relocate the mother rat and her young to a more suitable location outside the house.

Over time, Richard came to appreciate the presence of the rats in the attic, knowing that they were part of the history of his home. The house regained its electricity and quiet, and Richard learned to appreciate his grandmother's wisdom and the importance of caring for all the life forms that shared his space.

© 2023, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

[Photo taken by @wakeupkitty]


El desvan

Sin previo aviso del desvan de la casa de Richard, una serie inexplicable de ruidos le despertó de su sueño profundo. La casa ahora sin electricidad hacia que su habitación luciera en penumbras, es por ello que tomo una linterna y subió al desvan.

Luego de subir la escalera y entrar al desvan, alumbró con la linterna al suelo, las paredes y el techo. En eso una rata gorda corrió por el recinto, por lo que Richard instintivamente tomo una escoba que estaba recostada de la pared. La rata se escabullo y se encondio en un hueco de la pared. Richard fue a revisarlo y allí dentro vio las crías de la rata que intentaban protegerse detrás de ella. Es por lo que Richard desistió en sus intentos de eliminar la rata.

Richard se encontraba en medio de la noche, con el corazón aún latiendo rápidamente debido al inesperado susto en el desván. La linterna en su mano parpadeaba débilmente, recordándole que la electricidad había abandonado su hogar por alguna razón misteriosa.

Mientras descendía las escaleras, tratando de encontrar una solución más compasiva para su inquilina indeseada, Richard recordó que su abuela, que había vivido en la casa durante décadas, solía contar historias sobre un antiguo vínculo con las ratas. Decidió consultar a su abuela por teléfono.

La voz amable de su abuela le recordó que las ratas habían compartido su espacio en el desván durante generaciones y que, de hecho, habían sido consideradas como guardianas de la casa por su abuela. Richard se dio cuenta de que había malinterpretado la situación.

En lugar de tratar de eliminar a la rata, Richard decidió buscar una forma de coexistir pacíficamente con sus inquilinas peludas. Consultó a un experto en control de plagas y juntos desarrollaron un plan para reubicar a la rata madre y sus crías a un lugar más adecuado, fuera de la casa.

Con el tiempo, Richard llegó a apreciar la presencia de las ratas en el desván, sabiendo que eran parte de la historia de su hogar. La casa recuperó su electricidad y su tranquilidad, y Richard aprendió a valorar la sabiduría de su abuela y la importancia de cuidar todas las formas de vida que compartían su espacio.


Dear friends

This is my entry A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words by @freewritehouse.

Estimados amigos
Esta es mi participación en el A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words por @freewritehouse.

@lanzjoseg, @sacra97, @mllg, @evagavilan

Translated with (free version)

Invitation / Invitación

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Te invito a conocer la Megatendencia de Bienestar y Salud y la posibilidad de incorporarte a un negocio de crecimiento acelerado y sostenido, visita MI TIENDA en la que conoceras productos para el respaldo del sistema inmunológico y bienestar.


His furry tenants resided on the attic but then caused a lot of disturbance, well he has to deal with that

If the rats garden the house why is mom rat and her babies are housed somewhere else by pest control?

I think the best place to be, according to the rats, is inside, not out in nature.

Grandmother did not have a cat?

Thanks for your entry.
Greetings @wakeupkitty

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