Simon says: "When you look up at night
Into the beautiful stars of light
You will find that person
That makes your whole life bright"
Simon says: "I've been looking at you
But didn't know what to do
So I write letters to show
How much I love you"
Simon says: "The letters at your doorstep
was from a girl you never knew
A girl who adored you
And cherished your every move
Simon says: "My love for you is true,
Beautiful, and has a nice tune
Every minute of my life
I see something that reminds me of you"
Simon says: "My heart will always be with you
Whether you acknowledge me or
not.I live my life for you,
To protect and see you through"
And now 70 years later I still
leave letters at the very same
Spot I did for many years
Gracefully you aged
And not much has changed
Even till my last breath
I'll always believe what Simon says.