All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.
After working hard for the year, it is time for Sandy to take a break from her day job and start doing what she want. With 12 days of annual leave still to clear, she decided to clear them all at once and spend some time painting. Before doing anything, the first thing to do is to gather up supplies.
When she arrive at the local art supplies stores, she picked up some brand new canvas, paint supplies and new brushes to replace the hardened ones at her place. With her new supplies, she headed home and start to set up her art room to start painting. She closed the room, took an early night then wake up the next day morning to start her painting.
Sandy was enjoying every stroke that she put on the canvas and having loads of fun. This is so much more fun than the daily grind in office to meet impossible datelines. In the room, she had all the time to herself and let her creative juices fly. In the 12 days of annual, she painted a total of 6 paintings and she was very pleased with her completed painting. But with the completion of the painting, it mark the end of her annual leave and time to head back to office to work.