All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.
It was a bright sunny afternoon as Tommy made his rounds in his orchard, checking the growth and condition of the fruit trees that are found within his orchard. He is a very careful farmer and also start the day by watering the trees and subsequently checking his trees in the afternoon.
As he walked into the region where all his apple trees were, he saw a purple spotted apple hanging off a branch. This is a sign of a particular element lacking in the soil the trees are grown on. In view of this, Tommy knew this batch of fruits might have more of such unappealing fruits appearing.
The next day morning, he quickly harvested all the visible fruits on the trees and subsequently added limestone onto the soil, water the trees and leave them to rest. He measured the soil parameters a week later to ensure it is stable then continue fertilizing the soil to further add nutrients to the soil.
2 months down the road, a new batch of apples appeared on the trees and no longer purple spots are found on them.